Continuity and Change:
The Kitchen and Dining Room
After the formation of the Drake Spring Company in 1912, the infusion of investment money was used to begin several construction projects among which was a new kitchen and canvas topped 24 by 50 foot dining room, and to purchase quality hotel equipment in San Francisco (Sifford 1994:54). Roy Sifford remembered that the dining room "was a beautiful set up on a nice day. White linens, cut glass, Roger's silverware, and when decorated with local flowers, it was a sort of a beauty" (Roy Sifford interviewed by Les Bodine n.d.). "At lunch, we served salad, choice of entree, choice of dessert consistently, in the dining room, white linens, shiny glass and the silver set up on the tables. Pictures of which may be seen in many of the albums. We planned on a choice of salad, fruit or vegetables. We planned on your choice of two or three meats, a cold meat and one hot meat either beef or ham occasionally held over or some roast pork. So we had a salad, choice of meats and we planned on many, many kinds of desserts, serving 40, 50, 90 people it's no more expensive to serve a choice of four pies than it is one pie. It's a little more work and takes a little more care, but we gave them a choice of pie, generally bread pudding or some pudding and of course, the customary coffee, tea or milk" (Roy Sifford interviewed by Les Bodine 5/6/85). At the height of the summer season lunch was served to as many as 150 guests each day (Sifford 1994:54).
drakesbad/dining.htm Last Updated: 09-Dec-2024 |