California Division of Mines and Geology
Bulletin 182
Geologic Guide to the Merced Canyon and Yosemite Valley, California
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
University of California, Berkeley, California, and
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
*Publication authorized by the Director,
U.S. Geological Survey.
FIGURE 1. Some of the features seen from the east portal of Wawona Tunnel.
FIGURE 2. Sketch map of the Yosemite Valley area, California.
(click on image for a PDF version)
Mileage |
0 | El Portal (Standard Oil Company Service Station).
The contact between the Calaveras formation (late Paleozic) and the
granitic rocks of the Yosemite area trends due north a few hundred feet
east of here. The marginal intrusive rocks include coarse diorite and
some norite. Farther east is the V-shaped gorge of the Merced River,
which, although glaciated during two pre-Wisconsin stages when the
glaciers extended about one mile below here, was not glaciated during
the Wisconsin. El Portal was formerly the terminus of the Yosemite
Valley Railroad. For reference see the sketch map of the Yosemite
Valley area (fig. 2), the generalized geologic map (Calkins and Peck
herein, fig. 1), and the glacial map (Wahrhaftig, herein, fig. 5). |
3.5 | Arch Rock Entrance Station, National Park
Service. |
3.6 | Arch Rock. Two large fallen blocks are in contact
at the top but are separated at the bottom by enough space for passage
of the old road. Talus of Arch Rock granite† is exposed in a quarry on
the north side of the road. The granite contains sparse inclusions of an
unidentified darker-gray rock similar in appearance to the granodiorite
at the Gateway.
†For descriptions of this and other rock units in this section see
paper by Calkins and Peck in this guidebook.
4.7 | Elephant Rock is straight ahead. |
6.0 | Junction with the Coulterville Road, the first road
into Yosemite Valley (completed as a toll road on June 17, 1874). |
6.2 | Wildcat Creek. El Capitan granite is exposed at the falls just west
of here. |
6.5 | Cascade Creek. El Capitan granite
(probably Cretaceous) is exposed in a nearby cliff, and some large
fallen blocks of it can be seen from the road. |
8.4 | Junction with the Big Oak Flat Road. The original
road, which lies farther up the slope, was completed one month after the
Coulterville Road. At the road junction are exposures and talus of the
older diorite (described as "diorite of the Rockslides" by Calkins and
Peck). Here the diorite contains light-colored aggregates consisting
mainly of plagioclase that probably formed as the result of
metamorphism by the nearby El Capitan granite. |
9.4 | Turn right across Pohono Bridge. |
10.4 | Turn right on Wawona Road. |
12.2 | Stop in parking lot at the east portal of Wawona
Tunnel. View to the east of El Capitan, Sentinel Rock, Cathedral Rocks,
the hanging valley of Bridalveil Creek, and Bridalveil Fall (fig. 1).
Nearby exposures of various granitic rocks and of diorite. |
Photo 1. North wall of the Yosemite Valley above the
Church Bowl. Light colored, nearly flat-lying dikes of coarse pegmatite
and Half Dame quartz manzonite intrude Sentinel granodiorite.
Photo 2. Sentinel Cascade and its alcoves. Spalling of sheets of
granodiorite around the cascade has enlarged the alcove and steepened
the cliff over which the cascade plunges. Photo by U.S. National Park
Photo 3. Cathedral Rocks. Light-colored dikes of Bridalveil granite intrude a maze
of older granitic and diaritic rocks. Photo by U.S. National Park Service.
The abundance of joints in the diorite in the
opposite valley wall (directly north of here) contrasts strongly
with their scarcity in the massive
cliffs of El Capitan and the Cathedral Rocks (composed mostly of El
Capitan, Bridalveil, and Taft granites, all probably of Cretaceous age).
The construction in the valley between El Capitan and the Cathedral
Rocks may be due to the massive nature of the granitic rocks at this
point. The great abundance of talus in the cliffs directly north of
here, in contrast to the paucity of talus farther up the valley, is due
to the close jointing of the diorite of the cliffs.
The U-shape of Yosemite Valley, in contrast to the
V-shape of the gorge of the Merced below El Portal, is well displayed
here. The bottom of the U, however, is much flatter than in typical
glaciated valleys. According to Gutenberg, Buwalda, and Sharp (1956, pl.
5), the bedrock surface lies almost 1,000 feet beneath the floor of the
valley between El Capitan and Cathedral Rocks, and what we see is
essentially a plain floored by lake sediments.
The top of the highest glacier in Yosemite Valley,
according to Matthes (1930), reached about to the brow of El Capitan, and
was about 300 feet above the top of the Cathedral Rocks. The glacier
swept around the flank of Sentinel Dome, but did not cover the dome. The
upper 700 feet of Half Dome, likewise, was unglaciated. These domes owe
their form to concentric spalling of massive unjointed rock, not to
glacial erosion.
The steep lower course of Bridalveil Creek above
Bridalveil Fall is graded to the level established by the Merced River
during the most recent of three distinct stages of preglacial erosion
(from oldest to youngest, the Broad Valley, Mountain Valley, and Canyon
stages of Matthes, 1930, p. 45-50); hence it helps to define the amount
of glacial erosion in Yosemite Valley.
The V-shaped form of the gorge of the creek, although
typical of stream erosion, is preserved because the sloping walls of the
gorge coincide with throughgoing joints in the otherwise nearly
unjointed rock. The upper part of Fireplace Creek, a little downstream
from us on the opposite wall, is graded to the Mountain Valley stage of
the Merced Canyon. Ribbon Creek, above the head of Ribbon Fall (which
cannot be seen from here, but can be seen on the north wall of the
canyon from places a mile or two down the road), is graded to the Broad Valley stage
of the Merced (see Wahrhaftig, herein, fig. 4).
The blasted rock face at the west end of the parking
lot exposes a complicated mixture of diorite and El Capitan granite. The
porphyritic phase of the Taft granite is well exposed on the slope just
to the west. El Capitan granite along the south side of the road
contains blocks of partially assimilated diorite, and has a steeply
dipping foliation.
Turn around and drive east along the south side of
the Valley, across Sentinel Bridge and to the Ahwahnee Hotel.
0 | Ahwahnee Hotel. The route is plotted on the sketch map of the Yosemite
Valley area (fig. 2). |
0.3 | Entrance to Ahwahnee Hotel, turn right. |
0.5 | STOP 1. Church Bowl. View across valley of
Glacier Point. In the cliff face west of Glacier Point, note the
contrast between unjointed Half Dome quartz monzonite (probably
Cretaceous) below, and jointed granodiorite above. In the center of the
valley south of here as much as 2,000 feet of glacio-lacustrine debris
overlies the bedrock (Gutenberg, Buwalda, and Sharp, 1956; see
Wahrhaftig, herein, fig. 5). In talus and in cliff faces on the north
side of the valley at this stop dark-colored Sentinel granodiorite is
cut by gently dipping light-colored dikes of coarse pegmatite and Half
Dome quartz monzonite at the margin of the large body of Half Dome
quartz monzonite. In some of the dikes of quartz monzonite unequal
concentration of dark minerals produces a nearly horizontal
layering. |
0.7 | STOP 2. Parking lot at Yosemite National Park
Headquarters. Visit to Museum. |
1.7 | View of Sentinel Rock across valley. Along the
cascade of Sentinel Creek to the right (west) of the rock, can be seen
recesses caused by spalling of the granitic rocks around the cascade.
Enlargement of the recesses appears to be developing vertical
waterfalls from this sloping cascade. |
3.0 | View of El Capitan straight ahead. |
Photo 4. The Yosemite Valley from Valley View. At
left is the great cliff of El Capitan. at the right the Cathedral Racks
and Bridalveil Fall. In the foreground is Bridalveil Meadow, which is
underlain by almost 1,000 feet of Pleistocene glacio-lacustrine
deposits. Photo by U.S. National Park Service.
Photo 5. Ribbon Fall and its alcove. The edges of cracks along which
great sheets have spoiled can be seen near the head of the alcove. Photo
by U.S. National Park Service.
Photo 6. Road cut through the terminal moraine on the south side of
Yosemite Valley at the base of Cathedral Rocks. The large boulder at the
right-hand end of the cut is of Cathedral Peak granite, the nearest
exposure of which is 13 miles away. Photo by U.S. National Park
Photo 7. Southeast face of El Capitan. The irregular boundaries of an
intrusive body of diorite form a crude map of North America.
3.9 | Junction at north end of El Capitan Bridge: continue
straight ahead. Brief stop for view, across valley, of Cathedral Rocks,
Cathedral Spires, and Taft Point. On the faces of North and Middle
Cathedral Rocks can be seen nearly horizontal light-colored dikes of
Bridalveil granite cutting a maze of other granitic and dioritic rocks. |
4.6 | STOP 3. (At V-7 sign.) The low ridge to the left
is the easternmost of a series of Wisconsin terminal moraines
which held in the former Lake Yosemite. The lake was
filled with as much as 300 feet of silt and sand deposited on advancing
deltas by the Merced River and Tenaya Creek; this debris was possibly
supplied by glaciers of Tioga age, which reached only as far downstream
as the lip of Nevada Fall and the upper part of Tenaya Canyon (see
Wahrhaftig, herein, fig. 5). Walk south along the old road at the
east side of the moraine to the Merced River, a distance of about 800
feet. In the moraine at the river are exposed boulders of Cathedral Peak
granite, Half Dome quartz monzonite, Sentinel granodiorite (probably
Cretaceous), and Bridalveil granite. The nearest exposure of Cathedral
Peak granite is 12 miles east of here. Return to
the main road and continue west. |
4.9 | Turnout. Brief stop for view of Bridalveil Fall,
Leaning Tower, and Cathedral Rocks across valley. |
5.8 | Valley View turnout. Brief stop for view of El
Capitan, Clouds Rest, and Sentinel Rock to the east and Cathedral
Rocks and Bridalveil Fall to the southeast. The
western most of the Wisconsin terminal moraines lies a few hundred feet
west of here. |
6.0 | Turn left across Pohono Bridge. |
6.5 | View of Rockslides across valley. |
6.7 | Road again crosses the westernmost Wisconsin
moraine. |
7.0 | Junction with Wawona Road; turn right. |
7.1 | STOP 4. Turn left into parking lot. Walk along trail
(about 1,000 feet) to viewpoint at base of Bridalveil Fall. Near
viewpoint are fallen blocks of Leaning Tower quartz monzonite (probably
Cretaceous), Bridalveil granite, diorite, and El Capitan granite. On
the cliff face at the lip of Bridalveil Fall can be seen a thick horizontal
sheet of smooth-weathering Bridalveil granite. Underneath is reddish
rough-weathering Leaning Tower quartz monzonite, and to the east is dark
diorite. Note that the lower part of Bridalveil Fall is in a slight
recess flanked by buttresses. The borders of the recess are marked by
the edges of slabs parallel to the surface, apparently the original
continuations of these slabs across the face of the fall have dropped from
the cliff and are represented by the cone of talus extending up the
cliff to an apex just west of the base of the fall.
Looking across the valley to the recess in which
Ribbon Fall lies, one can see similar spalling in the upper part of this
recess. Return to parking lot and drive east along the south side of the
valley past the turnoff to Pohono Bridge. Bank on south side of road
exposes bouldery terminal moraine. |
7.9 | Road crosses the moraine examined at Stop 3. |
8.4 | View of El Capitan across valley. |
8.8 | Junction with road to El Capitan Bridge. View of Sentinel
Rock to the east, directly up the road. The forms of Sentinel Rock,
Glacier Point, the north face of Half Dome, etc., are controlled by
vertical joints trending east to northeast. |
9.0 | Brief stop at V-33 sign for view of El Capitan
and Three Brothers across the valley. On the face of El Capitan the
irregular boundaries of an intrusive body of diorite form
a crude map of North America. This cuts an
inconspicuous westward-sloping dike of gray rock, probably Leaning Tower
quartz monzonite. The form of the Three Brothers is controlled by joints
dipping obliquely westward. |
Photo 8. The Three Brothers. The west-dipping joints that give these
monuments their characteristic shape are emphasized by a light fall of
snow. Photo by U.S. National Park Service.
Photo 9. Half Dome from Glacier Point. The
precipitous northwest face is bounded by the wall of a nearly vertical
fissure. The rounded back of the dome was farmed by exfoliation of
massive quartz monzonite. Photo by U.S. National Park Service.
Photo 10. Glacial polish and slickensides on north
wall of Yosemite Valley near Mirror Lake.
10.6 | View of Yosemite Falls across the valley. |
11.1 | Road junction at south end of Sentinel Bridge.
Continue east, not crossing bridge. South of here are remnants of the
Old Village, the center of commercial activity in the valley between the
late 1850's and 1917. |
11.2 | Brief stop for a view to the east of North Dome,
Half Dome, Royal Arches, Washington Column, and Glacier Point. The form
of the Royal Arches, Half Dome, and North Dome is controlled by
exfoliation of the Half Dome quartz monzonite, resulting from expansion
due to unloading brought about by denudation. |
11.5 | Road junction; continue straight ahead. |
12.2 | Road crosses Happy Isles Bridge. |
12.7 | Road crosses Wisconsin moraine. View of North
Dome straight ahead. |
12.8 | Road junction; bear right. |
13.1 | Road junction; bear right. |
13.5 | Road crosses rock avalanche that dammed Tenaya Creek,
forming Mirror Lake. |
Photo 11. The Royal Arches, North Dome, Washington
Column, and Basket Dome, from near Glacier Point. These monuments are
carved from a nearly joint-free mass of Half Dame quartz monzonite. Thin
exfoliation slabs can be seen near the top of North Dome. The Royal
Arches can be seen in this photograph to be the edges of giant
exfoliation sheets farmed on the southwest side of this joint-free mass.
Photo by U.S. National Park Service.
13.8 | STOP 5. Parking lot at Mirror Lake. View of Mirror
Lake, and of Tenaya Canyon to the east. Walk along trail to the
northeast about 1,000 feet to see glacial polish and striae on Half Dome
quartz monzonite. Note well-formed books of biotite in this rock.
Return to parking lot and drive west. |
14.5 | Road junction; bear right. |
14.7 | "Indian Cave," north of road, is in coarse talus
at the foot of the cliff. |
14.9 | View ahead of sheeting in the Royal Arches, formed by
exfoliation. |
15.3 | Sugar Pine Bridge. |
15.7 | Road junction; bear right. |
15.8 | View ahead of flat-lying dikes of Half Dome quartz monzonite
and pegmatite in Sentinel granodiorite. |
15.9 | Entrance to Ahwahnee Hotel; turn right. |
16.2 | Ahwahnee Hotel. |
Gutenberg, Beno, Buwalda, J. P., and Sharp, R. P., 1956, Seismic
explorations of the floor of Yosemite Valley, California: Geol. Soc.
America Bull., v. 67, p. 1051-1078.
Matthes, F. E., 1930, Geologic history of Yosemite Valley:
U. S. Geol. Survey Prof. Paper 160, 137 p.
Last Updated: 03-Aug-2009