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Historic Structures Report, Part II & Furnishing Study
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PLATE XXV. Coats, water buckets, and the like may have hung from the pegs set into the wall logs and the hooks fashioned from branches.

PLATE XXVI. The Walker Sisters Spring House, or Can House as it is sometimes called, was the storage place for perishable items as milk, butter, etc.

PLATE XXVII. Rear (south) elevation of the Spring House.

PLATE XXVIII. The original roof has been replaced with modern wood sheathing covered with composition roll roofing.

PLATE XXIX. The ingenious way the Smoky Mountain pioneers used wood to replace metal hardware is well illustrated by the gudgeon and pingle hinge used on the Spring House door.

PLATE XXX. Note rot in the rib poles supporting the roof overhang.

PLATE XXXI. This rear view of the Spring House shows the condition of the rib poles and the wall logs.

PLATE XXXII. Storage shelves at rear of Spring House.

PLATE XXXIII. Remains of hen nest to left of the door.

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Last Updated: 30-Sep-2009