Geological Survey Professional Paper 132A
Rock Formations in the Colorado Plateau of Southeastern Utah and Northern Arizona
The nakedness of the surface rocks and their deep
dissection give an excellent opportunity for detailed study, and when
the entire region has been systematically surveyed there should be few
important problems of correlation left unsolved. But in spite of the
apparent simplicity of the geology it is not safe to attempt
correlation of widely separated sections without knowledge of the
intervening areas, however thorough the study of the sections may have
been. Errors have already resulted from such attempts, and a certain
degree of confusion now exists as to the exact stratigraphic succession
and the proper terminology. Many of the formations are of continental
origin, and some have yielded no determinable fossils. Certain of these
formations have lithologic characteristics that are remarkably
persistent over wide areas; but in many sections two or more formations
are strikingly similar in general appearance, and members that are of
only local distribution may be confused with formations that are
considered the most trustworthy as guides to correlation. In correlating
these deceptive formations, therefore, it is desirable to measure
sections as close together as possible, and continuous tracing in the
field is the most satisfactory method. The rocks are essentially
horizontal or dip gently, except for local strong flexures, and the present
writers found it possible to follow certain guide horizons essentially
without interruption.
The rocks range in age from Pennsylvanian to
Tertiary, but the Tertiary formations were not studied in detail.
Triassic and Jurassic rocks are the most widely distributed formations
on the surface, and they are largely of continental origin. Bright
colors prevail, making the region a "painted desert" of great scenic
interest. In Utah the older formations are revealed in a few broad
anticlines, notably in Cataract Canyon and in the San Juan oil field;
and in the adjoining part of Arizona they appear in Marble Canyon.
Besides the laccoliths of igneous rocks in the Henry
Mountains there are a few igneous dikes and volcanic necks at other
places in the part of the Colorado Plateau under discussion. In the High
Plateaus, west of the Henry Mountains, there are large areas of
extrusive igneous rocks. None of these igneous rocks are here
The section exposed in the wails of the Grand Canyon,
which adjoins Marble Canyon, is probably better known than any other in
the Colorado Plateau, and it is taken as a standard in correlating
Paleozoic formations in the region. This section has been studied in
great detail by L. F. Noble, and he has recently proposed some changes
in the stratigraphic subdivision and the terminology to be
used.13 (See Fig. 1 and P1. I.) His usage is indicated below,
in comparison with the older usage, with a view to making clearer the
discussion of Paleozoic formations here presented.
13Noble, L. F., in Schuchert, Charles, On
the Carboniferous of the Grand Canyon of Arizona: Am. Jour. Sci., 4th
ser., vol. 45, pp. 347-362, 1918. Noble, L. F., Paleozoic formations of
the Grand Canyon at the Bass trail: U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 131,
pp. 23-73, 1922.
Older usage. | Noble's usage. |
Kaibab limestone | Kaibab limestone | (Permian). |
Coconino sandstone | Coconino sandstone |
Supai formation | Upper | Hermit shale |
| Unconformity. |
Lower | Supai formation (Pennsylvanian and Permian?) |
Redwall limestone | Upper |
| Unconformity (?). |
Lower | Redwall limestone (Mississippian). |
Unconformity. |
| Unconformity. |
Pre-Carboniferous formations. | Pre-Carboniferous formations. |
In thus redefining the Supai and Redwall formations
Noble has definitely referred the Hermit shale to the Permian on the
basis of plant remains first discovered by Schuchert and identified by
David White. No fossils have been found in the thick red sandstone at
the top of the Supai formation as redefined, and this member may
therefore belong either in the Permian or in the Pennsylvanian.
The rock formations studied in southeastern Utah and
the adjoining part of Arizona are indicated in the following table:
Rock formations in southeastern Utah and the
adjoining part of Arizona.
Age. |
Formation. |
Character |
Thickness (feet). |
Remarks. |
Tertiary (Eocene). | Wasatch (?) formation. |
Calcareous sandstone,
shale, and limestone; pink, white, and varicolored, evenly stratified,
soft; composes highest plateaus; crops out in cliffs and forms
slopes. |
2,000 |
Unconformity |
Upper Cretaceous |
Masuk sandstone. |
Yellowish-gray massive sandstone with some sandy
shale; grades without break into formation below; a prominent
cliff-forming division. |
300-500 |
"Masuk shale." |
Gray to drab sandy shale containing some thin beds of yellow sandstone. |
500-1,000+ |
Blue Gate sandstone. |
Yellow to brown irregularly bedded medium to massive sandstone; contains
lignite beds up to 4 feet in thickness; forms prominent escarpments. |
230-1,000 |
"Blue Gate shale." |
Bluish-drab argillaceous to sandy shale; very uniform in color and
texture; forms slopes and badlands; thickness, 1,100-1,200 feet. |
2,115-2,250 |
Tununk sandstone. |
Yellowish medium to massive irregularly bedded sandstone; contains lignite; forms
escarpments and hogbacks; thickness, 60-100 feet. |
"Tununk shale." |
Bluish-drab sandy shale grading to fossiliferous sandstone at base;
shale contains abundant Gryphaea newberryi and other fossils;
thickness, 900-1,000 feet. |
Dakota (?) sandstone. |
Yellow to nearly white sandstone; conglomeratic in part;
irregularly bedded; contains lignite locally. |
0-100 |
Unconformity |
Cretaceous (?) (Lower Cretaceous ?). |
McElmo formation. |
Maroon to light bluish-gray sandy banded shale;
conglomerate; and coarse gritty maroon, yellow, and gray irregularly
bedded sandstone; forms escarpments. |
125-565 |
Unconformity |
Jurassic |
Varicolored sandstones and shales. |
Very massive soft light creamy-white, tan, and
orange-brown cross-bedded sandstone; grades into very sandy shale;
weathers readily in rounded slopes and forms abundant dune sand. |
170-1,430 |
Navajo sandstone of Emery. Included by Lup ton in McElmo formation. |
Gypsiferous shales and sandstones. |
Pink to red and bluish sandy shale, gypsum in beds up to 5 feet thick,
and massive white sandstone; forms badlands; 50-300 feet.
Shale, sandstone, and siliceous dark-maroon and light bluish-green limestone;
forms distinct escarpment; 30-55 feet. |
45-450 |
Todilto (?) formation of Emery. Horizon of marine
Jurassic. Included in McElmo formation by Lupton. |
Navajo sandstone. |
Light creamy-yellow, white, pinkish, and buff, highly cross-bedded, very
massive calcareous sandstone; weathers in high cliffs and innumerable
cones, towers, and domes; forms caves, alcoves, and natural bridges. |
500-1,800 |
Gregory's usage. Included in Wingate sandstone by Emery. |
Todilto (?) formation. |
Maroon coarse-grained cross-bedded sandstone; conglomerate;
blue-gray hard dense limestone; maroon and brown shale. All in thin
irregular beds. |
125-249 |
Gregory's usage. Included in Wingate sandstone by Emery. |
Wingate sandstone. |
Reddish-brown very massive sandstone; prominently jointed; outcropping
commonly in a single vertical cliff resembling a palisade.
Cross-bedded but not so prominently as Navajo sandstone. |
250-500 |
Gregory's usage. Included in Wingate sandstone by Emery. |
Unconformity |
Upper Triassic. |
Chinle formation. |
Thick variegated calcareous shales or "marls,"
fine-grained sandstones, cherty limestones, and conglomeratic
limestone. Sandstone most abundant near top of formation. |
300-1,000 |
Upper (?) Triassic. |
Shinarump conglomerate. |
Light-gray to yellow coarse-grained to conglomeratic sandstone, very
irregularly bedded and variable in thickness; grades
locally into bluish sandy shale; contains silicified
wood; forms prominent bench in topography. |
0-220 |
Unconformity |
Lower Triassic. |
Moenkopi formation. |
Chocolate-brown to yellowish shale and sandstone,
containing locally in upper portion very thin hard limestones. The shale
very sandy and grading into shaly sandstones; the sandstone ranging from
thin-bedded platy to thick massive beds. Ripple-marked. Contains
DeChelly (?) sandstone lentil in middle portion; thickness, 0-200 feet. |
304-920 |
Directly overlies Coconino sandstone where Kaibab limestone is absent. |
Permian. |
Kaibab limestone. |
White to yellowish massive more or less dolomitic
limestone; in part cherty; lower part increasingly sandy and grading
into subadjacent sandstone without sharp change. Fossiliferous in part. |
0-250 |
Not continuous. |
Coconino sandstone. |
White to tan massive calcareous saccharoidal hard to friable sandstone.
In Circle Cliffs not differentiated from Supai (?) formation. |
300-1,000 |
Supai (?) formation. |
Red to light-yellow shale and sandstone. |
380 |
Possibly Hermit shale. |
Unconformity |
Pennsylvanian. |
Goodridge formation. |
Bluish fine-grained dense, medium to massively bedded
limestone; red and grayish-white sandstone, in part petroliferous; red
and dark-gray sandy shales. Limestone predominates in lower part of
section, sandstone and shale in upper part. |
1,582 |
PLATE IGeneralized columnar sections of the Paleozoic and Mesozoic
rocks of Northern Arizona and Southeastern Utah
PLATE IIGeneralized columnar sections of the Paleozoic and
Mesozoic rocks of Southeastern Utah
Last Updated: 08-Aug-2008