Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II


History and location

Enough has been said in previous chapters of this study to make clear the substantial amount of building activity that was carried on almost continuously at Fort Vancouver and at its outlying mills and farms. Until 1850 there generally were three or four men listed as carpenters or apprentice carpenters each year on the rolls of depot employees, and these tradesmen were assisted by laborers whose numbers increased and decreased according to the type and amount of work to be done, the requirements for labor at other depot tasks, and the length of the sick list.

The carpenters were skilled artisans, who not only could put up the heavy frames of the rough, Canadian-style buildings but also could do the finish work and joining. They made most of the furniture used at the depot. Window frames and sash fabricated in the Fort Vancouver Carpenter Shop were employed locally and occasionally shipped to other posts in the district. [1] When the French-Canadian settlers in the Willamette Valley built a chapel at Chief Factor McLoughlin's urging during the 1830s, the windows for the structure were made at Fort Vancouver. [2]

William A. Slacum, a purser in the United States Navy, visited Fort Vancouver in 1837. Among the depot structures listed in his report were "workshops for carpenters, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, coopers, tinners, &c." [3] These words would appear to indicate that the carpenters and the wheelwrights were then in separate shops. Such may well have been the case, but in 1860, when a board of United States Army officers appraised the structures in the fort, they listed one designated as the "Carpenters & wheelwright shop, long since abandoned by the Company." [4] By at least the 1850s, there fore, the two trades seem to have been conducted in the same building.

It may also be worth noting that even for Outfit 1837 no wheelwrights were listed among the employees at the depot. [5] And the inventory of the Company's buildings at Fort Vancouver in 1846-47 listed a carpenter's shop but no wheelwright's shop. [6] For these reasons it appears probable that the wheelwright activities were con ducted by the carpenters in the Carpenter Shop from the time of establishment in 1824-25. It has been seen in Chapter XV on the Harness Shop that the wooden parts of ploughs and other farm implements were manufactured at Fort Vancouver, and it can be assumed that such work, together with the manufacture and repair of farm carts and wagons, was performed in the Carpenter Shop.

The American trapper, Jedediah Smith, spent the winter of 1828-29 in the first Fort Vancouver on the hill overlooking the river plain. He reported that carpenters were among the "mechanics" housed within the walls. [7] After the post was moved closer to the river in 1829, a carpenter shop must have been among the first structures erected. Samuel Parker found a shop for carpenters among the fort buildings in 1835-36. [8] This structure probably was the "Carpenters Shop" shown as Building No. 12 on the ground plan drawn by Lieutenant Emmons on July 25, 1841. It stood south and a bit to the west of the old Catholic chapel in the western half of the fort enclosure as it existed at that time.

By the date of the next available ground plan, the "Line of Fire" map of September 1844, this early carpenter shop had disappeared (see Plate V, vol. I). The next time a building definitely identified as the Carpenter Shop can be located is on the Vavasour ground plan of late 1845. That map shows a "Carpenters Shop" situated near the north stockade wall, just west of its center. It lay directly north of the Old Office (Plate VI, vol. I). This same structure appears on the "Line of Fire" map of 1844, though it is not identified.

Mr. Louis R. Caywood, who conducted archeological explorations on the depot site from 1948 to 1952, has pointed out that this Carpenter Shop of 1845 appears to have been of about the same size and shape as the one shown by Emmons in 1841. He believed it possible that the 1841 shop was simply moved about 170 feet or so almost due north and set up in a new location. [9] Certainly such could have been the case, although it should be recognized that the Emmons plan had no scale and was only diagrammatic in several important respects. Therefore, in the opinion of this writer at least, it is not possible to state positively that the two buildings were identical in dimensions.

At any rate, by 1844 the Carpenter Shop had either been relocated to, or built anew upon, a site near the north palisade, and there it continued to stand as long as the Company occupied Fort Vancouver. Because no traces of the Carpenter Shop foundations were found despite extensive excavation of the site and its surrounding area, the only reasonably precise record of the location of this building is the Vavasour map. [10] According to that drawing the Carpenter Shop stood about fifteen or sixteen feet south of the north palisade, about twenty-five feet east of the Wheat Store, about forty-two feet north of the Old Office, and about fifty feet west of the Jail. Its location is now designated as Building No. 10 on the site plan of Fort Vancouver National Historic Site.

The Carpenter Shop continued to be a busy and very necessary unit in the depot operation even after 1845 when many of the warehousing functions were transferred to Fort Victoria and even for a time after the Treaty of 1846, which brought troubles of many types down on the Company's Columbia activities. But the shop could not survive the impact of the California gold rush coupled with the inroads of squatters who took over most of the firm's farms. As late as Outfit 1848 there were four employees in the shop--a carpenter, a "House Carpenter,"

a "carpenter and laborer," and an apprentice carpenter. [11] Outfit 1849 started out with three carpenters, but two of them went off to California during September. [12] The next business year there were once more three carpenters on the rolls, but one served only for part of the year, and another was James Scarth, the veteran ship carpenter who was then blind or nearly blind. [13]

By the beginning of Outfit 1851 there was only one carpenter at Fort Vancouver, and he retired on November 1 of that year. [14] Thereafter the rolls, as far as they have been searched by this writer, list no carpenters at Fort Vancouver. Accounts for Outfit 1852 show that by then the Company was hiring outside help for such chores as squaring timber and "carpenters work on Mess Room," while articles such as wagons and tables were purchased. [15] It would appear that the army officers who described the "Carpenters & wheelwright shop" on June 15, 1860, as "long since abandoned by the Company--in a ruinous condition" were indeed correct. The firm's employees had moved out of the fort on the previous day, and the subsequent fate of the Carpenter Shop is not known in detail. It disappeared with the rest of the old depot structures within a few years.

Carpenters at Fort Vancouver, Outfit 1845. During the period of primary interest for this study--June 1, 1845, to May 31, 1846--the depot rolls list five men who appear to have been associated with the Carpenter Shop. They were Charles Diamare dit Baron, a carpenter who was paid L30 per annum; John Finlay, another carpenter who also received L30; Alexander Lattie, an apprentice carpenter who was paid only L8 a year; George McKenzie, a carpenter at L30 yearly; and Norman Martin (a), the fourth carpenter, who received L30 per annum. James Scarth, who was paid the relatively high wage of L50.8.0, was also listed as a carpenter for Outfit 1845, but, as rolls for other years show, he was actually a "ship carpenter" and probably worked at the boatyard near the river and not ordinarily in the Carpenter Shop. [16]

All of these men undoubtedly lived outside the pickets, and therefore their personal histories are scarcely relevant to a discussion of the physical structure and furnishings of the Carpenter Shop. Yet several of them were persons of interest whose lives throw considerable light upon social and economic conditions at the depot.

Perhaps the one whose presence may have been most reflected in the appearance and arrangement of the shop was, strangely enough, the apprentice carpenter, Alexander Lattie. He was a mere boy during Outfit 1845. On November 3, 1845, and again on March 29, 1846, his age was given as thirteen years. He was the son of Alexander Lattie, a Scotsman who had long served in the Company's marine department but who by early 1846 was stationed at Fort George, at the mouth of the Columbia River. Young Alexander's mother was Marie Catherine Sikkas, an Indian of Tillamook and Chinook descent. The father's and mother's marriage by a Catholic priest during 1845 legitimized their five children. By Outfit 1846 the boy had already served two years with the Company, and his apprenticeship was not due to terminate until 1852. [17]

John Finlay was a mature man by Outfit 1845, and at that time he had already been in the Honourable Company's employ for thirteen years. He was forty-two years old when on November 2, 1842, he abjured the "heresy of Luther" and was baptized a Roman Catholic. He was described at that time as the "son of Jean Fenlay now dead, and of a woman now dead of the nation of Sauteux." His godfather was Charles Baron. On the same day Finlay married Catherine, a Chinook Indian. She was described as "aged about 35 years" when she died at Chinook in 1849. [18]

The name of Charles Diamare dit [called] Baron was spelled in a variety of ways. Ordinarily he was called "Baron" or "Charles Baron" even in church records. He had been in the Company's service six years by Outfit 1845. He was married to Therese Tmiway, and the couple were the parents of a daughter born on April 26, 1846. [19]

Construction details

Very little is known of the physical structure of the Carpenter Shop. Archeology has produced no traces of the foundations of this building, and for once the Vavasour ground plan fails to be a reliable guide to the dimensions. One of the original versions of this map (Plate VI, vol. I) appears to show the Carpenter Shop as measuring about fifteen or sixteen feet by forty feet. On the second original version the structure scales out to be approximately nineteen or twenty feet by thirty-five feet (Plate VII, vol. I). And the traced version seems to give the dimensions as about twenty by thirty-five feet (Plate VIII, vol. I). In these circumstances the figures of twenty by forty feet given in the 1846-47 inventory of Company buildings probably should be accepted as the most reliable evidence available concerning the size of the Carpenter Shop. [20] Although this structure is known to have stood at least through the middle of 1860, the writer cannot with confidence identify it on any known picture of Fort Vancouver. The 1854 drawing by Gustavus Sohon shows a low, gable-roofed building just inside the north stockade wall between the Wheat Store and the New Office. This location is about correct for the Carpenter Shop, but the failure of this lithograph to depict the Jail and the Priests' House leads one to question its accuracy (Plate XXI, vol. I).

At any rate, the Carpenter Shop must have been an unusually low building for Fort Vancouver, because not even the top of its roof can be discerned with certainty above the stockade in the generally accurate 1851 drawing by George Gibbs (Plate XVIII, vol. I). Neither can this writer see it in the 1854 view by an unknown artist, although it is possible that a very clear print of this picture might reveal a low roof to the right of the New Office (Plate XX, vol. I).

Under the circumstances, one can only guess that the Carpenter Shop was a one-story structure with a gable roof, the ridge line running east and west. Probably there was no garret, although there may have been a window in each gable end to light the space under the roof, which could have been used for seasoning wood.

Despite the failure of the archeologists to find any indication of footings, it is highly probable that this structure was built in the usual Canadian style. There probably was only one door and that most likely was near the center of the south wall. It is probable that there were two windows in each of the end walls and several in the front and rear walls.

There is no indication in the 1846-47 inventory that the Carpenter Shop was lined or ceiled. Thus it probably was not, although it is not possible to be certain on this point. Undoubtedly the floors, doors, entrance steps, and the exterior paint were as already detailed for the other shops. On a structure erected or reassembled during the early 1840s the roof probably was covered with shakes, with sixteen to twenty-four inches exposed to the weather.


Available inventories provide a reasonably complete picture of the tools and equipment found in the Carpenter Shop. One item, "1 Screw pr bench," indicates that there was at least one workbench and that it had a wood vice. It seems reasonable to assume, however, that a shop for four carpenters would have had more than one workbench. There may also have been several stools or benches. Evidently there was no stove or other means of heating.

If the Carpenter Shop is to be refurnished and exhibited, evidence of work in progress should also be visible. Partly finished window sash, shutters, a simple chair or two, wheel spokes, benches, and handles for farm and garden tools would illustrate the range of tasks assigned to the depot carpenters.

Because paintbrushes and paint kettles are listed in the inventories, it is possible that a small part of the depot's stock of paint and linseed oil was kept in the Carpenter Shop, ready for mixing and use as needed. A supply of window glass also was probably kept on hand. For descriptions of the types of paint and oil and of the sizes of windowpanes kept in stock at Fort Vancouver, see pages 266 and 271, volume I of this study.

The loft over the Carpenter Shop was probably reached by a ladder and trapdoor, although it is possible that there was no loft flooring over the ground-floor ceiling beams. This space under the roof almost certainly contained a stock of seasoned and seasoning planks and timbers.

One of the best available lists of items in the Carpenter Shop is the following found under the heading "Articles in Use" in the Fort Vancouver Depot inventory taken in the spring of 1844:

Carpenters Shop
4Carpenters Adzes
3large square head Axes
6grooving Axes
1broad Axes
2half round head Axes
5Shingling Axes
4screw Augers of sizes
9shell Augers of sizes
2large spoon Augers
1Brace & 36 bits
3paint Brushes
1Crow Bar
7socket Chisels
9firmers Chisels
2Mortice Chisels
3Cold Chisels
1pair Compasses
2screw Drivers
4iron Dogs
2flat rasp Files 10 ins.
1hlf. ro[un]d rasp Files 10 ins.
2hlf. ro[un]d bastard Files 14 ins.
4flat bastard Files old
3hlf round bastard Files ass[orted]
1three square Files
1rattail Files
3hand saw Files
2cross cut saw Files
4assd. Gouges
4spike Gimlets
3small Gimlets
4large Kent Hammers
1small Kent Hammers useless
2paint Kettles
1Chalk Line
1long jointer Plane
4trying Plane
4Jack Plane
3hand Plane
4p'rs grooving Plane ass.
2p'rs plough Plane
2bead Plane
6mould Plane
1long rabbit Plane
1long rabbit Plane
1foot Rule 4 fold
5hand Saws
3tenon Saws
3cross cut Saws
1Saw Set
2Key hole Saw[s]
2oil Stones
1square 12 ins
1Screw pr bench
1p'r Pincers
5Wrenches [21]

The list in the inventory taken in the spring of 1845 was some what shorter but contained a few interesting additional items:

--Carpenters Shop--
4large sqre head Axes
12grooving Axes
8Screw Augers
6Shell Augers
1Brace 36 Bitts
1hand saw File
1pr. Compasses
1Screw Drivers [sic]
1sml square 6 in
3assd Gimlets
4spike Gimlets
1jointer Plane
3trying Planes
4jack Planes
1hand Planes
2pr grooving Planes 11-1/8
3Bead Planes
2mould Planes
1hand Saw
3tenon saw[s]
2window Planes
1case Planes
1rubber Planes
1hf round File 12 ins
3bastard File
1pit saw File
1X cut File
2rattail File
3flat bastard File
3Plough Keys
1Oil Stone
6Shingling Axes
2Key hole saws
1pr pincers
10assd. Chisels
9sockets Chisels
3Kent Hammers
3foot rules [22]

The list in the 1847 inventory is not much different from that of 1848, which is reproduced below, but there are a few distinctive items that might be noted:

2Crow Bars
3paring Chisels
2pr. Casements
1Drill 8 ins
1Glue Kettle
1Moulding Plane
1Wainscot Plane
3Smoothing Plane
2Carpenters Rules
3Iron Squares
1plated Squares [23]

The Fort Vancouver Depot inventory of "Articles in Use" taken in the spring of 1848 contains the following detailed list:

--Carpenters Shop--
2foot Adzes
3hollowing Adzes
11screw Augers
17shell Augers
4large square headed Axes
1small headed Axes
1broad Axes
10grooving Axes
8shingling Axes
1bung Borer
1Brace and Bitts
1pr Callipers
8firmers Chisels
11socket Chisels
3Mortice Chisels
2prs compasses
1iron Cramp
1glaziers Diamond
1screw Driver
3Files assorted
2Gages [sic]
3spike Gimlets
4firmers Gouges
4socket Gouges
1large Grindstone
1small Grindstone
5claw Hammers
2screeving Irons
1drawing Knife
3chalk Lines
1pr pincers
2bead Planes
6prs grooving Planes
3hand Planes
5jack Planes
1jointer Planes
1moving philister Planes
1post [port?] Planes
1rabbit Planes
2sash Planes
1sash gothic Planes
1round sole Planes
4trying Planes
2cross cut Saws
4hand Saws
3tenon Saws
1Saw set
1iron Square, 2 plated steel Saws
1oil Stone
3iron Wrenches [24]


a. Although the text of Mr. Caywood's archeological report states that the area of the Carpenter Shop was " completely uncovered" in 1948 and 1950, sheet 8 of his excavation drawings appears to show that certain portions of the site may have escaped exploration. The determination of the succession of structures in that section of the fort is so important that a fresh excavation of the entire area between the Wheat Store and the Jail is recommended. If evidence of even one or two footings could be found, it would be possible to speak with much more assurance concerning the physical structure of the Carpenter Shop.

b. Despite the paucity of information concerning its fabric and design, the reconstruction of the Carpenter Shop is recommended for the following reasons: the importance of this building for interpretive purposes indicates such a course; the approximate dimensions are known; and the physical structure could not have differed greatly from that of similar shops about which more is known.

c. It is suggested that the Carpenter Shop be refurnished and exhibited in accordance with the data provided in the body of this chapter.


1. George B. Roberts, "Recollections of George B. Roberts," MS, in the Bancroft Library, University of California, p. 81. Window sash was also made at other posts, however. For a mention of this activity at Fort Nisqually in 1852, see Farrar, "The Nisqually Journal," Washington Historical Quarterly 13 (January, 1922): 63.

2. Beaver, Reports and Letters, p. 24.

3. William A. Slacum, "Slacum's Report on Oregon, 1836-7," Oregon Historical Quarterly 13 (June, 1912): 185.

4. Br. & Am. Joint Comm., Papers, [9:] 74-77.

5. H.B.C.A., B.239/1/8, MS, pp. 76-80.

6. Br. & Am. Joint Comm., Papers, [2:] 118-19.

7. U. S., Congress, Senate, 21st Cong., 2d sess., Exec. Doc. No. 39, pp. 21-23.

8. Parker, Journal, pp. 146, 168, 184.

9. Caywood, Final Report, p. 12.

10. The Carpenter Shop can be identified on a number of later maps of the fort, but they are either not to scale or are so small in scale that precise measurements cannot be obtained.

11. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/19, MS, pp. 40, 42, 65.

12. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/20, MS, pp. 42, 43.

13. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/21, MS, pp. 41, 42, 67.

14. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/22, MS, p. 40.

15. H.B.C., Account Book, Fort Vancouver, 1852 [Invoices], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/205, MS, fols. 119-120d.

16. H.B.C. District Statements, York Factory, 1845-1846 [Statement of Servants], H.B.C.A., B.239/l/16, MS, pp. 58, 49, 60, 61; H.B.C.A., B.239/1/17, MS, p. 45.

17. "Alexander Lattie's Fort George Journal, 1846," Oregon Historical Quarterly 64 (September, 1963): 197-245; H.B.C., Account Book, Fort Vancouver, 1846-1847 [Statement of Servants, Columbia Department, Outfit 1846], H.B.C.A., B.223/d/169, MS, p. 8; Warner and Munnick, Catholic Church Records, Vancouver II, pp. 66, 71.

18. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/162, MS, p. 29; Warner and Munnick, Catholic Church Records, Vancouver II, pp. 1, 2, 3; and Stellamaris, p. 1.

19. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/162, MS, p. 29; Warner and Munnick, Catholic Church Records, Vancouver II, p. 73. Baron's proper family name, "Diamare," was sometimes spelled "Diamere" in the Company's records. His nickname, Baron, spelled various ways, became his primary name.

20. H.B.C.A., B.223/z/5, MS, fol. 265d.

21. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/155, MS, pp. 162-64.

22. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/160, MS, pp. 142-43.

23. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/174, MS, fol. 99.

24. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/181, MS, fols. 82d-83.

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