Fort Vancouver
Cultural Landscape Report
1) chaff cutting machines-"English Chaff Cutter" and "Irons for Chaff
Cutting Machines";
2) dibbling irons, long handled iron tipped tool for planting
3) hand barrows, two man wooden carrying platforms;
4) harrows-"Angular Sided Harrows", "Common Country Made Harrows",
and "Iron or Finless Harrows";
5) garden hoes;
6) pea hooks, for harvesting pea pods.
7) pitch forks, 2 and 3 prong;
8) plow parts for many different types of plows, supplied by Jukes
Coulson & Co.; Crowley, Millington & Co.; and Samuel Morton;
9) scythe parts-"Hay Scythes"-40 and 48 inch from Benjamin T. Fenton,
"Reaping Cradles" were attached to scythe handles to catch and stack cut
10) seeders"-Brood [Broad] Cast Seed Machine with extra seed boxes
and English Seed Drill";
11) sickels-"Sickels with teeth, No. 4", from Benjamin T. Fenton;
12) threshing machines-"English Thrashing Machines" from Robert
13) "English Turnip Cutter"; and
14) winnowing machines.
3. Ross, Lester A., Fort Vancuver, 1829-1860: A
Historical Archeological Investigation of the Goods Imported and
Manufactured by the Hudson's Bay Company, USDI, NPS, Part IV, pp.
109-1103, June 1976.
From: John Hussey, "Fort Vancouver Farm", prepared for the National
Park Service, (Typewritten), n.d. pp. 179-180.
Farm Utensils &c
2 | Oak 4 Wheeled ox Waggons |
8 | small horse Carts |
6 | 2 horse harvest Carts |
1 | Water Cart complete |
3 | Horse Drays |
3 | Horse Tumbril[s] |
2 | small 4 wheeled hand Carts pr Granary |
2 | 2 Wheel ox Trucks |
1 | 4 Wheel ox Trucks |
1 | Cast iron ox Ransomes Plough |
15 | Cast iron horse Ransomes Plough |
1 | C[ountry] Made Horse Plough |
1 | potatoe drill d'ble breast Plough |
2 | Weeding or Scuffers Plough |
2 | p'rs angular sided Horse Harrows |
4-1/2 | p'rs com C. M. sided Horse Harrows |
4 | p'rs Irons or Finless Horse Harrows |
12 | sets Harness pr 2 horse Carts, consisting of 2 Collars, 2 p'rs
Hames, 2 Bridles, Breeching, cart saddles w[it]h chains, pins, traces, bands, &c |
16 | sets plough Harness, consisting of 2 Collars, 2 p'rs Hames, 2
Bridles & reins & 2 pr Traces |
1 | Thrashing Machine Harness 4 Collars, 4 prs Hames,
4 Bridles, 4 p'rs iron traces |
39 | Collars |
5 | Bridles |
1 | pair English Fanners |
3 | pari C. M. Fanners |
1 | oil Feeder |
3 | Imperial 1/2 Bush[el] Measures |
1 | Imperial 1 Bush[el] Measures |
9 | Ox Yokes & Bows |
4 | large Ox Chains |
6 | small Ox Chains |
50 | large square head Axes |
1 | large screw Auger 2-1/2 in |
6 | Spades |
4 | Shovels |
3 | Crowbars |
2 | Timber Cants |
25 | Reaping Cradles |
15 | Hay Scythes |
23 | pea Hooks |
5 | Horse Rollers |
1 | Horse Rake |
6 | 3 prong pitch Forks |
4 | 2 prong pitch Forks |
1 | Bleeding Fleam |
1 | Searing Iron |
1 | Clamb |
1-1/2 | pr Horse Hobbles |
25 | Garden Hoes |
2 | Com[mon] trading Guns |
1 | Dibling Iron [dibbling iron] |
3 | small cross cut Saws |
2 | whip Saws |
3 | large C[ast] I[ron] Boilers |
2 | Loggerheads |
6 | pack Saddles |
1 | C[ountry] M[ade] portable Thrashing Machine 4 horse power Complete |
2 | English Thrashing Machine |
1 | English Chaff Cutter |
1 | English Turnip Cutter |
1 | English Seed Drill |
6 | Columbia Boats |
9 | Batteaux |
1 | Scow |
2 | large Carvel built 14 oars 8 tons |
1 | North West Canoe |
2 | Cheenook Canoe [Chinook canoe] |
1 | Ship's Boat94 |
The inventory made in the spring of 1848 differs somewhat from that
of 1844, but its main contribution is the following list of articles in
use in the garden:
-- Gardners [sic] Tools --
1 | Axe |
2 | dung Forks |
3 | garden Hoes |
2 | Rakes |
2 | tenon Saws |
1 | Shovel |
5 | Spades95 |
Last Updated: 27-Oct-2003