USGS Logo Geological Survey Bulletin 204
Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, Oregon



Letter of transmittal


Geographic location and topographic features

History of exploration in the John Day Basin

Geological features of the John Day Basin

History of geological investigation in the region
Pre-Cretaceous rocks
Knoxville and Chico beds
Clarno formation
John Day series
Columbia River lava
Mascall formation
Rattlesnake formation
River terraces

Localities for fossil plants in the John Day Basin

Systematic description of species

Species excluded from this work

List of synonyms

Discussion of the flora

Statistical view
   Table showing distribution of species
Biological considerations
Geological considerations
   Lower Clarno beds
      Cherry Creek
         Table showing extralimital distribution of fossil plants from Cherry Creek locality
   Upper Clarno beds
      Bridge Creek
         Table showing extralimital distribution of fossil plants from Bridge Creek locality
      Other localities
   Mascall beds
      Van Horn's ranch and vicinity
         Table showing extralimital distribution of fossil plants from Van Horn's ranch and vicinity

The flora of the John Day Basin in other localities

The Dalles, Oregon



Index (omitted from the online edition)


I. Fig. 1, Equisetum sp.; fig. 2, Sequoia sp.; fig. 3, Thuites sp.; fig. 4, Taxodium, male aments; fig. 5, Ginkgo sp.; fig. 6, Taxodium, male aments; figs. 7, 8, Monocotyledonous plant; fig. 9, Cyperacites sp.

II. Fig. 1, Populus Lindgreni Knowlton; figs. 2—4, Salix pseudo-argentea n. sp.; figs. 5—8, Salix perplexa n. sp.; figs. 9, 10, Salix dayana n. sp.; figs. 11, 12, Salix mixta n. sp.

III. Fig. 1, Salix sp.; fig. 2, Myrica personata n. sp.; fig. 3, Juglans? Bendirei n. sp.; fig. 4, Myrica oregoniana n. sp.; fig. 5, Juglans acuminata Al. Br.; figs. 6, 7, Betula heteromorpha n. sp.

IV. Fig. 1, Alnus macrodonta n. sp.; fig. 2, Betula Bendirei n. sp.; fig. 3, Juglans crassifolia n. sp.; fig. 4, Betula dayana n. sp.

V. Fig. 1, Betula hetermorpha n. sp.; fig. 2, Hicoria sp.; figs. 3, 4, Hicoria? oregoniana n. sp.

VI. Fig. 1. Quercus dayana n. sp.; figs. 2, 3, Quercus oregoniana n. sp.; figs. 4, 5, Juglans cryptata n. sp.; figs. 6, 7, Quercus Merriami n. sp.

VII. Fig. 1, Quercus oregoniana n. sp.; figs. 2, 3, Quercus ursina n. sp.; figs. 4, 5, Quercus Merriami n. sp.

VIII. Fig. 1, Quercus horniana Lesq.; fig. 2, Quercus duriuscula n. sp.; fig. 3, Quercus? sp.; fig. 4, Quercus? sp.

IX. Fig. 1, Liquidambar pachyphyllum n. sp.; figs. 2, 3, Laurus oregoniana n. sp.; fig. 4, Ulmus Newberryi n. sp.; fig. 5, Sapindus Merriami n. sp.; figs. 6,7, Hydrangea Bendirei (Ward) Knowlton.

X. Fig. 1, Crataegus flavescens Newb.; fig. 2, Crataegus imparilis n. sp.; fig. 3, Ficus? oregoniana Lesq.; fig. 4, Cinnamomum Bendirei n. sp.; fig. 5, Liquidambar europaeum patulum n. var.

XI. Fig. 1, Berberis? gigantea n. sp.; figs. 2, 3, 6, 7, Prunus? Merriami n. sp.; fig. 4, Prunus? tufacea n. sp.; fig. 5, Celastrus dignatus n. sp.

XII. Figs. 1—3, Celastrus confluens n. sp.; fig. 4, Liquidambar sp. ?

XIII. Figs. 1, 2, Acer sp.; fig. 3, Acer Osmonti n. sp.; fig. 4, Acer macrophyllum Pursh (living); figs. 5-8, Acer oregonianum n. sp.

XIV. Fig. 1, Acer gigas n. sp.; figs. 2, 3, Acer minor n. sp.; figs. 4, 5, Acer medianum n. sp.; fig. 6, Rhus? sp.; fig. 7, Acer Merriami n. sp.

XV. Figs. 1, 2, Æsculus simulata n. sp.; fig. 3, Sapindus oregonianus n. sp.; fig. 4, Aralia sp.?

XVI. Fig. 1, Phyllites oregonianus n. sp.; fig. 2, Phyllites bifurcies n. sp.; fig. 3, Andromeda crassa Lesq.; fig. 4, Phyllites personatus n. sp.; fig. 5, Diospyros elliptica n. sp.; fig. 6, Phyllites inexpectans n. sp.; fig. 7, Rulac crataegifolium n. sp.; fig. 8, Aralia? sp.

XVII. Fig. 1, Phyllites sp.

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Last Updated: 28-Jun-2014