Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
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This is a list of seeds sent directly from London to Fort Vancouver as the Columbia Department's depot. From there, the seed would have been apportioned to various posts for planting, including, of course, Fort Vancouver. The Company's indent books—indents were lists of orders from the Company's London office to suppliers in Great Britain for shipments to North America--indicate shipments prior to 1831 went to York Factory for distribution overland to the Columbia. The books were handwritten, and interpolations and guesses had to be made regarding some varieties. The source of this list is Microfilm Reel 375A.26/21, 1831, Folio 47, at the Hudson's Bay Company Archives in Winnipeg. The supplier in this case was the firm of Gordon and Forsythe; the price per pound, although listed in the indent book, was not recorded.

Early Frame Cucumber(1/2 lb)
Curly Kale (1 lb)
Purple Broccoli (1/2 lb)
White Broccoli (1/2 lb)
Leek (2 lb)
Green Cos Lettuce (1 lb)
Mustard(1 lb); Deptford Onion (10 lb)
Strasburgh Onion (4 lb)
Welch Onion (1 lb)
Curled Parsley (1/2 Lb)
Early Green Pease (1 G.)
Early White Pease (1 G.)
Salmon Radish (3 lb)
Turnip Radish (2 lb.)
Early White Turnip (10 lb.)
Early Yellow Turnip (10 lb.)
Dutch Turnip (2 lb.)
Lapland Turnip (1 Lb)
Yellow Swedish Turnip (6 lb)
Flax (1 bu.)
Hemp (1 bu.)
Rye Grass (2 bu.)
Timothy Grass (1 bu.)
White Clover (6 lb)
Red Clover (6 lb.)
Early Angus oats (1 bu)
Early Potatoe (1 bu)
Winter Wheat (1 bu).

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Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003