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The Geologic Setting of the John Day Country, Grant County, Oregon


U. S. Geological Survey Maps:

No. I-447 Geologic Map of the Canyon City quadrangle, northeastern Oregon, by C. Ervin Brown and T. P. Thayer, 1966. The map covers the entire region at a scale of one inch equals 4 miles.

GQ-438 Geologic Map of the Aldrich Mountain quadrangle, Oreg., (with text) by T. P. Thayer and C. Ervin Brown, 1966.

GQ-548 Geologic Map of the Mount Vernon quadrangle, Oreg., (with text) by C. Ervin Brown and T. P. Thayer, 1966.

MF-51 Preliminary Geologic Map of the John Day quadrangle, Oreg., by T. P. Thayer, 1956.

U. S. Geological Survey Professional Papers:

No. 550-C Local thickening of basalts and silicic volcanism in the Canyon City quadrangle, Oreg., by T. P. Thayer and C. E. Brown, pages C73-C78, 1966.

Bulletin 1498 Mineral Resources of the Strawberry Mountain Wilderness and Adjacent Areas, Grant County, Oregon, by T. P. Thayer, J.E. Case and R.B. Stotelmeyer.

(From material provided by Thomas P. Thayer)

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Last Updated: 28-Mar-2006