USGS Logo Geological Survey Bulletin 204
Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, Oregon


1. BRIDGE CREEK, about 6 miles southeast of Burnt ranch and 2-1/2 miles southwest of The Dalles military road at Allen's ranch. Collections at this place have been made by Condon, Voy, Bendire, Merriam, Osmont, and Knowlton.

2. ROAD CROSSING AT CHERRY CREEK, about 10 miles northwest of Burnt ranch. Collections made by Merriam's party in 1900 and by Knowlton and Merriam in 1901. The original locality which afforded the specimens studied by Lesquereux and Newberry is said to be about 2 miles up Cherry Creek from the point where the military road first crosses it.

3. CURRANT CREEK, CROOK COUNTY. Several species were described by Newberry from collections made by Condon at this locality. Only one of these species has been since obtained in this area and then not at the original place, but at Cherry Creek. The type locality is unknown.

4. ONE AND ONE-HALF MILES EAST OF CLARNOS FERRY. Collection made by Merriam's party in 1900.

5. THREE MILES ABOVE CLARNOS FERRY. Collection made by Merriam's party in 1900.

6. ONE-HALF MILE NORTHEAST OF FOSSIL. Collection made by Merriam's party in 1900.

7. THREE AND ONE-HALF MILES SOUTH OF LONE ROCK. Collection made by Merriam's party in 1900.

8. VAN HORN'S RANCH (now Belshaw's ranch), about halfway between Canyon and Dayville, on East Fork of John Day River, Original locality south side of military road and near bed of stream. Collections made by Condon, Voy, Bendire, Merriam, and Knowlton and Merriam.

9. BELSHAW'S RANCH, at white hill about one-half mile northeast of original locality and on north side of military road. Collections made probably by Bendire and by Knowlton and Merriam.

10. BELSHAW'S RANCH, in gulch 1 mile northeast of Belshaw's house and about 2 miles east of original locality. Collection made by Knowlton and Merriam.

11. OFFICER'S RANCH, one-fourth mile from John Day River, lower end of Butler Basin (Butler Basin = upper end of Turtle Cove). Collection made by Merriam, July 22, 1901.

12. FOUR MILES EAST OF DAYVILLE, south side of East Fork Valley. Collection made by Merriam's party in 1900.

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Last Updated: 28-Jun-2014