Hopewell Culture
Amidst Ancient Monuments
The Administrative History of Mound City Group National Monument / Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, Ohio
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While a plethora of primary documentation exists in Chillicothe pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument, gaps in government files do occur in the 1960s, and more noticeably during the 1970s. The author subsequently searched for official correspondence exchanged between the national monument and its regional headquarters offices. Records of the Region Five/Northeast Regional Office and Midwest Regional Office proved invaluable. Respositories for those records are the federal records centers of the National Archives and Records Administration in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, and Kansas City, Missouri, respectively.

Future researchers will find the holdings of the Midwest Archeological Center to be invaluable in understanding how federal archeologists viewed the significance of Mound City Group within the context of Hopewell culture. Also, these records reflect concern over the course of each excavation there.

Because of time and fiscal constraints, only a select few oral history interviews were conducted. Historians will want to consult other administrators and professionals connected to Mound City Group and related Hopewell sites. For the same reasons, the author did not conduct a search of Washington Office records in the Washington, D.C., National Archives. Although Washington officials intervened a number of times in Mound City Group issues, regional and park files appeared to cover those instances surprisingly well.


National Park Service
Hopewell Culture National Historical Park
(formerly Mound City Group National Monument)
Chillicothe, Ohio

Mound City Group Unit Files (Active and Inactive)
A--Administration and Management: A22, A26, A34, A36, A38, A40, A42, A44, A64, A70, A76, A90, A98, A2621, A2623, A3615, A3815, A4031, A5427, A5431, A6419, A6423, A6437, A7021, A7615, A7619, A7623, and A8215.
D--Development and Maintenance: D18, D22, D24, D32, D50, D52, D62, D66, D270, D1815, D2215, D2217, D2219, D3415, D5027, D5039, D6215, and D6223.
F--Fiscal: F22, F34, and F74.
H--History and Archeology: H20, H22, H24, H30, H34, H2017, H2215, and H3417.
K--Interpretation and Information: K14, K18, K1415, K1815, K3415, and K3417.
L--Lands, Water and Recreation Planning: L14, L24, L34, L1415, L1417, L1427, L7019, L7617, and L7619.
N--Natural and Social Sciences: N16, N22, N42, N50, and N1427.
P--Personnel: P4019.
S--Supplies, Procurement and Property: S38, S42, S4219, S7215, S7219, and S7421.
W--Laws and Legal Matters: W30, W34, W38, and W46.
Y--Forestry: Y18 and Y46.

"Administrative History of Mound City Group National Monument." Unpublished typewritten manuscript. 1980.

Apschnikat, Ken. "Mound City Group National Monument Management Briefing Paper, 1987." Typewritten manuscript.

Barnhart, Terry A. "An American Menagerie: The Cabinet of Squier and Davis." Timeline: Ohio Historical Society (December 1985-January 1986), 2-9.

__________. "The Journalist and The Physician: Inquiry Into the Career Association of Ephraim George Squier and Edwin Hamilton Davis, Pioneer American Archaeologists." Unpublished Master's thesis, Miami University, 1980.

Brose, David S. An Archaeological Testing Beyond the Walls of the Mound City Group, Ross County, Ohio. Cleveland: performed under contract for National Park Service, 1976.

Brose, David S., and N'omi Greber. Editors. "Preface." Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979.

Caldwell, Joseph R., and Robert L. Hall. Editors. Hopewellian Studies. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Volume 12. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

Caldwell, Joseph R. "Interaction Spheres in Prehistory," Paper 6, in Hopewellian Studies, Joseph R. Caldwell and Robert L. Hall, Editors. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Volume 12. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

Connolly, Robert P. "The Evidence for Habitation at the Fort Ancient Earthworks," Chapter 10 in Ohio Hopewell Community Organization, William S. Dancey and Paul J. Pacheco, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

Crouch, J. Carlisle, Murray H. Nelligan, and Benjamin F. Gibson. Area Management Study of Mound City Group National Monument. Philadelphia: Region Five, 6-7 June 1956.

Dancey, William S. "Putting an End to Ohio Hopewell," in A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio Hopewell Archaeology, Paul J. Pacheco, Editor. Columbus: The Ohio Archaeological Council, Inc., 1996.

Dancey, William S. and Paul J. Pacheco. "A Community Model of Ohio Hopewell Settlement," Chapter 1 in Ohio Hopewell Community Organization, William S. Dancey and Paul J. Pacheco, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

__________. Editors. Ohio Hopewell Community Organization. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

Deuel, Thorne. "Introduction." Hopewellian Communities in Illinois, Thorne Deuel, Editor. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers Vol. V. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1952.

__________. "The Hopewellian Community." Hopewellian Communities in Illinois, Thorne Deuel, Editor. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers Vol. V, Paper 6. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1952.

Dragoo, Don W. "The Development of Adena Culture and its Role in the Formation of Ohio Hopewell," Paper 1, in Hopewellian Studies, Joseph R. Caldwell and Robert L. Hall, Editors. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Volume 12. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

Gleasner, Diana C. "The Native Americans: Moundbuilders of the Midwest and South." Touring America (February 1994), 47.

Greber, N'omi B., and Katharine C. Ruhl. The Hopewell Site: A Contemporary Analysis Based on the Work of Charles C. Willoughby. Boulder, Colorado: Westview Press, 1989.

Griffin, James B. "An Overview of the Chillicothe Hopewell Conference," in Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference, David S. Brose and N'omi Greber, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979.

__________. "Interpretations of Ohio Hopewell 1845-1984 and the Recent Emphasis on the Study of Dispersed Hamlets," Chapter 15 in Ohio Hopewell Community Organization, William S. Dancey and Paul J. Pacheco, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

"Interpretive Operations Plan and Administrative History of Mound City" (includes eight-page "Administrative History of Mound City Group National Monument"). Typewritten manuscript. No date [circa 1980].

Johnson, H. Reed. "Managing and Interpreting the Cultural Landscape at Mound City Group National Monument." Interpretation. Spring/Summer 1991.

King, Clyde B. "History of the Mound City Group National Monument." Typewritten manuscript. No date [circa 1953].

__________. "Museum Prospectus, Mound City Group National Monument, Ohio." Draft document dated October 1957.

Lepper, Bradley T., and Richard W. Yerkes. "Hopewellian Occupations at the Northern Periphery of the Newark Earthworks: The Newark Expressway Sites Revisited," Chapter 7 in Ohio Hopewell Community Organization, William S. Dancey and Paul J. Pacheco, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

McMichael, Edward V. "Veracruz, the Crystal River Complex, and the Hopewellian Climax," Paper 5, in Hopewellian Studies, Joseph R. Caldwell and Robert L. Hall, Editors. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Volume 12. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

Marshall, James A. "Toward a Definition of the Ohio Hopewell Core and Periphery Utilizing the Geometric Earthworks," in A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio Hopewell Archaeology, Paul J. Pacheco, Editor. Columbus: The Ohio Archaeological Council, Inc., 1996.

Marshall, James A., as told to John B. Carlson. "Geometry of the Hopewell Earthworks." Early Man. (Spring 1979), 1-2

Master Plan, Mound City Group National Monument, Ohio. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania: Northeast Regional Office, National Park Service, 1966.

MISSION 66 Prospectus for Mound City Group National Monument. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1956.

"Mound City Group National Monument Briefing Book." Typewritten manuscript, 1974.

Nichols, Theresa F. "History of Mound City's Establishment and Administration." Typewritten manuscript dated March 19, 1979.

__________. "The Hopewell Earthworks." Typewritten manuscript dated January 10, 1979.

Pacheco, Paul J. Editor. A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio Hopewell Archaeology. Columbus: The Ohio Archaeological Council, Inc., 1996.

__________. "Introduction" in A View from the Core: A Synthesis of Ohio Hopewell Archaeology, Paul J. Pacheco, Editor. Columbus: The Ohio Archaeological Council, Inc., 1996.

Patterson, Thomas C. "Who Did Archaeology in the United States Before There Were Archaeologists and Why? Preprofessional Archaeologies of the Nineteenth Century," in Processual and Postprocessual Archaeologies: Multiple Ways of Knowing the Past, Robert W. Preucel, Editor. Center for Archaeological Investigations Occasional Paper No. 10. Carbondale: Southern Illinois University, 1991.

Prufer, Olaf H. "How to Construct a Model: A Personal Memoir," Chapter 4 in Ohio Hopewell Community Organization, William S. Dancey and Paul J. Pacheco, Editors. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1997.

__________. "The Hopewell Complex of Ohio." In Hopewellian Studies, James R. Caldwell and Robert L. Hall, Editors. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers 12, No. 2. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

Report of the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation on the Threat of Surface Mining to Hopeton Earthworks National Historic Landmark, Chillicothe, Ohio, In Accordance with 9(a) of the Mining in the National Parks Act of 1976. Washington, D.C.: Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, 1991.

Silverberg, Robert. The Moundbuilders. New York: New York Graphic Society Ltd., 1970.

Squier, Ephraim George, and Edwin Hamilton Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley: Comprising the Results of Extensive Original Surveys and Explorations. Washington, D.C., Smithsonian Institution Series, "Contributions to Knowledge," 1848.

Struever, Stuart. "The Hopewell Interaction Sphere in Riverine-Western Great Lakes Culture History," Paper 3, in Hopewellian Studies, Joseph R. Caldwell and Robert L. Hall, Editors. Illinois State Museum Scientific Papers, Volume 12. Springfield: State of Illinois, 1964.

"Superintendent's Annual Narrative, Volume I, September 1946-December 1961." Informally bound collection of typewritten carbon-copied monthly reports prepared by the Superintendent, Mound City Group National Monument.

"Superintendent's Annual Narrative, Volume II, January 1962-June 1967." Informally bound collection of typewritten carbon-copied monthly reports prepared by the Superintendent, Mound City Group National Monument.

Superintendent's [Annual Narrative] Report, 1979-1996.

National Park Service
Midwest Regional Office
Omaha, Nebraska

Arbogast, David. "Mound City Group National Monument" National Register of Historic Places Inventory/Nomination Form (Omaha: National Park Service, 1976,

Brose, David S. An Historical and Archaeological Evaluation of the Hopeton Works, Ross County, Ohio. National Park Service, 1976.

Eggan, Fred R. "The Ethnological Cultures and Their Archeological Backgrounds," in Archeology of Eastern United States, James B. Griffin, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

Fagan, Brian M. "The Story of Maize," Chapter 13 in People of the Earth: An Introduction to World Prehistory. Ninth Edition. New York: Longman Press, 1998.

Faust, R. D. A Review of the APW-2 Program. Chillicothe, Ohio: Mound City Group National Monument, National Park Service, 1963.

Files Pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument and Hopeton Earthworks National Historic Landmark, Ohio.

Griffin, James B. "Culture Periods in Eastern United States Archeology," in Archeology of Eastern United States, James B. Griffin, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

__________. Editor. Archeology of Eastern United States. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

__________. "Radiocarbon Dates for the Eastern United States," Appendix in Archeology of Eastern United States, James B. Griffin, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

Guthe, Carl E. "Twenty-Five Years of Archeology in the Eastern United States," in Archeology of Eastern United States, James B. Griffin, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

Hopeton Earthworks and The North River Place Project. National Park Service, 1979?

Hopeton Earthworks, Ohio, Feasibility Study. National Park Service, 1978.

Lepper, Bradley T. People of the Mounds: Ohio's Hopewell Culture. Pamphlet published by Hopewell Culture National Historical Park and Eastern National Park and Monument Association, 1995.

Lynott, Mark J., and Susan M. Monk. Mound City, Ohio: Archeological Investigations. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service, 1985.

Morgan, Richard G. Mound City: A Prehistoric Indian Shrine. National Park Service, 1946.

__________. "Outline of Cultures in the Ohio Region," in Archeology of Eastern United States, James B. Griffin, Editor. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1952.

Renfrew, Colin, and Paul Bahn. Archaeology: Theories, Methods, and Practice. Second Edition. New York: Thames and Hudson, 1996.

Resources Management Plan and Environmental Assessment, Mound City Group National Monument. National Park Service, 1982.

Rogers, E. B. History of Legislation Relating to the National Park System Through the 82nd Congress, three-ring binder for "Mound City Group." Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1958.

Sullivan, Thomas Alan, compiler. Proclamations and Orders Relating to the National Park Service Up to January 1, 1945. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1947.

United States Congress. Proposed Addition of Hopeton Earthworks to the Mound City Group National Monument. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1979.

Whitehead, Dororthy J., compiler. "Compilation of National Park Service Laws of 102d Congress." Typewritten manuscript. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1993.

National Park Service
Midwest Archeological Center
Lincoln, Nebraska

Baby, Raymond S. Mound City Group National Monument Assorted Archeological Reports Conducted under Contract, 1960s.

Bender, Barbara. "Prehistoric Developments in the American Midcontinent and in Brittany, Northwest France," in Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers: The Emergence of Cultural Complexity, T. Douglas Price and James A. Brown, Editors. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1985.

Files Pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument and Hopeton Earthworks National Historic Landmark, Ohio. (Note: Includes Division of Archeology files from the Northeast Regional Office titled "Mound City Archeology through 1973").

Microfilm of Edwin H. Davis Letters to the American Antiquarian Society, Worster, Massachusetts.

Monk, Susan A. A Summary of Identified Vertebrate Remains Recovered from Mound City Group National Monument, Ross County, Ohio. Lincoln, Nebraska: Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service, 1985.

Orr, David K. "Arlington Mallery's Mixed Legacy." Archeo-Pyrogenics Journal (July 1992).

Price, T. Douglas, and James A. Brown. Editors. Prehistoric Hunter-Gatherers: The Emergence of Cultural Complexity. Orlando, Florida: Academic Press, 1985.

Smith, Bruce D. "Hopewellian Farmers of Eastern North America." Chapter 9 in Rivers of Change: Essays on Early Agriculture in Eastern North America, Bruce D. Smith, Editor. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Press, 1992.

Trigger, Bruce G. A History of Archaeological Thought. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1989.

Willey, Gordon R., and Jeremy A. Sabloff. A History of American Archaeology. Second Edition. San Francisco: W. H. Freeman and Company, 1980.

Willey, Gordon R., and Philip Phillips. Method and Theory in American Archaeology. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1958.

National Park Service
Washington Office, History Division
Office of the Chief Historian
Washington, D.C.

Files Pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument and Hopeton Earthworks National Historic Landmark, Ohio.

National Archives and Records Administration
Federal Records Center
Kansas City, Missouri

Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service, Midwest Regional Office, Omaha, Nebraska, pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument, Ohio.

National Archives and Records Administration
Federal Records Center
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

Record Group 79. Records of the National Park Service, Northeast Regional Office, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument, Ohio.

National Archives and Records Administration
Dwight D. Eisenhower Library
Abilene, Kansas

Seaton, Fred A. Papers of the Secretary of the Interior, 1956-1961.

Herter, Christian A. Papers of the Secretary of State, 1959-1961.

United States Government Publications

Art and Burials in Ancient Ohio: A Tour of the Mound City Necropolis. Pamphlet published by Eastern National Park and Monument Association, no date.

Beattie, Hugh P., and Thomas L. Weeks, Operations Evaluation Report, Mound City Group National Monument. Omaha: Midwest Regional Office, National Park Service, 1976.

Biographical Directory of the United States Congress, 1774-1989. One Hundredth Congress, Second Session. Senate Document No. 100-34. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1989.

Cockrell, Ron. A Green Shrouded Miracle: The Administrative History of Cuyahoga Valley National Recreation Area, Ohio. Omaha: Midwest Regional Office, National Park Service, 1992.

Cotter, John L. Historic Structures and Grounds Report, Part I on Mound City Group National Monument, Chillicothe, Ohio. Philadelphia: Northeast Regional Office, 1963.

Danz, Harold P., compiler. Historic Listing of National Park Service Officials. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1991.

Interpretive Operations Plan, Resources Information. Chillicothe, Ohio: National Park Service, no date.

Mackintosh, Barry. National Park Service Administrative History: A Guide. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1991.

Works Progress Administration, Federal Writers' Project of Ohio. Ohio: American Guide Series. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1938.

Oral History Interviews Conducted by Ron Cockrell; Transcripts Prepared in 1994

Apschnikat, Ken. Former Superintendent, Mound City Group National Monument/Superintendent, Manassas National Battlefield Park, National Park Service. 19 August 1993. Manassas, Virginia.

Egan, Phillip. Maintenance Worker, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, National Park Service. 25 August 1993. Chillicothe, Ohio.

Gibson, William. Former Superintendent, Mound City Group National Monument/Hopewell Culture National Historical Park; Superintendent, Dayton Aviation National Historical Park, National Park Service. 24 August 1993. Dayton, Ohio.

Kawamoto, John. Retired/former Associate Regional Director, Planning and Resource Preservation, Midwest Regional Office, National Park Service. 21 December 1993. Omaha, Nebraska.

Lynott, Mark J. Regional Archeologist, Midwest Archeological Center, National Park Service. 20 January 1994. Lincoln, Nebraska.

Murray, Bonnie. Administrative Officer, Hopewell Culture National Historical Park, National Park Service. 26 August 1993. Chillicothe, Ohio.

Oral History Interviews Conducted by Naomi L. Hunt

Acton, Vernon J. Retired/former Chief of Maintenance, Mound City Group National Monument, National Park Service. 3 March 1985. Chillicothe, Ohio.

Hanson, Lee. Letter. 15 March 1986.

State of Ohio Archives
Ohio Historical Society
The Ohio Historical Center
Columbus, Ohio

Galbreath, Charles B. State Librarian and Secretary of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society (1920s). Manuscript Papers Collection 256.

Glimpses of Our National Monuments. Pamphlet. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1930.

"Mound City Returned to the United States." Museum Echoes [of the Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society], Vol. 19, No. 10 (August 1946).

Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, Division of State Memorials. Annual Report, 1940.

__________. "About People, January 13, 1946-December 28, 1947." Scrapbook, Volume 4.

__________. "Memorials and Miscellaneous Clippings Book, 1944-1947."

__________. "Miscellaneous Clippings Book, September 7, 1944-December 26, 1946.

__________. "Parks Clippings Scrapbook, 1945-1949."

The Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society at the New York World's Fair, 1939. Pamphlet. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society, 1939.

"Ohio State Archaeological and Historical Society Newspaper Items Relating to the Society, Its Activities, Parks, Monuments, & Etc." Official Scrapbook, September 20-December 1921.

Proceedings of the Ohio State Archeologist and Historical Society. Annual publications, 1920s to 1946.

Wirth, Conrad L. Annual Report of the Director, National Park Service, to the Secretary of the Interior, Fiscal Year 1956. Washington, D.C.: National Park Service, 1956.

Ross County Historical Society Archives
Ross County Historical Society Museum
Chillicothe, Ohio

Clippings from the Chillicothe News Advertiser and Chillicothe Gazette.

Collections pertaining to Mound City Group National Monument.

Mills, William C. "Exploration of the Mound City Group, Volume 3, Part 4," Certain Mounds and Village Sites in Ohio. Columbus, Ohio: F. J. Heer Printing Company, 1922.

Spetnagel, Albert C. Papers Collection.

Squier, Ephraim George, and Edwin Hamilton Davis. Ancient Monuments of the Mississippi Valley: Comprising the Results of Extensive Original Surveys and Explorations. Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution Series, "Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge," 1848.


Brose, David S. and N'omi Greber. Editors. Hopewell Archaeology: The Chillicothe Conference. Kent, Ohio: Kent State University Press, 1979.

Hurt, R. Douglas Hurt. The Dust Bowl: An Agricultural and Social History. Chicago: Nelson-Hall, 1981.

Ise, John. Our National Park Policy: A Critical History. Baltimore: The Johns Hopkins Press, 1961.

Peck, G. Richard. The Rise and Fall of Camp Sherman: "Ohio's World War One Soldier Factory". Pamphlet, second edition. Chillicothe, Ohio: privately published, 1972.

Potter, Martha A. Ohio's Prehistoric Peoples. Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1968.

Rothman, Hal K. America's National Monument: The Politics of Preservation. Lawrence, Kansas: University Press of Kansas, 1994.

Silverberg, Robert. The Mound Builders. Athens, Ohio: Ohio University Press, 1986.

Worster, Donald E. Dust Bowl: The Southern Plains in the 1930s. New York: Oxford University Press, 1979.


Senior historian in the Midwest Support Office of the National Park Service, Ron Cockrell has been in the Omaha office for seventeen years and has produced six park administrative histories as well as numerous other cultural resources management documents. He currently is program leader for History and Cultural Partnerships. Ron Cockrell holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in history from The College of the Ozarks, Point Lookout, Missouri (summa cum laude 1979), a Master of Arts degree in U.S. history from Creighton University, Omaha, Nebraska (1982), and is completing requirements for a doctorate in the American West at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. In 1979-80, Mr. Cockrell was a reporter-clerk for The Kansas City Star/Times newspapers. He is a native of Independence, Missouri.

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