PUBLIC LAW 98-398AUG. 24, 1984
Sec. 201. (a) The Act of May 17, 1954 entitled "An
Act to provide for the construction of the Jefferson National Expansion
Memorial at the site of old Saint Louis, Missouri, in general accordance
with the plan approved by the United States Territorial Expansion
Memorial Commission, and for other purposes" (68 Stat. 98; 16 U.S.C.
450jj), is amended by inserting after section 3 the following new
"Sec. 4. (a) The Secretary of the Interior is further
authorized to designate for addition to the Jefferson National Expansion
Memorial (hereinafter in this Act referred to as the "Memorial") not
more than one hundred acres in the city of East Saint Louis. Illinois,
contiguous with the Mississippi River and between the Eads Bridge and
the Poplar Street Bridge, as generally depicted on the map entitled
"Boundary Map, Jefferson National Expansion Memorial numbered
MWR-366/80,004, and dated February 9, 1984, which shall be on file and
available for public inspection in the offices of the National Park
Service, Department of the Interior. The additional acreage authorized
by this section is in recognition of the historical significance of the
Memorial site to the westward expansion of the United States and the
historical linkage of this site on the Mississippi in both Missouri and
Illinois to such expansion, the international recognition of the Gateway
Arch, designed by Eero Saarinen, as one of the world's great sculptural
and architectural achievements, and the increasing use of the Memorial
site by millions of people from all over the United States and the
"(b) Within the area designated in accordance with
this section, the Secretary of the Interior may acquire lands and
interests in lands by donation, purchase with donated or appropriated
funds, or exchange, except that lands owned by the State of Illinois or
any political subdivision thereof may be acquired only by donation.
"Sec. 5. Where appropriate in the discretion of the
Secretary of the Interior, he may transfer by lease or otherwise, to any
appropriate person or governmental entity, land owned by the United
States (or any interest therein) which has been acquired by the
Secretary under section 4. Any such transfer shall be consistent with
the management plan for the area and with the requirements of section 5
of the Act of July 15, 1968 (82 Stat. 356; 16 U.S.C. 4601-22) and shall
be subject to such conditions and restrictions as the Secretary deems
necessary to carry out the purposes of this Act, including terms and
conditions which provide for
"(1) the continuation of existing uses of the land
which are compatible with the Memorial,
"(2) the protection of the important historical
resources of the leased area, and
"(3) the retention by the Secretary of such access
and development rights as the Secretary deems necessary to provide for
appropriate visitor use and resource management.
In transferring any lands or interest in lands under
this section, the Secretary shall take into account the views of the
Commission established under section 8.
"Sec. 6. Lands and interests in lands acquired
pursuant to section 4 shall, upon acquisition, be a part of the
Memorial. The Secretary of the Interior shall administer the Memorial in
accordance with this Act and the provisions of law generally applicable
to units of the national park system, including the Act entitled "An Act
to establish a National Park Service, and for other purposes", approved
August 25, 1916 (39 Stat. 535; 16 U.S.C. 1-4) and the Act of August 21.
1935 (49 Stat. 666; 16 U.S.C. 461-467). In the development, management,
and operation of that portion of the Memorial which is added to the
Memorial under section 4, the Secretary shall, to the maximum extent
feasible, utilize the assistance of State and local government agencies
and the private sector. For such purposes, the Secretary may, consistent
with the management plan for the area, enter into cooperative agreements
with the State, with any political subdivision of the State, or with any
person. Any such cooperative agreement shall, at a minimum, establish
procedures for providing notice to the Secretary of any action proposed
by the State, such political subdivision, or such person, which may
affect the area.
"Sec. 7. (a) There is hereby established the
Jefferson National Expansion Memorial Commission hereinafter in this Act
referred to as the 'Commission').
"(b) The Commission shall be composed of twenty
members as follows:
"(1) The county executive of Saint Louis County,
Missouri, ex officio, or a delegate.
"(2) The chairman of the Saint Clair County Board of
Supervisors, Illinois, ex officio, or a delegate.
"(3XA) The executive director of the Bi-State
Development Agency, Saint Louis, Missouri, ex officio, or a
"(B) A member of the Bi-State Development Agency,
Saint Louis, Missouri, who is not a resident of the same State as the
executive director of such agency, appointed by a majority of the
members of such agency, or a delegate.
"(4) The mayor of the city of East Saint Louis,
Illinois, ex officio, or a delegate.
"(5) The mayor of Saint Louis, Missouri, ex officio,
or a delegate.
"(6) Governor of the State of Illinois, ex officio,
or a delegate.
"(7) Governor of the State of Missouri, ex officio,
or a delegate.
"(8) Secretary of the Interior, ex officio, or a
"(9) The Secretary of Housing and Urban Development,
ex officio, or a delegate.
"(10) The Secretary of Transportation, ex officio, or
a delegate.
"(11) The Secretary of the Treasury, ex officio, or a
"(12) The Secretary of Commerce, ex officio, or a
"(13) The Secretary of the Smithsonian Institution,
ex officio, or a delegate.
"(14) Three individuals appointed by the Secretary of
the Interior from a list of individuals nominated by the mayor of East
Saint Louis, Illinois, and the Governor of the State of Illinois.
"(15) Three individuals appointed by the Secretary of
the Interior from a list of individuals nominated by the mayor of Saint
Louis, Missouri, and the Governor of the State of Missouri.
Individuals nominated for appointment under
paragraphs (14) and (15) shall be individuals who have knowledge and
experience in one or more of the fields of parks and recreation,
environmental protection, historic preservation, cultural affairs,
tourism, economic development, city planning and management, finance, or
public administration. A vacancy in the Commission shall be filled in
the manner in which the original appointment was made.
"(cX1) Except as provided in paragraphs (2) and (3),
members of the Commission shall be appointed for terms of three
"(2) Of the members of the Commission first appointed
under paragraphs (14) and (15) of subsection (c)
"(A) two shall be appointed for terms of one year
"(B) two shall be appointed for terms of two years;
"(C) two shall be appointed for terms of three years;
as designated by the Secretary of the Interior at the time of
"(3) Any member of the Commission appointed to fill a
vacancy occurring before the expiration of the term for which his
predecessor was appointed shall be appointed only for the remainder of
such term. A member of the Commission may serve after the expiration of
his term until his successor has taken office.
"(d) Members of the Commission shall receive no pay
on account of their service on the Commission. but while away from their
homes or regular places of business in the performance of services for
the Commission, members of the Commission shall be allowed travel
expenses, including per diem in lieu of subsistence, in the same manner
as persons employed intermittently in the Government service are allowed
expenses under section 5703 of title 5, United States Code.
"(e) The chairperson of the Commission shall be
elected by the members of the Commission.
"(f) Upon request of the Commission, the head of any
Federal agency represented by members on the Commission may detail any
of the personnel or such agency or provide administrative services to
the Commission to assist the Commission in carrying out the Commission's
duties under section 8.
"(g) The Commission may, for the purposes of carrying
out the Commission's duties under section 8, seek, accept, and dispose
of gifts, bequests, or donations of money, personal property, or
services, received from any source.
"(hX1) Except as provided in paragraph (2), the
Commission shall terminate on the day occurring ten years after the date
of enactment of this section.
"(2) The Secretary of the Interior may extend the
life of the Commission for a period of not more than Five years
beginning on the day referred to in paragraph (1) if the Commission
determines that such extension is necessary in order for the Commission
to carry out this Act.
"Sec. 8. (a) Within two years from the enactment of
this section, the Commission shall develop and transmit to the Secretary
a development and management plan for the East Saint Louis. Illinois,
portion of the Memorial. The plan shall include
"(1) measures for the preservation of the area's
"(2) indications of types and general intensities of
development (including visitor circulation and transportation patterns,
systems, and modes) associated with public enjoyment and use of the
area, including general locations, timing of implementation, and cost
"(3) identification of any implementation commitments
for visitor carrying capacities for all areas of the area;
"(4) indications of potential modifications to the
external boundaries of the area, the reasons therefore, and cost
"(5) measures and commitments for insuring that the
development, management, and operation of the area in the State of
Illinois are compatible with the portion of the Memorial in the State of
"(6) opportunities and commitments for cooperative
activities in the development, management, and operation of the East
Saint Louis portion of the Memorial with other Federal, State, and local
agencies, and the private sector; and
"(7) effective and appropriate ways to increase local
participation in the management of the East Saint Louis portion of the
Memorial to help reduce the day-to-day operational and management
responsibilities of the a National Park Service and to increase
opportunities for local employment.
"(b) The plan shall also identify and
"(1) needs, opportunities, and commitments for the
aesthetic and economic rehabilitation of the entire East Saint Louis,
Illinois, waterfront and adjacent areas, in a manner compatible with and
complementary to, the Memorial, including the appropriate commitments
and roles of the Federal, State, and local governments and the private
sector; and
"(2) cost estimates and recommendations for Federal,
State, and local administrative and legislative actions,
In carrying out its duties under this section, the
Commission shall take into account Federal, State, and local plans and
studies respecting the area, including the study by the National Park
Service on the feasibility of a museum of American ethnic culture to be
a part of any development plans for the Memorial.
"Sec. 9. (a) Upon completion of the plan, the
Commission shall transmit the plan to the secretary for his review and
approval of its adequacy and appropriateness. In order to approve the
plan, the Secretary must be able to find affirmatively that:
"(1) The plan addresses all elements outlined in
section 8 above;
"(2) The plan is consistent with the Saint Louis,
Missouri, portion of the Memorial;
"(3) There are binding commitments to fund land
acquisition and development, including visitor circulation and
transportation systems and modes, in amounts sufficient to completely
implement the plan as recommended by the Commission from sources other
than funds authorized to be appropriated in this Act; and
"(4) There are binding commitments to fund or provide
the equivalent of all costs in excess of $350,000 per annum for the
continued management, operation, and protection of the East Saint Louis,
Illinois, portion of the Memorial.
"(b) The Secretary shall transmit in writing a notice
of his approval and his certification as to the existence and nature of
funding commitments contained in the approved plan to the Committee on
Interior and Insular Affairs of the House of Representatives and to the
Committee on Energy and Natural Resources of the United States
"Sec. 10. Pending submission of the Commission's
plan, any Federal entity conducting or supporting significant activities
directly affecting East Saint Louis, Illinois, generally and the site
specifically referred to in section 4 shall
"(1) consult with the Secretary of the Interior and
the Commission with respect to such activities;
"(2) cooperate with the Secretary of the Interior and
the Commission in carrying out their duties under this Act, and to the
maximum extent practicable, coordinate such activities with the carrying
out of such duties; and
"(3) to the maximum extent practicable, conduct or
support such activities in a manner which the Secretary determines will
not have an adverse effect on the Memorial."
(b) The Act of May 17, 1954 entitled "An Act to
provide for the construction of the Jefferson National Expansion
Memorial at the site of old Saint Louis, Missouri, in general accordance
with the plan approved by the United States Territorial Expansion
Memorial Commission, and for other purposes" (68 Stat. 98; 16 U.S.C.
450jj) is amended by
(1) redesignating "Sec. 4." (as so designated prior
to the amendments made in subsection (a) of this section) as "Sec. 11.
(a)"; and
(2) adding at the end thereof the following new
"(b) For the purposes of the East Saint Louis portion
of the Memorial, there is hereby authorized to be appropriated not to
exceed $1,000,000 for land acquisition and not to exceed $1,250,000 for
development, of which not to exceed $500,000 shall be available only for
landscaping and only for expenditure in the ratio of one dollar of
Federal funds to one dollar of non-Federal funds: Provided, That
no funds authorized to be appropriated hereunder may be appropriated
prior to the approval by the Secretary of the plan developed by the
"(c) Funds appropriated under subsection (b) of this
section shall remain available until expended.
"(d) Authority to enter into contracts or make
payments under this Act shall be effective for any fiscal year only to
the extent that appropriations are available for that purpose."
Sec. 202. Any provision of this title (or any
amendment made by this title) which, directly or indirectly, authorizes
the enactment of new budget authority described in section 402(a) of the
Congressional Budget Act of 1974 shall be effective only for fiscal
years beginning after September 30, 1983.
Sec. 203. This title may be cited as the "Jefferson
National Expansion Memorial Amendments Act of 1984".