Rainbow Bridge
A Bridge Between Cultures: An Administrative History of Rainbow Bridge National Monument
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Bancroft Library, Sierra Club Members Collection
Cline Library, Special Collections and Archives, Northern Arizona University
Arizona State University, University Libraries, Department of Archives and Manuscripts
Headquarters, Glen Canyon NRA:
Central Files
Cultural Resources Archive Files
Interpretation Files
National Archives and Records Administration:
College Park, MD
Denver, CO
Laguna Niguel, CA
San Bruno, CA
National Park Service Library, Navajo National Monument
National Park Service Library, Intermountain Regional Office
Southern Utah University, Special Collections


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Tom Dougi. December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Celone Dougi. December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

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Velta E. Luther. December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Leo Manheimer. December 18, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Sylvia Manygoats. December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Buck Navajo. December 18, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Jack Owl. December 20, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

Bessie Owl. December 20, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona.

John Ritenour. July 24, 2000, Page, Arizona.


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Arizona Daily Sun
Arizona Republic
The Denver Post
Deseret News
The El Paso Times
Navajo Times
New York Times
Daily Spectrum
Salt Lake Tribune
San Francisco Chronicle

Government Documents

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Johnson, Christopher G., The Significance of Rainbow Bridge: From Prehistory to the Present, M.A. Thesis, Northern Arizona University, 1996.

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Last Updated: 31-Aug-2016