A History of the Denali - Mount McKinley, Region, Alaska
Historic Resource Study of Denali National Park and Preserve
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Chapter 4:

1. Washburn, ed., "Karstens Diary," 348.

2. Dunn, Shameless Diary, 295.

3. P.F. Dessauer and D.W. Harvey, "An Historical Resource Study of the Valdez Creek Mining District," typescript report for Bureau of Land Management (Anchorage: 1980), 35-37.

4. This overview of Denali region mining derived from early USGS Bulletins and other descriptive sources. See, e.g., Stephen R. Capps, Geology of the Alaska Railroad Region, USGS Bulletin 907 (Washington: GPO, 1940), 180-88, for summary descriptions of these districts and references to specific USGS Bulletins on each of them.

5. Ibid.; Edward H. Cobb, Placer Deposits of Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1374 (Washington: GPO, 1973); Henry C. Berg and Edward H. Cobb, Metalliferous Lode Deposits of Alaska, USGS Bulletin 1246 (Washington: GPO, 1967).

6. Claus M. Naske and Don M.; Triplehorn, "The Federal Government and Alaska's Coal," The Northern Engineer, Vol. 12, No.; 3 (Fall 1980), 20-21; Capps, Geology of Alaska Railroad Region, 193-96.

7. Rolfe Buzzell's "Overview of Mining in the Kantishna District, 1903-1968," MS study on file at NIPS Regional Office in Anchorage (1989), is the principal source for this section.; Also see Thomas K. Bundtzen, "A History of Mining in the Kantishna Hills," The Alaska Journal, Vol. 8, No. 2 (Spring 1978), 151-61.

8. L.M. Prindle, "The Bonnifield and Kantishna Regions," in Progress of Investigations of Mineral Resources of Alaska in 1906, USGS Bulletin 314 (Washington: GPO, 1907), 213.

9. L.M. Prindle, Field Notebook 133-A, Kantishna District, USGS Technical Data File, Menlo Park, CA, 30.

10. Prindle, "The Bonnifield and Kantishna Regions," 213.

11. Stephen R. Capps, The Kantishna Region, Alaska, USGS Bulletin 687 (Washington: GPO, 1919), 75-76.

12. Ibid., 76

13. Dunn, Shameless Diary, 295.

14. Cook, Top of the Continent, 125.

15. This backtrail phase of Belmore Browne's adventures appeared in "Hitting the Home Trail from Mount McKinley," Outing, Vol. 62, No. 4 (July 1913), 387-404; quotations were from pages 395-96 and 399.

16. Lee R. Dice, "Interior Alaska in 1911 and 1912: Observations by a Naturalist," MS in Dice Collection, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, Archives, 69.

17. Ibid., 80.

18. Buzzell, "Overview of Kantishna District," 4-7; Bundtzen, "History of Mining in Kantishna Hills," 154-55.

19. Dessauer and Harvey, "Valdez Creek Mining District," 55.

20. William Schneider, "On the Back Slough," in Jean S. Aigner et al., Interior Alaska, A Journey Through Time (Anchorage: The Alaska Geographic Society, 1986), 162.

21. A vast literature on cultural confrontation exists. A convenient summary is found in Chapter 7 of James W. Vanstone's Athapaskan Adaptations, Hunters and Fishermen of the Subarctic Forests (Arlington Heights, IL: AHM Publishing Corp., 1974).

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