SKAGWAY, DISTRICT OF ALASKA — 1884-1912: Building the Gateway to the Klondike
Historical and Preservation Data
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Part I: The Golden Dream

Chapter 1: Skagway, District of Alaska, A Chronology
Chapter 2: Skagway, District of Alaska, A Historic Overview

Part II: Building the Dream

Chapter 3: Architectural Development
Chapter 4: Broadway Avenue, Skagway
Chapter 5: Building Characteristics

Part III: Preserving the Dream

Chapter 6: Preservation in Skagway

Appendix: Researching Buildings within the Skagway Historic District

Historic District Buildings
Research Guide

All photographs on file at Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park

Report prepared as a cooperative effort of the Cooperative Park Studies Unit, University of Alaska, Fairbanks, and the Alaska Regional Office of the National Park Service, U.S. Department of the Interior; research data compiled as part of contract no. CX.90-8-0119.

NPS 2135

Broadway Avenue, Skagway, 1898. The Kelly Block (better known as the Daily Alaskan Building) and Occidental Hotel were demolished in 1964.

Klondike Gold Rush National Historical Park Staff:

Richard E. Hoffman, Superintendent 1977 — 1979
Richard Simms, Superintendent 1979 —
Jay Cable, Chief Ranger 1978 —
Gary Higgins, Historical Architect 1977 — 1979
David Snow, Regional Historical Architect 1980 —
Pete Bathurst, Preservation Specialist 1977 — 1980
Gene Irvine, Preservation Specialist 1981 —
Barbara Montgomery, Administrative Clerk 1977 — 1980
Amy Caldwell, Administrative Secretary 1980 —
Emily Olson, Administrative Technician 1980 —
David Cohen, Interpretive Specialist 1979 — 1982
Betsy Duncan-Clark, Interpretive Specialist 1983 —
John Warder, Maintenance 1983 —

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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2009