Hikers on the Chilkoot Trail:
A Descriptive Report
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Chilkoot Mail Questionnaire*


College of Forest Resources

June 15, 1976

Dear Hiker:

We are undertaking a survey of all hikers who hiked the Chilkoot Trail this summer. The purpose of this survey is to find out who hikes the Chilkoot Trail, their activities on the Trail, and their evaluation of the hike and Trail. This survey is being undertaken with the permission and interest of both Parks Canada and the U. S. National Park Service. The information resulting from the survey will assist Parks Canada and the Park Service in managing the Chilkoot Trail.

This questionnaire has been designed to be filled out upon completion of the hike. A stamped, self-addressed envelope is included so that you can conveniently mail back your completed questionnaire right away. Your answers are important. We encourage you to answer all of the questions. Your answers will be held confidential and will be used in statistical analyses only. If the space provided is not sufficient for your written response, please continue on a separate sheet of paper. Properly identify this sheet of paper, and insert it in the questionnaire before mailing.

Thank you for your interest and cooperation.

Good Hiking!

Peter Womble
Research Assistant

If you would like to receive a summary of our findings, please check the box.

*See booklet.

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Last Updated: 27-May-2011