National Park Service
U.S. Department of the Interior
Fort Clatsop National Memorial
Astoria, Oregon
Lower Columbia River Lewis and Clark Sites
Draft Boundary Study and Environmental Assessment
Executive Summary
Affected Environment
Study Process
Issues and Considerations
Boundary Adjustment Criteria
Management Alternatives
Environmental Consequences
The Most Effective and Efficient Management Alternative
Summary of Public Comment
Appendix A - Public Law 107-221
Appendix B - Public Law 105-391
Appendix C - Program Elements - Station Camp
Appendix D - Study Team Participants
Appendix E - Lewis & Clark NBC - Letter of Support
Appendix F - Bibliography
Appendix G - Glossary/Acronyms
News Release
Fact Sheet
Open House Presentation Boards #1-#3 (omitted from the online edition)
Open House Presentation Boards #4-#5 (omitted from the online edition)
This study was funded by the State of Washington and the National
Park Service through its Park Planning Program.
Cover: Clark's survey map of the Columbia River estuary.
Image courtesy of the Missouri Historical Society.