History, Historic Furnishing, and Historic Structure Reports
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Historic Structure Report
APPENDIX C. Addendum—

Lumber Procurement and Preservation

The use of large logs, 12 inches to 30 inches in diameter, and large squared timbers as proposed in the reconstruction of Fort Stanwix, poses some logistical problems in the procurement and preservation treatment of these items.

The writer has personally contacted several owners and managers of lumber mills in central New York as well as two wood preservation plants. Most mill owners agree that procurement will require at least one year's time. The wood preservation plant managers say that a minimum of one year should be allotted for air drying of the timber prior to pressure treatment. The logs should be peeled before pressure treatment begins.

Pressure treatment of the logs, large timbers, pickets, fraise, etc., should be done after cutting and fitting of the joints are completed. This would require dismantling, hauling, pressure treating and re-erection, which could be accomplished if a portion of the fort were constructed a section at a time. Such a time table might also fit into the schedule necessary for procurement of the logs and the air drying time needed.

As an aid in preparing the working drawings, the hiring of a local carpenter to fashion full-scale dovetail joints would be in order, These large scale models would then serve as a guide for the contractors bidding the job.

It appears at this time that timber of the size required is only available on the West Coast. The nearest pressure treating plant of any size is in Ohio. Resawing of the timbers will need to be done with a band saw. Some salvage of the slabbed boards from the flatted logs can be realized.

owc 3—23—1973

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Last Updated: 26-Dec-2008