USGS Logo Geological Survey Bulletin 1673
Selected Caves and Lava Tube Systems in and near Lava Beds National Monument, California


A great deal can be learned about lava flows by studying lava-tube cave systems because they preserve the fascinating and precise records that reveal the mechanics of volcanic flow, which operated in former infernos. Moreover, you can examine these records and ponder them at your leisure in the cool, quiet environment of a cave without the apprehension involved in personally witnessing an active eruption during the creation of a lava tube. While watching actively flowing lava, you can only guess at what goes on beneath the flow surface while your mind is intermittently occupied by the overriding question, "Am I at a safe distance?"

You do not need to be a scientist to enjoy the caves or even to write articles about them. If you are interested in some special feature, such as lavacicles or tube-in-tubes, safe and enjoyable cave trips can be planned using the text and maps of this report. Then study the appropriate maps and descriptions, and always take the map with you when entering the cave. Remember that multiple lights are necessary for all caves except Mushpot, and that access to some caves may be restricted. Information about access is available at the Visitor Center, where important exploration and safety guidelines are also distributed.

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006