California Division of Mines and Geology
Bulletin 182
Geologic Guide to the Merced Canyon and Yosemite Valley, California
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California, and
University of California, Berkeley, California
and L. D. CLARK
U.S. Geological Survey, Menlo Park, California
*Prepared cooperatively with the U.S. Geological Survey.
Plate 1. Geologic map and section of the southern port of the western
Sierra Nevada metamorphic belt, accompanies this paper. (click on image for a PDF version)
Mileage |
0.0 | Junction of Highways U.S. 50-California 33. Turn right (south) on
Highway 33. |
9.1 | Junction California 33 and 132. |
17.9 | Junction California 33 and road to Grayson and
Modesto. |
24.5 | Turn left (east) onto Patterson-Turlock
Road. |
27.4 | Cross San Joaquin River. |
40.2 | Center of Turlock (intersection Main and U.S.
99)turn right (south) to first street past stoplight. |
40.3 | Turn left (east) off U.S. 99 on East
Ave.road to Snelling. |
40.2 to 46.0 | The road crosses the depositional surface on top
of the Pleistocene Modesto formation of Davis and Hall (1959),
equivalent to the upper part of the late
Pleistocene Victor formation (Piper and others, 1939). The Victor
formation is an alluvial fan. For a geologic description of the area
between Turlock and Merced Falls, see the paper by R. J. Arkley in this
guidebook. |
46.0 | The toad leaves the smooth depositional surface
and enters slightly rolling topography carved in the Quaternary
Riverbank formation of Davis and Hall (1959), equivalent to the lower part
of the Victor formation. Outcrops of reddish sandy alluvium along the
road at mile 47.8 are probably of this formation. |
48.2 | To the north can be seen a line of low,
flat-topped hills carved in the Turlock Lake formation of Davis and
Hall (1959). |
52.2 | The low, flat-topped hill about a quarter of a
mile to the southwest (right) consists of Mehrten formation, of Miocene
and Pliocene age, capped by a thin layer of Arroyo Seco gravel of middle
or late Pleistocene age (R. J Arkley, this guidebook). |
52.5 | The road enters the area mapped as Turlock Lake
formation by Davis and Hall, characterized by rolling country carved in
reddish sandy alluvium. |
54.9 | North bank of Dry Creek. The roadcuts along the grade
down to the creek expose two layers of thinly bedded fine sand and silt
interbedded with coarse sand. These may represent glacial lake deposits
(glacial rock flour) laid down by the Merced River. The terrace
traversed by the road beyond Dry Creek is underlain by the Riverbank
formation of Davis and Hall (1959). |
55.4 | The China Hat pediment (see article by R. J.
Arkley, this guidebook) can be seen across the Merced River, above
the trees at 2:00 o'clock.
Just beyond this point the road descends 20 feet to
the terrace surface of the Modesto formation. |
57.2 | On the skyline to the east across the river can
be seen the westward-sloping China Hat pediment. |
57.9 | The road descends the terrace to the modern
floodplain of the Merced River. The small outcrop at the base of the
bluff is of thinly bedded fine sand and silt. This is
overlain by 20 to 30 feet of well-sorted medium-grained sand of
granitic detritus. |
61.6 | The abandoned grade visible at intervals on the
right is that of the Yosemite Valley Railroad, which extended from
Merced to El Portal and operated from 1907 to 1945.
Its chief business was freight, but the railroad carried many
Yosemite-bound travelers during the summer. |
65.5 | Snelling. Small white courthouse at Snelling,
erected in 1857, was the first in Merced County.
Between Snelling and Merced Falls the road passes
piles of dredge tailings. The gold mining dredges are large barges with
chains of scoop buckets that gnaw away on one side of the artificial
pond on which the dredge floats. The buckets feed into a large trommel
on the dredge that separates the coarse gravel from the fine
gold-bearing sand. This sand passes from the trommel over a complicated
series of riffles which trap the gold. The barren gravel is carried up a
long stacking arm by an endless belt and dumped on the side of the pond
opposite from where it was dug. By excavating an one end and
back-filling at the opposite end, the dredge carries along the pond on
which in floats as it mines the gold. The dredge is anchored
to the shore by cables and swings from side to side by pulling
alternately on the cables, digging and stacking as it goes. This back
and forth swinging from a fixed point gives the cursous cross ridges of
the dredge tailings; from the air these tailings piles look like stacks
of coins that have fallen over.
The gravel that has been dredged here is apparently
post-glacial alluvium deposited in the shallow steep-walled valley that
the Merced River carved in the Pleistocene Modesto and Riverbank
formations. The large size of the boulders in this gravel is very
puzzling, for the Pleistocene alluvium contains no boulders of this size
so far out from the mountains. In addition to gold, a small amount of
platinum was recovered from the dredgings.
With luck, one can see to the south the profile of
the China Hat pediment. |
72.0 | Merced Falls. |
72.1 | Merced Falls dam and powerplant on right. The
dam rests on the westernmost outcrop of bedrock, which consists of black
slate with interbedded graywacke. |
72.3 | Sawmill ruins on right. |
72.5 | Cross abandoned grade of the Yosemite Valley
Railroad. Exposures of steeply dipping Upper Jurassic slate. The
metasedimentary rocks extending from here eastward to Stop 1 are on the
western limb of a large anticline (pl. 1). Although the beds are in
places complexly folded, tops are westward in intervening areas where
bedding is not crumpled. |
72.7 | Continue straight ahead on Exchequer Dam road. |
72.8 | Cleavage and bedding in slate at left dip steeply. |
73.0 | Cleavage still dips deeply, but in minor folds
bedding crosses the prominent cleavage. |
74.7 | STOP 1. Lunch. Stream-polished exposures on the
north bank of the Merced River show details of the structure of
much-deformed slate and graywackes. Some graded
graywacke beds can be found. The most prominent structures here are minor
folds that plunge southwest and southeast at angles of 70° and 80°.
These small folds are superimposed on beds that already dipped steeply
as a result of earlier folding about nearly horizontal axes. The
Jurassic slate of this area differs from most of that exposed farther
north in the abundance of minor folds and in the steep plunge of fold
Return to Snelling-Hornitos Road. |
75.7 | Cross Merced River. |
76.7 | STOP 2. The flat-topped hill just west of the road is
capped by about 100 feet of coarse cross-bedded sandstone and
conglomerate of the Ione formation, which rests on deeply weathered
Jurassic slate. At the base of the hill can be seen outcrops of black
unweathered slate. Near the top of the hill, the sandstone can be seen
resting on bleached white slate. The sandstone contains pebbles of
bleached slate, volcanic rocks, and quartz. It is largely a quartz-kaolin
sandstone with a very low percentage of heavy minerals, all
extremely resistant to weathering, and was apparently derived from the
erosion of a terrain that had been deeply weathered in a tropical climate.
Casts of Venericardia planicosta have been reported from
the sandstone in this hill (Allen, 1929, p. 361).
The flat-topped hills to the southeast, which slope
gently southwestward, are also capped by about 100 feet of similar
sandstone of the Ione, resting unconformably on the upturned edges of
the Jurassic slate. If the hill crests are projected by eye eastward,
they will be seen to coincide roughly in height with the even-topped
ridges in the distance to the east, the foothill ridges of the Sierra.
These ridges are underlain by metavolcanic rocks. |
76.9 to 79.9 | The road here passes through rolling country
surmounted by the flat-topped mesas of the sandstone of the Ione.
On the low, rolling hills can be seen the curious
"hogwallow" microrelief of evenly spaced mounds 2 to 3 feet high, and
about 20 to 40 feet across. See article by R. J. Arkley in this
guidebook, for a discussion of the origin of this microrelief. |
79.9 | Whitish-weathered schistose felsite, probably
Upper Jurassic. |
82.5 | Road crosses into Jurassic metavolcanic rocks. |
82.7 | Roadcuts in schistose metavolcanic rocks. |
83.3 | Hornitos (take left fork). |
83.4 | Adobe and stone buildings, some in ruins but others
still occupied. Hornitos was settled in 1850 by Mexicans who were
invited to leave the town of Quartzburg, about 4 miles to the northeast.
Joaquin Murietta, a bandit idolized by some in Mother Lode history, is
alleged to have once escaped through a tunnel leading from a building
here. One of the ruined buildings once housed the store of D. Ghirardelli,
who later went into the chocolate business. From the Wells Fargo
office, established in 1852, gold shipments of $40,000 per day are
reported, and the population of Hornitos reached a high point of about
15,000. The name Hornitos means "little ovens" and was derived from the
dome-like bake ovens constructed here by a group of Germans. |
84.6 | Schistose amphibolite in roadcuts. |
85.4 | Old placer diggings in Burns Creek on the
right. |
87.1 | Quartzburg school. Site of the gold-rush town of
Quartzburg. |
88.7 | Take left fork of road. |
90.7 | Hunter Valley Road on left. Continue straight ahead
toward Bear Valley. |
91.1 | Hunter Valley extends to the northwest (left).
Bedded Upper Jurassic tuff dips about 60° northeastward in road cuts
on the right. |
92.7 | View ahead of Bear Valley and Bullion Mountain.
The floor of Bear Valley, at an elevation of about 2,000 feet, is
probably a surface of the Broad Valley stage of the Merced River.
Bullion Mountain, which has a present elevation of 4,200 feet, therefore
probably stood at least 2,200 feet above the Broad Valley stage of the
Merced River (approximately equivalent in age to the Ione formation or
the auriferous gravels). Bullion Mountain is held up by resistant
metavolcanic rocks while Bear Valley is carved in soft slate of the Mariposa
formation. The Mariposa formation is separated from the metavolcanic
rocks by the Melones fault zone which is concealed by mass wastage
debris on the lower slopes of the mountain. |
93.8 | West contact of the Mariposa formation. |
94.4 | Junction State Highway 49 at Bear Valley. Turn
left (north) on Highway 49. The town was the site of
Col. John C. Fremont's headquarters after he had purchased
the Mariposa land grant in 1847. Fremont operated lode
gold mines and a stamp mill until 1863.
The road north is over the rolling upland surface of
Bear Valley at altitudes of 2,000 to 2,300 feet. From Bear Valley to the
Pine Tree mine (Stop 3), and back to Mariposa, the route follows the
Mother Lode, a geographic belt 2 to 3 miles wide in which a system of
discontinuous eastward-dipping quartz veins crops out. Lode gold
deposits are not restricted to the Mother Lode belt, but within it
the quartz veins and ore bodies
are more numerous and can be followed farther in mining than elsewhere
in the Sierra Nevada. The gold is associated with the quartz veins, but
in many mines gold in the quartz is relatively scarce; the ore was
formed by replacement of the rock adjacent to the veins. Many Mother
Lode veins and ore bodies are within the Melones fault zone, but they
are related to smaller faults that are apparently younger than the chief
movements of the fault zone. |
95.8 | Edge of the canyon of the Merced River. The
topography drops abruptly away to Hell Hollow, the ravine directly
below, and the Merced River, 1,400 feet below and 2 miles north of this
point. |
96.9 | Contact between Mariposa formation and
serpentine. The Mariposa formation is sheared for a distance of about
100 feet westward from the serpentine as a result of movement on the
Melones fault zone. The fault zone here includes the serpentine and the
sheared part of the Mariposa formation. |
97.2 | STOP 3. Pine Tree mine. Walk out to point north
of iron tanks while bus is turning around. North and east from this
point can be seen the Merced Canyon and also the Broad Valley surface,
which is marked by accordant ridge crests at or just above our level on
the north side of the river. These accordant crests rise north of us to
the base of a mountain (Buckhorn Peak), which is crowned by a flat area
more than a mile across (Buckhorn Flat, altitude about 3,400 to 3,500
feet) that is nearly 1,200 feet above the Broad Valley stage of the
Merced River. Buckhorn Flat is cut across steeply dipping metavolcanic
rocks. Northeast of Buckhorn Flat, and several hundred feet below it, is
an extensive gently rolling upland cut across the steeply dipping
Paleozoic Calaveras formation. Patches of auriferous gravels have been
found on this upland (Turner and Ransome, 1897).
Due east can be seen the High Sierra, with a few of
the higher peaks (possibly Mr. Clark and Red Peak, 11,500-11,600 ft.)
rising from behind the even-topped forest-covered ridges of the Sierra
upland that form the skyline. At the head of the Merced Canyon, the tops
of El Capitan, Half Dome, and Clouds Rest, three of the famous monuments
of Yosemite Valley, can be seen rising slightly above the forested
plateaus. If, in mind's eye, the canyons be filled in up to the level of
the Broad Valley stage, a rough picture of the appearance of the Sierra
Nevada in Eocene time can be obtained.
The Pine Tree gold mine, at the head of the ravine to
the south, recovered ore from the Pine Tree vein, discovered in 1849,
and from the Josephine vein, discovered shortly thereafter. The mine
operated intermittently from 1849 to 1944, part of the time under the
ownership of Col. Fremont, and has a recorded production of about
$3,400,000 from 8 miles of workings. The total production is probably
greater than $4,000,000. Mariposite, a bright-green chrome mica, is
among the minerals found here. (Notes on mine statistics and history in
this road log are from Bowen and Gray, 1957.)
Return to Bear Valley on California 49. |
100.0 | Town of Bear Valley. Ruins of adobe and stone
buildings on left. |
105.1 | Site of Mr. Ophir Mint. This was an officially
sanctioned private mint established in 1851; for a short time it
manufactured hexagonal $50 gold slugs to ease a currency shortage. The
white quartz vein and diggings at the top of the hill ahead mark the
site of the Mr. Ophir mine. Discovered in 1849 or 1850, the mine was
operated intermittently until 1914. Recorded production is $85,703, but
total production is estimated at about $270,000. |
106.7 | Town of Mt. Bullion. The Princeton group of
mines is on the Mt. Bullion-Cathay road at the southern outskirts of Mt.
Bullion. The Princeton mine, discovered in 1852, produced about
$5,000,000 in gold from workings that extended to a depth of 1,250 feet.
Most of the ore carried between $4 and $7 per ton in gold, but
near-surface ore yielded about $70 per ton. No sustained mining has been
carried on since 1927. |
108.2 | Contact between serpentine in the Melones fault
zone and greatly sheared slate and conglomerate of the Mariposa
formation. The long axes of the elongate conglomerate pebbles are
nearly-vertical. |
108.8 | Road follows contact between serpentine on the
right and metavolcanic rocks on the left for the next half mile. |
111.5 | Junction California 49 and California 140. Turn
right (southeast) into Mariposa. "Mariposa" means butterfly. |
112.2 | Rest stop. Turn around. Leave Mariposa
traveling toward Yosemite Valley on California Highway 140. |
112.9 | Junction California 140 and 49. Continue ahead
on 140. From here to mile 117.2 steeply dipping metavolcanic rocks with
some interbedded slate are exposed in the roadcuts. |
114.4 | Small body of talc-antigorite schist enclosed
in metavolcanic rocks. |
116.5 | Mariposa summit. 116.5 to 121.0: the highway
passes down the valley of Bear Creek, a broad gentle valley probably
graded approximately to the Merced River of the Broad Valley stage
(Hudson, 1960, fig. 2. p. 1551). |
117.2 | Highway enters an area underlain by a granitic
rock. |
117.8 | Highway passes from the granitic area back to
metavolcanic rocks. |
121.0 | The grade of Bear Creek steepens somewhat, the
canyon narrows, and the stream has carved incised meanders. The segment
of the stream from 121.0 to 123.1 was probably graded to the Merced
River of the Mountain Valley stage. |
122.8 | Bridge over Bear Creek. |
Photo 1. Canyon of Bear Creek. At the head of the
canyon is a fall which is held up by resistant
metavolcanic rock and which separates segments of the creek graded to
the Mountain Valley stage (above) and to the present river in its canyon
123.1 | STOP 4. Bear Creek here plunges over a fall held up
by the resistant metavolcanic rock and descends the abrupt canyon ahead
to the Merced River. This is probably the nickpoint between the segments
of Bear Creek graded to the Mountain Valley stage (above) and to the
present stream in its canyon (below). |
123.7 | Contact between steeply dipping metavolcanic and meta sedimentary
rocks, both parts of the Calaveras formation of Paleozoic age. |
123.7 to 125.4 | Steeply dipping planar structure in Paleozoic slate exposed on the left
is cleavage. Bedding is in general nearly parallel to the cleavage, but
often crosses it. |
125.4 | Briceburg. |
Photo 2. Glacial outwash overlain by colluvium, near Briceburg. Outwash
consists largely of boulders of granite and granodiorite. transported by
the river from bedrock exposures many miles upstream.
125.5 | STOP 5. Slate and thin-bedded chert (Calaveras formation)
are here greatly sheared and the only structures remaining are
the steeply plunging lineations and minor folds related to the last
stage of deformation. From here to mile 130.5, the Calaveras formation
consists of phyllite derived from siltstone that locally contained
interbedded chert. Bedding is preserved in part of this interval, but in
other parts has been destroyed by shearing as it is here.
Granitic boulders are abundant in glacial outwash
resting on water-polished bedrock in cuts on the south side of the road
at Stop 5. Since the gravel consists largely of well-rounded
boulders of granite and granodiorite, it must have been transported by
the river, for the bedrock for many miles upstream from this point
consists of metasedimentary rocks. Over the outwash gravel is colluvium
derived from the slope above. |
126.6 | Boudinages in steeply-dipping mafic dike in large cut
on the right. |
127.8 | STOP 7 (return trip). Outwash gravel exposed
in the roadcut may indicate two layers of outwash, separated by a period
of dissection when ice retreated in the headwaters of the river. In
the lower 10 feet of the gravel many of the boulders of granodiorite and
granite are rotted to granite sand; maximum size of the boulders is
about 4 feet, but this is no larger than boulders now being moved by the
Merced River on the other side of the road. The upper 20 feet of the
exposure, separated from the lower part by a row of boulders slumped
from the hillside above, consists of finer gravel (about 1 foot average
size) composed of largely unweathered boulders of granite and
granodiorite. The upper gravel may be of Tioga or Graveyard
(of Birman, 1957) age, probably the latter, and the lower gravel Tahoe
or Sherwin in age (see table 1, Wahrhaftig). |
129.6 | Crossing Feliciana Creek, one of Matthes'
classic areas of the Broad Valley stage. |
129.7 | Quartz ladder veins in dikes to the right. |
130.5 | Thin-bedded metachert of the Calaveras
formation, locally contorted. The light-gray-weathering more massive
rock is limestone, traceable from here to about 1 mile north of the
quarry at mile 132.0. |
131.6 | Small granitic stock to the north across the
river. |
131.8 | Inactive limestone quarry. Limestone from this
quarry was used in Merced for the manufacture of Portland cement. The
geologic structure on hillsides to the north (left) is brought out by
the resistant metachert and limestone beds. |
133.6 | STOP 6. Geologic marker. Tightly and complexly
folded metachert and black phyllite of the Calaveras formation.
The folds all plunge steeply, but the bearing of the fold axes and
attitudes of axial planes are not consistent. |
Photo 3. V-shaped canyon of the Merced River a mile below the mouth of
the South Fork. On the top of the ridge on the skyline are preserved
remnants at a gently rolling surface produced during an earlier cycle of
134.2 | Landslide debris in roadcut on the right. The
scarp at the top of the slide, not visible from this point, is near the
crest of the ridge. Looking downstream from this point the V-shaped
canyon of the Merced River is well displayed. |
134.5 | Young glacial outwash gravel or hydraulic mine
tailings on right. |
135.0 | Bridge across the South Fork of the Merced River. |
136.5 | Waste dumps of the Clearing House mine can be seen to the east across
the river. The ore was discovered in 1860, and before mining ceased in
1937, the mine had yielded more than $3,350,000 in gold, some silver,
and small amounts of copper and lead. Granodiorite exposed on
hill north of the mine. |
136.9 | Southwestern contact of an isolated granitic
pluton. |
137.1 | Gold Star mine on right. The mine produced
small amounts of gold from 1936 to 1952. |
137.3 | On the spur on the canyon wall to the north
(left) can be seen the trace of the incline where log-laden flatcars
were lowered from spur lines on the gently rolling upland surface above
to the main line of the Yosemite Valley Railroad near river level. |
137.4 | Dumps at the Rutherford gold mine are visible
north of the river. The production is not recorded but there are several
reports of high-grade ore. |
137.8 | Outwash gravel in roadcut. |
138.2 | Northeastern contact of granitic pluton. |
138.3 | Spheroidally weathered boulders of granitic rock. |
139.7 | Southwestern contact of a granitic body. The highway crosses metamorphic
rock from 139.7 to 140.2. |
140.2 | Northeastern contact of a granitic body. |
140.4 | The flat area to the left marks an abandoned
meander of the river. |
140.6 | The sheet-iron structure at the base of the
hill on the far side of the river is a mill that processed tungsten ore
from mines in this vicinity. |
141.1 | At this point, the canyon of the Merced River
widens out and is U-shaped. Downstream from this point the canyon is
V-shaped and winding, and there is some question as to how far below
this point ice actually extended. There is no question that ice reached
this far downstream on the Merced River in the oldest glacial stages
recognized on the west side of the Sierra. |
141.2 | Tunnels in the sharp ridge north of the river
are workings of the El Portal barite mine. Most of the nearly
400,000 tons of barite produced was used in oil-well drilling
mud. The mine has been idle since 1948. |
142.0 | Bridge across Merced River. |
142.3 | Metamorphic rocks across river to the right. |
142.6 | El Portal. (Gasoline station at east end of town.) |
142.7 | Contact between Calaveras formation and part of
the Sierra Nevada batholith. |
Allen, Victor T., 1929, The Ione formation of California: Univ.
California, Dept. Geol. Sci. Bull., v. 18, p. 347-448.
Birman, Joseph H., 1957, Glacial geology of the upper San Joaquin
drainage, Sierra Nevada, California: Univ. California at Los Angeles,
Ph. D. thesis, 237 p.
Bowen, O. E., Jr., and Gray, C. H., Jr., 1957, Mines and mineral
deposits of Mariposa County, California: California Jour. Mines and
Geology, v. 53, p. 35-243.
Davis, S. N., and Hall, F. R., 1959, Water quality of eastern Stanislaus
and northern Merced Counties, California: Stanford Univ. Pub., Geol.
Sci., v. 6, no. 1, 112 p.
Hudson, F. S., 1960, Post-Pliocene uplift of the Sierra Nevada
California: Geol. Soc. America Bull., v. 71, p. 1547-1573.
Piper, A. M., Gale, H. S., Thomas, H. E., and Robinson, T. W.,
1939, Geology and ground-water hydrology of the Mokelumne
area, California: U.S. Geol. Survey Water-Supply Paper 780,
230 p.
Turner, H. W., and Ransome, F. L., 1897, Geology of the Sonora
quadrangle: U.S. Geol. Survey Folio No. 41.
Last Updated: 03-Aug-2009