Fort Vancouver
Historic Structures Report
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Volume II


History and location

The cooper's Shop was not within the stockade at Fort Vancouver during Outfit 1845 and hence, strictly speaking, should not be included in this study. However, it was situated so close to the palisade and it played such an important role in the economy of the Columbia District that it appears to require at least a brief treatment.

Even before the exportation of salmon and agricultural products from the Columbia region was envisioned, the fur trade on the Pacific Slope had need for coopers. The North West Company maintained a cooper's shop at Fort George at least as early as 1818. [1] Salmon, a principal food at the establishments west of the Rockies, was a seasonal resource, and in order to preserve it for use when the fresh fish was not available, it had to be dried, smoked, or salted. Salting required barrels and many of them.

As early as 1822 the Governor and Committee of the Hudson's Bay Company began to explore the possibilities of exporting other products besides furs from the Columbia. During the next several years barrels of cured salmon were sent from Fort George to London on an experimental basis, but these pioneering efforts were not a success. [2] As has been seen, however, Governor Simpson's visit of 1824-25 revived interest in developing an export trade in fish, beef, pork, and other "country produce." By 1827 Chief Factor McLoughlin was suggesting that a trade in salmon and timber might be developed with the Hawaiian Islands, California, and other areas. Implementation of this program soon followed, and centers for producing salted salmon were organized on the Columbia River and at Fort Langley on the Fraser River. Nearly 300 barrels were prepared for export at Fort Langley alone in 1830. The Russian contract in 1839 greatly increased the demand for barrels, because large quantities of flour, salt beef, salt pork, and other products had to be prepared for shipment to Sitka.

By Outfit 1845, then, Fort Vancouver and several other posts in the Columbia District were producing barrels in large numbers and in a variety of sizes and shapes. Some of these containers have been described in previous chapters, but it is revealing to observe a sampling of the types of cooper's products and their uses listed in the Fort Vancouver inventories of "Country Made" articles and "Country Produce" for 1845 and 1846. There were, for instance, oak kegs in one-gallon, two-gallon, and eight-gallon sizes; barrels of apples; tierces of salt beef weighing 300 pounds each; barrels of salt beef; hundredweights of biscuit (packed in barrels); barrels of flour; barrels and tierces of salt pork; barrels of salt salmon; barrels of salt; and kegs of salt butter. [3] It can be assumed that the coopers also fabricated a variety of pails, buckets, and other wooden containers for use at the western establishments.

If the words of American trapper Jedediah Smith are interpreted literally, it appears that the Cooper's Shop was located inside the stockade of the first Fort Vancouver, the one that stood on the brow of the hill overlooking the river plain from 1825 to 1829. [4] But after the depot was moved closer to the Columbia in 1828-29 the location of the Cooper's Shop becomes clouded in uncertainty. Purser William A. Slacum, who visited Fort Vancouver in 1837, stated very distinctly that "within the pickets, there are thirty-four buildings . including . . . workshops for carpenters, blacksmiths, wheelwrights, coopers, tinners, &c." [5] Although the detailed ground plan and building inventory prepared by Lt. George Foster Emmons on July 25, 1841, failed to indicate a workshop for coopering inside the fort, Emmons specifically said in his journal that "independent of this [the stockade]" and near the river were several buildings, among which was listed a "coopers shop." [6]

It would appear, then, that by 1841 the Cooper's Shop had been moved down near the Hospital and Salmon Store close to the north bank of the Columbia River. The ground plan of Fort Vancouver drawn by Lieutenant M. Vavasour late in 1845 identifies all the structures shown within the stockade, and it likewise fails to list a Cooper's Shop (Plates VI, VII, VIII, vol. I). In fact, starting in 1841 (except for the words of Duflot de Mofras mentioned in fn. 6), no available evidence gives any indication that the coopers worked inside the fort.

There is, however, a solid basis for believing that the Cooper's Shop continued to remain outside the stockade. The original version of the map drawn by Richard Covington in 1846 or perhaps a short time later, as reproduced in Plate XIII, volume I of this study, shows a "Cooper's Shop" a short distance north of the Hospital and east of the pond down near the riverbank. If the map was accurate, this building seems to have had a square floor plan. No other legend indicating a workshop for coopers appears on this version of the map.

When preparing the third volume of Dr. John McLoughlin's official correspondence for publication shortly before 1944, the Hudson's Bay Record Society seems to have decided that the original Covington plan would not reproduce well, and thus the map was redrawn. Several details not visible on the reproduction of the original are clearly indicated on this redrawn version. The "Cooper's Shop" near the river remains, but an additional "Cooper's Shed" is plainly marked. This latter structure was shown as being oblong in shape, and it was located directly east of the southeast corner of the stockade. [8] Seemingly, then, by 1846 there were two buildings at the depot given over to the work of the coopers, and they both were outside the pickets.

But this situation may have ended by late 1846. The 1846-47 inventory of Company improvements at Fort Vancouver listed only one shop for coopers. Under the heading "Workshops" is found "1 Coopers Shop, 70 x 30 feet." [9] From the dimensions it seems reasonable to assume that this "Coopers Shop" was the "Cooper's Shed" of the Covington map and not Covington's square "Cooper's Shop" down by the river. If this hypothesis is correct, the Cooper's Shop by late 1846 or early 1847 was situated just outside the southeast corner of the stockade. Support for such an assumption appears to be found in the sworn testimony of Dr. H. A. Tuzo, who said that when he arrived at Fort Vancouver in 1853 there was "a large cooper's shop" outside the stockade on the east. [10]

Thus the Cooper's Shop seems quite definitely to have been situated close to the southeast palisade corner from about 1846 until at least 1853. Actually it probably was moved to this location at an unknown date between 1841 and 1846.

This workshop evidently was not a new building. Beginning with the Eld and Agate views of Fort Vancouver in 1841 (Plates IV and LIII, vol. I), a number of drawings and maps show three buildings extending eastward in a line from the southeast stockade corner. [11] In most of the pictures and plans the structure nearest the stockade is shown as a rather large, oblong building that could easily be the "Cooper's Shop, 70 x 30 feet" mentioned in the 1846-47 inventory (see, for example, Plates V, IX, XIII-XIV, and XIX, vol. I). The other two buildings apparently were small dwellings. By 1860 at least one additional small structure stood near them (see Plate XXX, vol. I).

During Outfit 1845 there were four coopers at the Fort Vancouver depot who served for the full year, while a fifth, James Rendall, a man with twenty-three years of service with the Company, went "home" in the Cowlitz during the fall of 1845. The four who remained through the outfit were Henry Collie, who had served thirteen years but whose pay was only L17 per annum; Marie Haguet, a native of France and a relative newcomer with only five years of service but who received L25; Robert Johnstone, who had twelve years of service, a wage of L25, and a gratuity of five shillings; and Spunyarn, a Hawaiian who had served sixteen years and who received L20. [12]

By Outfit 1851 Spunyarn was the only full-rated cooper remaining at Fort Vancouver. By that date he was being paid L30 a year. Two apprentice coopers, Thomas Como and Alexander Oroheeay, assisted him, but the latter was discharged on February 24, 1852. [13]

During the next business year, Outfit 1852, Spunyarn was the sole cooper carried on the Fort Vancouver rolls. But this faithful servant died, evidently during 1853, and then there were none. If the Abstract of Servants' Accounts of the Oregon Department accurately reflected the situation, coopering had been discontinued at Fort Vancouver by Outfit 1854. [14]

It is quite probable that the end of coopering at the former depot resulted before too long in the demise of the Cooper Shop also. The careful survey of the Fort Vancouver Military Reservation made under the direction of Capt. George Thom shows only open ground where the old Cooper's Shop had stood, though three smaller structures are depicted in the same general area (Plate XXIV, vol. I). The ground plan prepared by a board of army officers on June 15, 1860, does show a structure on the site of the Cooper Shop, but apparently it was a much smaller building (Plate XXX, vol. I). At any rate, there could not have been much left of the Cooper's Shop if it was still in existence, because the same board in its appraisal of the Fort Vancouver buildings mentioned with ill-concealed disdain four "hovels, outside of and near the southeast corner of the pickets, in a dilapidated condition." [15] With this curt notation the history of the Cooper's Shop comes to an end.

Construction details

The "Cooper's Shed" of the 1846 Covington map was far from being a shed, as is demonstrated by a number of drawings, whereas, as has been discussed earlier, Covington's "Cooper's Shop" down by the river was indeed a shed. The reasons for Covington's labels are not known, but in this study the term "Cooper's Shop" will refer to the seventy by thirty-foot Cooper's Shop of the 1846-47 inventory that stood just east of the southeast stockade corner.

In point of fact, very little is known about this structure. Because its site has not yet been explored by archeologists and because existing maps are too small in scale to be accurately read, the inventory dimensions of seventy by thirty feet constitute the only reliable information available about the size of the building, and even that, it will be seen, is not entirely correct.

The Warre pencil sketch of 1845-46 (Plate XLII) and the Paul Kane pencil sketch of 1846-47 (Plate XIV, vol. I) show clearly that the Cooper Shop actually consisted of two gable-roofed buildings joined together. The one to the east was somewhat smaller in width and height than that on the west. The ridges of the roofs ran east and west. According to the Kane sketch and the 1847-48 painting by an unknown artist, a low, gable-roofed appendage projected at right angles from the rear (north side) of the eastern section of the Cooper's Shop. [16] As a guess, then, the true dimensions probably were closer to forty by thirty feet for the western half of the structure and thirty by twenty-eight feet for the eastern half.

The Warre sketch and the lithograph made from it (Plate IX, vol. I) seem quite clearly to show that both sections of the Cooper's Shop were built of heavy squared logs that were half-lapped or dovetailed at the corners in log cabin fashion. This type of construction was not unknown at Company posts, but it would have been unusual in the Columbia District at such an early date. If other evidence were not available, Warre's eyewitness testimony would have to be accepted no matter how unlikely it might seem. Fortunately, the 1847-48 painting by an unknown artist provides a good view of the east end of the Cooper's Shop, and in it the two upright posts that could be expected in a post-on-sill wall approximately thirty feet long are abundantly evident. It would appear, therefore, that the Cooper's Shop was, after all, built in the Canadian style.

The Warre sketch also appears to show that the roofs of the Cooper's Shop were covered with lapped, vertically laid planks. Again, this would have been an unusual technique at Fort Vancouver, although it was not unknown at many Company posts. This writer believes it more likely that the roof was covered with long shakes, with two or more feet exposed to the weather, as apparently is shown in the 1841 Agate sketch (Plate LIII, vol. I).

Two windows and a centered door are shown on the front wall of each section of the Cooper's Shop on the Warre sketch; the east wall is represented as being without doors or windows. No other available views provide meaningful information concerning the front (south) walls, but the 1847-48 painting by an unknown artist and the Kane sketch appear to agree with Warre as to the east wall. No openings in the north wall can be discerned in the available pictures. No view of the west wall has yet been found.

The pictures produced by Warre definitely indicate that the Cooper's Shop windows contained diamond-shaped panes. No proof to the contrary is known, but such a design would have been highly un usual for a Hudson's Bay Company establishment. Seemingly there was a fairly wide step, or possibly two, before each door.

Nothing whatever is known about the interior arrangement or finish. Presumably each section of the shop was a single large room.


Available inventories provide a reasonably good account of the tools that were in the Cooper's Shop, but as usual certain items that could be expected do not seem to be listed. For instance, no workbenches are included, and neither--unless "Cooper's stools " is another name for them--are the characteristic cooper's benches, with their many-sized wooden partitions.

Fortunately, curators who may be assigned the task of refurnishing the Cooper's Shop will find excellent guidance available. A recent book by Kenneth Kilby, The Cooper_and his Trade (London: John Baker Ltd., 1971), is a very detailed and lavishly illustrated history and description of the cooper's art. It contains numerous photographs and drawings of the tools and equipment employed in the craft at different periods. [17]

The Fort Vancouver Depot inventory of "articles in use" made during the spring of 1844 contains the following list of interest at this point:

Coopers Shop
6Coopers adzes
5Coopers broad Axes
2rod. head large Axes
5top Screws or Borers
2Coopers Braces & 8 bits
2Cold Chisels
5ass Chives pr Kegs
6Coopers Crows
4pair Compasses
1Coopers Dog
8Coopers Driver
2Coopers Driver old
1flat smooth File 10 in
1hlf round rasp File 12 in
2hand Saw File
1spike Gimlet
1small Gimlet
8Coopers Hammers
99ass truss Hoops
7ass truss Hoops broken
4Coopers Horses
3beak Irons
1marking Irons
4flagging Irons
7drawing Knives
2splitting Knives
5creming Knives
5belging Knives
2tool [dowel?] Moulds
4Coopers long Jointer Planes
1hand Planes
1pair Pincers
5head Saws
2frame Saws
1tenon Saws
1oil Stone
3Coopers Vices
4cast steel Knives
2Scalping Knives
1butchers Steel
1Butter Sound [18]

The Cooper's Shop inventory taken in the spring of 1845 is shorter, but it contains a few variations worth noting:

--Cooper's Shop--
5Coopers Adzes
3Tap [top?] Borers
2Cold Chisels
2Chives p 8 Gn Kegs
1Chives p 2 Gn Kegs
1Chives p 1 Gn Kegs
1Chives p Barrels
5Coopers Crows
1Rasp File
1common Grindstone
7Coopers Hammers
100assd Truss Hoops
2Beak Irons
1marking Irons
2Flagging Irons
7drawing Knives
3splitting Knives
4creming Knives
4Jointer Planes
1Rabbit Planes
4head saw[s]
2frame saw[s]
5Coopers Stools
1Coopers Vices
1Oil Stone
6crooked Knives
5centre bitts
1pr Pincers [19]

The inventory of 1848 does not contribute much to knowledge of the Cooper's Shop furnishings, but it is reproduced below because it appears to reflect the trend of activity at the depot by that date:

--Cooper's Shop--
1large round headed Axe
3broad Axe
4tap Borers
3Braces and bitts
3cold Chisels
2Chives pr barrels
3Chives pr 8 gn kegs
1Chives pr 2 gn kegs
2Chives pr 1 gn kegs
4prs Compasses
3long Drivers
2set Drivers
3Files assd.
1common Grindstone
100assd. truss Hoops
4beak Irons
4flagging Irons
5belging Knives
2butchers C. S. Knives
5creming Knives
2dowling Knives
5drawing Knives
1splitting Knives
2dowling Moulds
1pr Pincers
1hand Plane
1jack Plane
6jointer Plane
1-2ft Rule
2frame Saws
1hand Saws
4heading Saws
1tenon Saws
1iron Shovel
1butter Sound
1oil Stone
4wooden Stools
2Vices [20]

Among the unbound papers in the Fort Nisqually Collection in the Huntington Library is a requisition for "Coopers Tools &c required for Nisqually Out: 1843." It is reproduced below because it appears to throw additional light upon the equipment of a cooper's shop of the period:

2drawing knives Coopers
1drawing knives Coopers hollow
1Coopers Jointer Plane
1Coopers crooked Jack Plane
1Coopers crow Plane
1Coopers frame saw
1Coopers hammer
1Coopers Brace & Irons
1Coopers Screw
1Coopers broad axe
1Coopers Adze
1Coopers knife pr smoothing rim of Barrel proper name unknown
1Spoke [?] Shape [?]
1hand saw
2Socket Chisels 1/2 in
1Firmers Chisels 1/2
1/2doz tenon saw Files
1hand Plane
2Iron Wedges
1Garden Spade [21]


a. It is suggested that the site of the 1846 Cooper's Shop be excavated in an effort to uncover remains that might indicate the dimensions, exact location, and form of the building.

b. Because it lay outside the stockade and because so little is known about its physical structure, it is recommended that the Cooper's Shop be given a very low priority for reconstruction. However, coopering was such an important facet of depot economy that re construction, if economically feasible, remains a desirable eventual objective.

c. Should reconstruction be accomplished, it is proposed that the interior be refurnished and exhibited. It would be an excellent place for an interpretive demonstration.


1. See 1818 plan of Fort George reproduced in Oregon Historical Quarterly 19 (December, 1918): opp. p. 271.

2. See sources cited in Hussey, History of Fort Vancouver, pp. 20-21.

3. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/158, MS, pp. 101—10; H.B.C.A., B.223/d/161, MS, pp. 119—22.

4. U.S., Congress, Senate, 21st Cong., 2d sess., Exec. Doc. No. 39, pp. 21-23.

5. Slacum, "Slacum's Report on Oregon," p. 185.

6. Emmons, "Journal," 3: entry for July 25, 1841 (See Plate III, vol. I). On the other hand, another visitor of 1841, Eugene Duflot de Mofras, definitely listed a shop for cooperage among the structures enclosed by the fort wall. Pipes, "Extract from Exploration," p. 153. However, there seems to be a more than accidental similarity between de Mofras's description of Fort Vancouver and that by Purser Slacum, which was published prior to de Mofras's visit.

7. This "Cooper's Shop" near the river actually was little more than a shed. In 1845 Joel Palmer and a party of Americans lodged there, attempting to sleep on a pile of staves. They found that the structure offered very little shelter from the wind and rain. Joel Palmer, Journal of Travels over the Rocky Mountains, to the Mouth of the Columbia River; Made During the Years 1845 and 1846, in Reuben Gold Thwaites, ed., Early Western Travels, vol. 30 (Cleveland, 1906), pp. 207-9.

8. H.B.S., 7:opp. p. 48.

9. H.B.C.A., B.223/z/5, MS, fol. 265d.

10. Br. & Am. Joint Comm., Papers, [2:]176-77.

11. In the Eld drawing the westernmost structure is smaller than the one in the center, but almost all other representations agree in depicting the westernmost building as the largest of the three.

12. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/16, MS, pp. 57-61, 65; B.223/d/162. MS, pp. 29, 33.

13. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/22, MS, pp. 40-41.

14. H.B.C.A., B.239/l/23, MS, p. 36; B.223/g/10, MS, pp. 4-8, 20.

15. Br. & Am. Joint Comm., Papers, [9:]75-77.

16. As reproduced in Plate XV in volume I of this report, the Cooper's Shop, at the extreme left of the picture, was nearly completely trimmed from the 1847-48 painting. The entire building can be seen in the frontispiece to Hussey, History of Fort Vancouver.

17. The United States distributor for this work is Fernhill House, Ltd., 303 Park Avenue South, New York 10, N. Y. The price is $17.00.

18. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/155, MS, pp. 161-62.

19. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/160, MS, pp. 141-42.

20. H.B.C.A., B.223/d/181, MS, fol. 83.

21. Fort Nisqually, Requisitions for Goods, 1843-1868 (FN 1249), MS, in Fort Nisqually Collection, Huntington Library.

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