USGS Logo Geological Survey Bulletin 204
Fossil Flora of the John Day Basin, Oregon



CASSIA ? sp. Newb.

CASSIA? sp., Newb., Later Extinct Floras, p. 113, Pl. XLVI, fig. 10, 1898.

The type of this form is before me and it requires but a glance to see that the drawing does not correspond accurately with the specimen. Judging from the drawing alone it would seem to represent a small leguminous pod with faint depressions corresponding to the places occupied by the seeds. The outer surface is represented as uniform and unmarked. The specimen itself does not show any evidence of the presence of seeds, and the outer surface is strongly marked with close parallel lines which are oblique to the long direction and which completely cross it from side to side. I do not understand this structure, and while it may represent a small pod it is hardly probable that it is a Cassia.

Locality.—Bridge Creek, Grant County, Oregon. Collected by Rev. Thomas Condon (U. S. Nat. Mus., No. 7093).

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Last Updated: 28-Jun-2014