CHAPTER 2: NOTES 1Christian Science Monitor, September 22, 1950, 11; O.A. Tomlinson [RD, Region Four] to C.M. Carson [Enforcement Agent, USF&WS], April 28, 1949, at KATM. The prohibition against the landing of aircraft was modified on July 7, 1949, to allow flights into the park between May 15 and September 15. Grant H. Pearson [Acting Supt. MOMC] to C.M. Carson, July 26, 1949, at KATM. 2Three estimates have been provided of the visitation during this period. The superintendent of Mount McKinley National Park estimated that 200 fishermen had been to Katmai in the summer of 1947, and the Regional Director of the Fish and Wildlife Service felt that "an average of 20 fishermen angled for rainbows each Brooks River" that same summer. In August 1948, a regional NPS official reported that "the military fly several groups of officers weekly to the Brooks River region for fishing vacations." Frank T. Been, Supt. MOMC to RD, Region 4, May 20, 1948; Hillory A. Tolson, ARD to RD, Region Four, April 23, 1948; Alfred Kuehl to RD, Region 4, August 23, 1948; all at KATM. 3Frank T. Been to RD, May 19, 1948; Tolson to RD, April 23, 1948; both at KATM; Edwin Seiler to John Cook, June 14, 1979, in "Alaska's Enchanted Lake Lodge" CUL file, ARO-OC. 4Michael Branham to Frank Norris, March 12, 1992. 5USDI, "Katmai National Monument, Alaska, To Have Visitor Accommodations" (Press Release), April 30, 1950, in "Katmai Concession Contract" binder, ARO-OC files. 6C.M. Carson, Enforcement Agent, USF&WS to Supt. MOMC, March 2, 1948; Carson to Frank T. Been, March 4, 1948; Alfred C. Kuehl to RD, Region 4, August 23, 1948, all at KATM; Raymond I. Petersen to Dave Morris [Supt. KATM], October 27, 1982. 7Frank T. Been to RD, Region 4, December 13, 1948, at KATM. 8Hussey, Embattled Katmai, 425-28; Jessen's Weekly (Fairbanks), October 29, 1948. 9Petersen interview, August 9, 1990; Raymond I. Petersen to Sen. Ernest Gruening, August 8, 1962, in Box 4, Folder 48, Gruening Collection, UAF; Raymond I. Petersen, Testimony in Palakia Melgenak Transcript, II/124. Background information on Hall, Brownell and Sprague are provided in Who's Who in America; A Biographical Dictionary of Notable Living Americans 26 (Chicago, A.N. Marquis Co., 1950), 351, 1108, and New York Times, April 18, 1969, 43. 10Ray Petersen recalls that when he brought up the idea of a series of camps to NCA official John Walatka, he turned down the idea without comment. Petersen interview, August 9, 1990. 11William Hanable, "Brooks Camp History" (draft report), May 1, 1989, 16. 12Petersen received considerable criticism from the Civil Aeronautics Board related to his Katmai plans. All regulated airlines of the time were required to satisfy "public convenience and necessity" provisions, which limited their operations to the satisfaction of postal, commercial and national defense needs. The operation of fishing camps was only marginally related to these provisions, and officials from both Alaska Airlines and Pacific Northern Airlines testified that NCA had no business in operating lodge facilities. Petersen, however, successfully argued that the opening of the NCA camps was instrumental in developing local commerce. Petersen interview, August 9, 1990 and April 17, 1991. 13George L. Collins to RD, Region 4, July 19, 1950, in RG 79, Box 311, File 201, NARA San Bruno; Christian Science Monitor, September 22, 1950, 11. 14"Northern Consolidated Airlines, Inc. of Alaska" [scrapbook], c. 1953, in Katmailand office, Anchorage; Christian Science Monitor, June 16, 1950, A8. 15Charles A. Richey [Land Planning Division, WASO] to Conrad Wirth [Assistant Director, NPS], December 19, 1949, in "Katmai - Concessions," Box 313, RG 79, NARA San Bruno. 16Until the early 1950s, Nonvianuk Lake was officially called Nonwhyenuk Lake. See Donald J. Orth, Dictionary of Alaska Place Names, USGS Professional Paper 567 (Washington, GPO, 1971), 695; USGS, "Kamishak Bay-Katmai Region" [map], 1:250,000, 1938; USGS, "Mt. Katmai" [map], 1:250,000, 1951; both in University of Washington Map Collection. The camps Petersen mentioned eventually became (in order of listing) Brooks Camp, Coville (later Grosvenor) Camp, Nonvianuk Camp, and Battle Camp. Kulik Camp, the only one not mentioned in his December 1949 letter, was originally located on the shores of Kulik Lake, just north of its outlet into Kulik River. Due to high winds, the site was abandoned after its first year of operation; ruins of the original camp can still be found. 17Of Battle Lake, for instance, he considered the campsite, at the outflow of Battle Lake, to have "the best damn rainbow fishing in the country." Petersen interview, April 17, 1991. 18Charles A. Richey to Conrad Wirth, December 19, 1949. 20Peter J. Blodgett, "Striking a Balance: Managing Concessions in the National Parks, 1916-33," Forest and Conservation History 34 (April 1990), 60-68; Robert Moody [Chief of Planning and Programs, WASO], interview with Frank Norris, June 28, 1990; Stevens, Alaskan Aviation History, 1897-1930, 1002. 21Charles A. Richey to Conrad Wirth, December 19, 1949. 22Raymond I. Petersen to William Warne [Assistant Secretary of the Interior], January 21, 1950, in "Katmai Concession Contract History" binder, ARO-OC files. 23Concessions Permit No. I-34np-299 (draft), n.d. (February 1950?), p. 1, in "Katmai Concessions Contract History" binder, ARO-OC files. 24Concession Permit No. I-34np-299, March 10, 1950, in ARO-OC files. 27Petersen to Warne, January 21, 1950; Petersen to Morris, October 27, 1982; Petersen interview, August 9, 1990. 28Bernard R. Martin to RD, Region 4, April 20, 1950, in "Katmai Concession Contract History" binders, ARO-OC. 29Oliver G. Taylor to Bernard R. Martin, June 16, 1950, in "C38 - Concessions Contracts & Permits, KATM, 1949-1966" file, ARO-OC. 30Anchorage Daily Times, June 7, 1950, 7. 31Petersen interview, August 9, 1990. 32Wyman Rice, NCA Operations Manager to Grant Pearson, Supt. MOMC, March 17, 1950, in "C38 - Concessions Contract & Permits, KATM, 1949-1966"; letter, "oe" to Grant Pearson, 5/3/50, in "Katmai Concession Contract History," ARO-OC; Anchorage Daily Times, June 7, 1950, 7; George L. Collins [Chief, Alaska Survey] to RD, Region 4, July 18, 1952, 7, NARA San Bruno. 33Petersen interview, November 23, 1988 [II/9] and August 9, 1990; NCA, Brooks Camp Log, listings for 9/14/55 and 9/11/56; Ernest Gruening, "Lonely Wonders of Katmai," National Geographic Magazine 123 (June 1963), 821. 34Petersen interview, August 9, 1990; U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Report" on Serial Number A-030370, April 17, 1956, in Case File A-032494, FRC/Washington DC. 35Raymond I. Petersen to Sen. Ernest Gruening, August 8, 1962, in Box 4, Folder 48, Gruening Collection, UAF. 36Anchorage Daily Times, June 7, 1950, 7; Louis R. Huber, "Flight to Katmai," Alaska Sportsman 17 (April 1951), 9. 37Raymond I. Petersen to Thomas H. Floyd [Land Examiner, BLM Office, Anchorage], August 10, 1956, in Case Files A-032491, A-032492 and A-032493, FRC/Washington, DC; Raymond I. Petersen interview, August 9, 1990; NPS, "Combined Environmental Assessment and Development Concept Plans for Concession Facilities, Operations and Services Within the Brooks Camp and Grosvenor Camp Areas, Katmai National Monument, Alaska," October 1980, 4. 38"Alaska's Land of Steaming Volcanoes," Sunset 118 (April 1957), 32; Alaska Northwest, "Katmai Country," Alaska Geographic 16:1 (1989), 45; Elsie May Bell Grosvenor, "Alaska's Warmer Side," National Geographic 109 (June 1956), 761. 39William Nancarrow, interview by William Hanable, August 1, 1988; Louis R. Huber, "Flight to Katmai," Alaska Sportsman 17 (April 1951), 9; Hans Autur [Supt. of Camp Operations] to "To Whom It May Concern," re: Tourist Camp Service, Brooks Camp, July 14, 1950, in "Katmai Concession Contract History" binder, ARO-OC; Enos Bradner, "Anglers' Eldorado," Alaska Sportsman 18 (April 1952), 18. In a 1983 interview, Nancarrow noted that the 1950 concessions camp had six tent frames and tents and a mess tent, some of which were white canvas while others were Army surplus. The mess tent was "just about where the mess hall [in the existing concessioner complex, now razed] is now." William Nancarrow, interview by Bill Tanner, May 12, 1983. 40Anchorage Daily Times, June 7, 1950, 7; Christian Science Monitor, September 22, 1950, 11; Raymond Petersen, interview by William Hanable and Janis Meldrum, November 23, 1988, II/8; Huber, "Flight to Katmai," 9. 41William J. Nancarrow [KATM Ranger] to Supt. MOMC, July 27, 1950, "Monthly Narrative Report for Katmai for July 1950, Brooks River Ranger Station," in File A2827, Reports to Chief Ranger, January 1950 to November 1954, in DENA Historical Collection. 42William Nancarrow, interview by William Hanable, August 1, 1988. 43Christian Science Monitor, September 22, 1950, 11; Huber, "Flight to Katmai," 6, 40; Frank Dufresne, "Katmai Adventure," Field and Stream 56 (May 1952), 44; Nancarrow interview, August 1, 1988. 44"oe" to Grant Pearson, May 3, 1950, in "Katmai Concession Contract History" binder, ARO-OC; Christian Science Monitor, June 16, 1950, A8; Nancarrow interview, August 1, 1988. 45Frank T. Been to RD, Region 4, June 28, 1948; John C. Rumohr [Acting Supt. MOMC] to C.M. Carson [Deputy Park Ranger, KATM], September 21, 1948; both at KATM. 46Grant Pearson [Supt. MOMC] to Wyman R. Rice [Operations Manager, NCA], March 21, 1950, in "C38 - Concessions Contract & Permits, KATM, 1949-1966" file, ARO-OC; Grant Pearson [Supt. MOMC] to RD, Region 4, April 27, 1950, in "Documents 1936-1952" file, KATM AH Collection, ARO-RCR. Nancarrow had been the one chosen to serve as ranger two years earlier. Frank T. Been to RD, Region 4, June 28, 1948, in "Documents 1936-1952" file, other sources, ARO-RCR. 47O.A. Tomlinson [RD, Region 4] to Director NPS, September 26, 1950, in "Documents 1936-1952" file, other sources, ARO-RCR. 48Grant Pearson [Supt. MOMC] to RD, Region 4, April 27, 1950; Herbert Maier [Acting RD, Region 4] to Supt. MOMC, May 11, 1950; both in "Documents 1936-1952" file, other sources, ARO-RCR. 49Willie [Nancarrow] to "Marvin," July 6, 1950, in "Documents 1936-1952" file, KATM AH Collection, ARO-RCR; Nancarrow interview, August 1, 1988. 50Raymond I. Petersen to George L. Collins [Chief Alaska Recreation Survey, Region 4, NPS], September 26, 1950, in "Katmai-Concessions" Folder, Box 313, RG 79 [Records of the NPS], NARA San Bruno. 51NPS Concessions Contract #14-10-434-80, signed February 20, 1956; NPS Concessions Contract #14-10-434-212, signed March 31, 1958; both in "Katmai Concessions Contract History" binders, ARO-OC. 52Raymond I. Petersen to William Warne, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, 1/21/50, NARA San Bruno. The Land Sales Bill, which passed Congress on August 30, 1949, allowed for the sale of tracts of up to 160 acres. Under the terms of that act, 75 individuals filed for land over the next 11 years in areas throughout Alaska. Most claimants filed for parcels of less than five acres. U.S. Statutes at Large 63 (81st Congress, 1st Session), 679; compilation of "Alaska Public Sale Classification" (Case Type 240003) claims, BLM State Office, Anchorage. 53U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Report" (TA 10351), April 17, 1956, in Case File A-032494, FRC/Washington, DC. 54Raymond I. Petersen to "Manager, Anchorage Land Office," May 25, 1955, in Case File A-032494, FRC/Washington, DC; BLM, "Report" (TA 11768), May 27, 1955 and June 30, 1956, in Case File A-032492, FRC/Washington, DC. 55U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Report" (TA 10351), April 17, 1956, in Case File A-030370, FRC/Washington, DC; BLM, "Report" (TA 11768), May 27, 1955 and June 30, 1956, in Case File A-032492, FRC/Washington, DC. 56U.S. Bureau of Land Management, "Report" (TA 10351), April 17, 1956, in Case File A-032491, FRC/Washington, DC. 57Thomas H. Floyd, Acting Manager, Anchorage Land Office, U.S. Bureau of Land Management to Cadastral Engineering Office, June 12, 1956, in Case File A-032494, FRC/Washington, DC. 58Thomas H. Floyd [Acting Manager, BLM to NCA, July 3, 1956; BLM, "Certificate of Conditional Purchase" for A-030370, April 29, 1957; both in Case File A-032494, FRC/Washington, DC. 59Summary Sheets [Form 16-53987-2] for Serial Numbers A030370, A032491, A032492 and A032493, at BLM State Office, Anchorage.
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