SKAGWAY, DISTRICT OF ALASKA — 1884-1912: Building the Gateway to the Klondike
Historical and Preservation Data
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Look at the 1914 Sanborn Fire Insurance map; look at the buildings; match existing buildings with those on the map (copy at Park Service offices).

(if the building you want to research is on the 1914 map)


(if the building you want to research is not on the 1914 map)


Ask previous owners or oldtimers if it had been moved; if so, from where?


Again, check the 1914 map and locate the building.


Look at the 1909 property owner map; find the name of the property owner (copy at Park office).

Do deed research. Check 1897-1909 books of deeds for chain of title. This will give you the names of owners as well as the important dates when the property changed hands. (See Magistrate records.)

Compare the years when the property changed ownership with tax roll increases. The tax roll books from 1901-1909 can indicate construction dates by the increases in lot values. (See City records.)

Check old photographs (copies at Park office) which might show your building; look for alterations, signs, and uses.

Compile a history of your building. Scan business directories, newspapers, and memorabilia (copies at Park office and City museum), and check for the owners' names. Compare changes in owners and uses with the periods of history (see chapters 1 and 2) in order to gain a broader understanding of your building's history.

Write the history; add copies of photographs and drawings.

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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2009