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Phase I:
Introductory Essay

Phase II:
Introductory Essay

Wind Tunnels

Engine Development

Engine Test Stands

Rocket Testing


Launch Pads

Apollo Training

Apollo Hardware Testing

Unmanned Spacecraft Testing

Tracking Stations

Mission Control Centers

Other Support


Man in Space
A National Historic Landmark Theme Study
NPS logo

G. Apollo Training Facilities

14. Lunar Landing Research Facility (Langley)
15. Rendezvous Docking Simulator (Langley)
16. Lunar Landing Training Vehicle (Alabama Space and Rocket Center)
17. Neutral Buoyancy Space Simulator (Marshall)

These facilities are recommended for designation as National Historic Landmarks because of their association with training programs necessary to prepare American astronauts to land on the moon. The Lunar Landing Research Facility and the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle represent two different philosophies within NASA on how to fly the last 150 feet to the lunar surface. The Lunar Landing Research Facility employed a mock Lunar Excursion Module attached to a fixed facility while the Lunar Landing Training Vehicle was a free flying vehicle used to replicate Lunar Excursion Module flight dynamics here on Earth. Both methods were used to train Apollo Astronauts. The Rendezvous Docking Simulator is the only surviving trainer that Gemini and Apollo Astronauts used to practice rendezvous and docking techniques needed to link the Lunar Excursion Module and the Command and Service Module in Space. The ability to link these two vehicles in space was critical to the success of the Lunar Orbit Rendezvous technique for landing on the moon. The Neutral Buoyancy Space Simulator was used to familiarize Apollo astronauts with the dynamics of zero gravity while operating outside of the Apollo Spacecraft.

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Last Modified: Mon, Jan 8 2001 10:00:00 am PDT