ENDNOTES Chapter 1 1 C.E. Dutton, Report on the Geology of the High Plateaus of Utah, with Atlas (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1880); quoted in C. Gregory Crampton, Standing Up Country: The Canyon Lands of Utah and Arizona (New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1964), 19. 2 Donald L. Baars, Navajo Country: A Geology and Natural History of the Four Corners Region (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press. 1995), 1-2; Arthur A. Baker, Geology of the Monument Valley-Navajo Mountain Region, San Juan County Utah (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1936), 6-10; Hank Hassell, Rainbow Bridge: An Illustrated History. (Logan: Utah State University Press, 1999), 11. 4 Baars, Navajo Country, xiv; Baars, The Colorado Plateau: A Geologic History (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983), 157-162; William Lee Stokes, Geology of Utah (Salt Lake City: Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, 1986), 107-109; Lehi F. Hintze, Geologic History of Utah (Provo: Department of Geology, Brigham Young University, 1988), 40-42. 5 Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 162-168; Stokes, 109-1 11; Hintze, 42-44. 6 Baars, Navajo Country, 55-57; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 168-169; Stokes, 111-112; Hintze, 43. 7 Baars, Navajo Country, 58-59; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 168-169; Hintze, 44. 8 Baars, Navajo Country, 59-60; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 169-173; Stokes, 119-120. 9 Baars, Navajo Country, 65-68; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 174-180. 10 Baars, Navajo Country, 69-75; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 190-193. 11 Baars, Navajo Country, 76-83; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 194-202. 12 Baars, Navajo Country, 129; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 190-202. 13 Baars, Navajo Country, 75, 105; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 203-211; Stokes, 145-147, 237; Hassell, 15-17. 14 Baars, Navajo Country, 87, 126, 138; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 217-220, 226. 15 Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 221, 223-227; Stokes, 215. 16 Baars, Navajo Country, 129-131; Baars, The Colorado Plateau, 221-229; Stokes, 212-215; Hassell, 18-19. 17 Daniel T. O'Connell, The Geology of Rainbow Bridge, Utah: The Largest Natural Bridge in the World (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1936), The Rainbow Bridge Monument Valley Expedition Bulletin Series, National Archives (NA), Record Group 79 (RG), E7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box NM RABR. Chapter 2 18 Summary of Remarks by Alan Downer, Rena Martin, Timothy Begay, and Richard Begay, "Navajo Cultural Concerns and NPS Management," in Report of the Navajo Nation/Navajo Lands Area Superintendents Summit Meeting, April 16-17, 1997, 6-10; manuscript copy obtained from Capitol Reef National Park, 6-10. The authors point out that the Navajo Nation contends that distinctive Navajo material culture patterns indicate no such migrational entrance into the region occurred. The Navajo Nation points to various archeological evidence in Navajo sites, supported by cumulative tree-ring dates, which suggests an occupation dating from the early 1300s. The more popular date of Navajo entrance, approximately 1500 A.D., fails to account for the idea that for any archeological pattern to emerge, at least 200 more years of activity would have to take place. This places the emergence of Navajo culture in the early 12th century, a date more consistent with occupation of the region by ancestral Puebloan peoples. 19 Theodore Roosevelt, "Across the Navajo Desert," The Outlook (October 11, 1913);314. 20 Phil R. Geib. Helen C. Fairley, and Peter W. Bungart, Archaeological Survey in the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area: Year 1 Descriptive Report, 1984-1985, Northern Arizona University Archaeological Report No. 983a (November 1986), 33-36. 21 Geib, et al., Archaeological Survey, 37. 24 Phil R. Geib, et al., Glen Canyon Revisited (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1996), 7-9. 25 Geib, et al., Glen Canyon, 15-23, 27, 29-30, 40-41. 26 Geib, et al., Archaeological Survey, 45. 27 Rocky Mountain Region Archaeological Project Report, Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, July 12, 1995, "Rainbow Bridge National Monument Site 42SA17329 Hearth Emergency Excavation," 1-3, Cultural Resources Archive Files, Headquarters, Glen Canyon NRA. 29 According to Navajo residents of the Navajo Mountain community, the Navajo did not migrate to the region but emerged there. A more detailed account of the Navajo origin story is found in chapter 5. 30 Ronald H. Towner and Jeffrey S. Dean, "Questions and Problems in Pre-Fort Sumner Navajo Archeology," in The Archeology of Navajo Origins, ed. Ronald H. Towner (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1996), 13-15. 31 Ronald H. Towner, "The Pueblicito Phenomenon: A New Perspective on Post-Revolt Navajo Culture" in Towner, Archeology, 151. 32 Ibid. David Brugge, "Navajo Prehistory and History to 1850," in Handbook of North American Indians, Volume 10, Southwest, ed. Alfonso Ortiz (Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Institution, 1983), 279-295; E.T. Hall, Jr., "Recent Clues to Athabaskan Prehistory in the Southwest," American Anthropologist 46: 98-105; R.J. Perry, Western Apache Heritage (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1991). 33 Mary Shepardson and Blowden Hammond, The Navajo Mountain Community: Social Organization and Kinship Terminology (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1970). 34 Shepardson and Hammond, 25-26. 35 Summary of Remarks by Alan Downer, et al., 8. 36 Christopher G. Johnson, The Significance of Rainbow Bridge: From Prehistory to the Present, Masters Thesis, Northern Arizona University (May 1996), 50-51. The Hopi moved north as well. Snake Clan symbols have been identified in sites inside Capitol Reef National Park in central Utah; see Rosemary Sucec, An Ethnographic Overview and Assessment for Capitol Reef National Park. 37 Hattie Greene Lockett, The Unwritten Literature of the Hopi, University of Arizona Social Science Bulletin 4, no.2(1933): 43-44; quoted in Johnson, 51. 38 Lockett, 43; quoted in Johnson, 54. 39 Richard O. Clemmer, Roads in the Sky: The Hopi Indians In A Century of Change (Boulder: Westview Books, 1995), 13-15. 40 Phil R. Geib, telephone interview, June 19, 2000 and January 15, 2001, Window Rock. Arizona. 41 Clifford E. Trafzer, The Kit Carson Campaign: The Last Great Navajo War (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1982), 4-7. 42 Richard White, The Roots Of Dependency: Subsistence. Environment, and Social Change Among the Choctaws, Pawnees, and Navajos (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1983), 212-214. 43 Ethelou Yazzie, ed., Navajo History (Rough Rock: Rough Rock Demonstration School, 1971), 24-36. 44 Ruth M. Underhill, The Navajos (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1971): 25. 45 Henry F. Dobyns and Robert C. Euler, The Navajo People (Phoenix: Indian Tribal Park Services, 1972), 8-10; Trafzer, 6-8; White, Roots of Dependency, 215. 46 Dobyns and Euler, 12-13; White, 215-216. 48 Hal K. Rothman, Navajo National Monument: A Place and Its People, An Administrative History (Santa Fe: Southwest Cultural Resources Center, 1991), 9. 49 Bill P. Acrey, Navajo History: The Land and the People (Shiprock: Department of Curriculum Materials Development Central Consolidated School District No. 22, 1978), 12-30; Rothman, Navajo, 8-12. 51 Acrey, 40-53; Rothman, Navajo, 8; Trafzer, 75-78; White, 214. 52 Shepardson and Hammond, 29; Acrey, 40-41; Robert S. McPherson, The Northern Navajo Frontier 1860-1900: Expansion Through Adversity (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1988), 9-10. 53 Shepardson and Hammond, 28-30; Rothman, Navajo, 9-11. 57 David B. Madsen and Steven R. Simms, "The Fremont Complex: A Behavioral Perspective," Journal of World Prehistory 12, no. 3 (1998): 312-315. 58 Nuwuvi: A Southern Paiute History (Intertribal Council of Nevada, 1976), 5. 59 Nuwuvi, 8-9; Robert C. Euler, Southern Paiute Ethnohistory (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1966), 1-2; Robert C. Euler, The Paiute People (Phoenix: Indian Tribal Park Services, 1972), 2-3; Bertha P. Dutton, American Indians of the Southwest (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1983), 157. 61 Shepardson and Hammond, 39. 62 Herbert E. Bolton, "Pageant in the Wilderness: The Story of the Escalante Expedition to the Interior Basin, 1776," Utah Historical Quarterly 18 (1950): 226-228; Shepardson and Hammond, 27. 63 Bolton, 228; Euler, Southern Paiute Ethnohistory, 35. 64 Isabel T. Kelly, Southern Paiute Ethnography (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1965), 60; McPherson, 7. 66 Shepardson and Hammond, 39-40; Ortiz, ed.. Handbook of North American Indians:Volume 10 Southwest, 495. 68 Peter Iverson, The Navajo Nation (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1981), 10-11. 69 Stephen Jett, "The Great Race to Discover Rainbow Natural Bridge in 1909," KIVA 58, no. 1 (1992): 49-50. 70 C. Gregory Crampton, Outline History of the Glen Canyon Region, 1776-1922 (Salt Lake City: University of Utah Press, 1959), 2-3; C. Gregory Crampton and Dwight L. Smith, eds., The Colorado River Survey: Robert B. Stanton and the Denver, Colorado Canyon & Pacific Railroad (Salt Lake City: Howe Brothers, 1987), 36-37. 71 Crampton, Outline History, 31-32. 73 Weldon F. Heald, "Who Discovered Rainbow Bridge?" Sierra Club Bulletin, 40, no. 8 (October 1955): 25-27, National Park Service Library reprint, Denver, Colorado; Jett, 43-44. 74 Johnson, 139-140; James Black's original statement is located at Northern Arizona University Cline Library, Special Collections and Archives, Discovery Papers, Rainbow Bridge Collection. Chapter 3 76 William B. Douglass to Commissioner of the General Land Office, October 7. 1908, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, Pipe Springs National Monument-Rainbow Bridge National Monument. 77 Neil M. Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Robert Sterling Yard, October 30, 1919, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR; also published in National Parks Bulletin 9 (1927), 6-16; Hassell. 43. 78 Frank McNitt, Richard Wetherill: Anasazi (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1957), 27; Hal K. Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts: The American National Monuments (Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1989), 18. 79 McNitt, Richard Wetherill, 32-44; Hal K. Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation: Byron Cummings, William B. Douglass, John Wetherill, and the Summer of 1909," Journal of the Southwest 35, no. 3 (Autumn 1993): 320-323; Rothman. Navajo, 19-23. 80 Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 21, 46-48; Alfred Runte, National Parks: The American Experience (Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1979), 71, 98. 81 PL59-209; 16 USC 431 et seq.; 34 Stat. 225. 82 Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, xi-xvii, 34-51; Rothman, Navajo, 17. 84 Iverson, 10-12; White, 243-244; George A. Boyce, When the Navajos Had Too Many Sheep: The 1940s (San Francisco: The Indian Historian Press, 1974), ix-x. 85 Frances Gillmor and Louisa Wade Wetherill, Traders to the Navajo: The Story of the Wetherills of Kayenta (Cambridge: The Riverside Press, 1934), 45-47; Hassell, 40; Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation," 325. 86 Neil M. Judd, Men Met Along the Trail: Adventures in Archaeology (Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1968), 29; Robert Frothingham, Trails Through the Golden West (New York: Robert M. McBride & Company, 1932), 35-36; Gillmor and Wetherill, 47-50; Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation," 325. 87 Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 3-5; Hassell, 39-40. 88 Judd. ibid., 17-18; Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation," 327; Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 234. 89 Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation." 318-319. 91 Douglass to Commissioner, October 7, 1908, NA. RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR; Hassell, 38,44-45; Rothman, Navajo, 19-20, 25; Rothman, "Ruins, Reputations, and Regulation," 329-330. 92 Douglass to Commissioner, October 7, 1908, ibid. 93 Gillmor and Wetherill. 128-129. 94 Gillmor and Wetherill, 129-130; Jett, "The Great Race to Discover Rainbow Natural Bridge in 1909," 7-8; Frothingham, 37. 95 Gillmor and Wetherill, 131; Jett, 9. 96 William B. Douglass to Secretary of the Interior Franklin K. Lane, March 7, 1918, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 98 Cummings, Indians, 39-40; Neil M. Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 39-40; Gillmor and Wetherill, 161-162; Jett, 10-11; Frothingham, 38-39. 99 Director of the U.S. Geological Survey George O. Smith to National Park Service Director Stephen T. Mather, April 13, 1918; Mather to Douglass, April 17, 1918; Douglass to Mather, January 19, 1919, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR; Herbert E. Gregory, A Geographic and Hydrographic Reconnaissance of Parts of Arizona, New Mexico, and Utah (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1916), 45; Gillmor and Wetherill, 161; Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 100. 102 Cummings, 40; Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 40-41; Gillmor and Wetherill, 165-166. 103 Gillmor and Wetherill, 165-166; Jett, 12-14; Cummings, 39-40; Judd, ibid., 40. 104 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Cummings to Arno B.Cammerer, March 6, 1924, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR; Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 36-37; Cummings, 25-27, 40; Frothingham, 40; 162, Gillmor and Wetherill. 182-183; Rothman, Navajo, 22-24; Hassell, 46-47. 105 Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 36-37, 86-89; Cummings to Cammerer, March 6, 1924, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR; Gillmor and Wetherill, 164-168; Rothman, Navajo, 23; Jett, 14. 106 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Cummings, 40; Gillmor and Wetherill, 169; Jett, 15-16. 108 Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 40; Cummings, 40; Gillmor and Wetherill, 169; Jett, 16. 109 Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 40; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard, October 30, 1919; Hassell, 48. 110 Cummings, 41; Judd, Men Met Along the Trail, 40; Jett, 19; Hassell, 47. 111 Cummings, 42; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Jett, 20-21; Hassell, 48. 113 Wetherill to Arno B. Cammerer, January 28, 1924; Wetherill to Stephen T. Mather, February 25, 1924; Cummings to Cammerer, March 6, 1924; Judd to Mather, March 8, 1924; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Cummings, 41-42; Jett, 21. 115 Jett, 22; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Donald Beauregard, "Nonnezhozhi, the Father of All Natural Bridges," Deseret News, October 2, 1909, 11-1. 116 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard. 118 Douglass to Commissioner of the GLO; Santa Fe New Mexican, May 29, 1917, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 119 Jett, 17, claimed that "Douglass was hard of hearing, making use of an ear trumpet on a 30-inch flexible tube (the Navajos dubbed him, 'Man Who Hears Through A Rope')." 120 Cummings, 43; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard. 121 Gillmor and Wetherill, 171; Jett, 25-26. 122 Gillmor and Wetherill, 171; Frothingham, 69-70; Hassell, 52-53; Jett, 26-27. 123 Douglass to Mather, February 2, 1919, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 124 Santa Fe New Mexican, ibid; Beauregard, ibid; Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Jett, 28; Hassell, 53; Cummings, 43. There is no evidence that Cummings made measurements on his initial trip to Rainbow Bridge. 125 Pauline Wilson, letter to author, April 13, 2001. 126 Proclamation 1043, May 30, 1910. 127 Douglass to Mather, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR. 128 Douglass to Lane; Douglass to Mather, ibid. 129 Byron Cummings, "The Great Natural Bridges of Utah," National Geographic Magazine 21 (February 1910): 165. 130 Richard West Sellars, Preserving Nature in the National Parks: A History (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1997), 28, 31, 59. 131 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," report to Yard; Judd to Mather, March 8, 1924; Judd to Mather March 17, 1924; A.E. Demaray to Ralph A. Graves, April 15, 1927, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 132 Wetherill to Arno B. Cammerer, January 28, 1924; Wetherill to Mather, February 25, 1924. NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 133 Cummings to Cammerer, March 6, 1924, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932. Box NM, PISP-RABR. 134 Wetherill to Mather, January 4, 1923; Mather to Wetherill, January 17, 1924; Dan Hull to Edwin Raymond Armsby, March 19, 1924, NA, RG 79, E7 1907-1932, Box NM, PISP-RABR. 135 Armsby to Director, April 21, 1924; Hull to Director, April 23, 1924; Arthur E. Demaray to Mather, May 10, 1924; Mather to Armsby, May 15, 1924; Armsby to Mather, June 2, 1924, ibid. 136 Mather to Armsby, September 10, 1927; Armsby to Mather, September 13, 1927; Mather to Armsby, December 2, 1927, ibid. 137 The San Francisco Call, October 18, 1927, 1, 7. 138 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," National Park Bulletin, no. 54 (November 1927), 5-16. 140 Zeke Scher, "Rainbow Bridge ain't what it used to be," Empire Magazine, September 17, 1978, 16-17. Chapter 4 142 Keith Hoofnagle, "Frank 'Boss' Pinkley: 1881-1940," in National Park Service: The First 75 Years, ed. William H. Sontag (Eastern National Park & Monument Association, 1990), 32. 143 Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts, 122-124; Hoofnagle, 32. 146 Acrey, 252-253; McPherson, 83-84, 88-89; Shepardson and Hammond, 32. 147 Stephen Trimble, The People: Indians of the American Southwest (Santa Fe: School of American Research Press, 1993), 347. 148 Zane Grey, Tales of Lonely Trails (New York: Harper & Brothers, 1922), 62; Crampton, Standing Up Country, 160; Hassell, 67. 149 Roosevelt, 309-317; Crampton, ibid; Hassell, 68-69. 150 Hassell, 65; Johnson, 160. 151 Charles L. Bernheimer, Rainbow Bridge: Circling Navajo Mountain and Explorations in the "Bad Lands" of Southern Utah and Northern Arizona (Garden City: Doubleday, Page & Company, 1924), xi. 152 Hassell, 65-70; Crampton, Standing Up Country, 164; Bernheimer, 76-78. 153 Bernheimer, 90-96, 100-110. 154 Bernheimer, 33, 96; Hassell, 66-67; Johnson, 162. 155 Gladwell Richardson, Navajo Trader (Tucson: University of Arizona Press, 1986), 29-31; Hassell, 76-77, Johnson, 162-163; Crampton, ibid. 156 S.I. Richardson to Department of the Interior, May 12, 1924; A.E. Demaray to Richardson, May 25, 1924, NA, RG 79, B 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR. 157 Stan Jones to Devin, NPS Library, RMRO, no date; Hassell, 78; Johnson, ibid. 158 Hubert Richardson to Frank Pinkley, October 30, 1924; Pinkley to Richardson, November 2, 1924, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR. 159 Pinkley to Stephen T. Mather, November 4, 1924; Cammerer to Pinkley, November 11, 1924, ibid. 161 Tillotson to Director, March 16, 1931, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box NM RABR. 162 Chief Clerk to Pinkley, May 9, 1931; Pinkley to Director, May 12, 1931; Director to Chief Clerk. May 19, 1931; Albright to Pinkley, May 19, 1931, ibid. 163 Goldwater to National Park Service, February 25, 1946; Herbert Evison to Goldwater, March 25, 1946, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box 2362, Folder: RABR Publications. 164 Stan Jones to Devin, ibid; Rainbow Bridge Visitors, Bancroft Library, Sierra Club. 165 Russell Martin, A Story That Stands Like a Dam: Glen Canyon and the Struggle for the Soul of the West (New York: Henry Holt and Company, 1989), 164-168; Hassell, 84-85. 166 Gary Topping, Glen Canyon and the San Juan County (Moscow: University of Idaho Press, 1997), 346-347; Hassell, 89-90; Martin, 326-327. 167 Crampton, ibid, 165; Hassell, 97. 168 E.C. LaRue, Water Power and Flood Control of the Colorado River Below Green River, Utah, U.S.G.S. Water Supply Paper No. 556 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1925); LaRue, Colorado River and Its Utilization, U.S.G.S. Water Supply Paper No. 395 (Washington, D.C.: Government Printing Office, 1916), 213-215; Martin, 20-21; Topping, Glen Canyon, 336-339. 169 Bernheimer to Smoot, December 2, 1928; Raymond H. Torrey to Mather, December 17, 1928. NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR. 170 Cammerer to Torrey, December 20. 1928, ibid. 171 Cammerer to Torrey, December 20, 1928; Byron Cummings to Hayden, February 18, 1929; Burke to Horace M. Albright, April 3, 1929; Albright to Carl Hayden, April 4, 1929; A.E. Demaray to Hayden, April 16, 1929; Demaray to Chief Clerk, April 23, 1929; Bernheimer to Albright, May 7, 1929; Cammerer to Bernheimer, May 18, 1929; Commissioner BIA to Albright, August 9, 1929; NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932, Box NM PISP-RABR. 172 Albright to Commissioner BIA, March 30, 1930; Commissioner BIA to Albright, March 10, 1930, with attached draft legislation, ibid. 173 Wissler to Bernheimer, February 8, 1930; Frederic A. Stearns to Albright, January 2, 1931; Albright to Stearns, January 22, 1931; Roger W. Toll to Albright, March 13, 1931; Cammerer to Secretary of Interior, April 22, 1931; Bernheimer to Albright, June 8, 1932; July 15, 1932; ibid. 174 "The Next National Park," Salt Lake City Telegraph, March 30, 1931, ibid. 175 Toll to Albright, April 28, 1931. ibid. 177 Bernheimer to Albright, June 8, 1932; Albright to Bernheimer, June 10, 1932; Stearns to Albright, June 11, 1932; Albright to Stearns, June 11, 1932; Bernheimer to Albright, July 19, 1932, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1907-1932. Box NM PISP-RABR. 178 Albright to Katherine Wilson, August 8, 1932, ibid. 179 Rothman, Preserving Different Pasts 233-239. 180 John R. Wunder, "Retained by The People" A History of American Indians and the Bill of Rights (New York: Oxford University Press, 1994), 54-58, 60-62; Iverson, 39-40, 42. 181 Ansel F. Hall, General Report on the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition of 1933 (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1934), 5. 184 William D. Strong to Hall, July 1, 1935; Hall to Strong, July 24, 1935, NA. RG 79, E7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box NM RABR. 185 Hall to John D. Coffman, May 5, 1934; Carl E. Guthe to Hall, January 24, 1935; Toll to Director, February 12, 1935; George M. Wright to Sarah Brock, February 16, 1935; Hall to Cammerer, May 19, 1935; NA. RG 79, E 7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box 2362. 186 Ronald A. Foresta, America's National Parks and Their Keepers, (Washington, D.C.: Resources For the Future, Inc., 1984), 44-46; Runte, National Parks, 223; Sellars, Preserving Nature, 134-135. 187 Demaray to Conrad L. Wirth, Thomas C. Vint, George M. Wright, Harold C. Bryant, F.A. Kittredge, and John D. Coffman, May 15, 1935; NA, San Bruno, RG 79, WRO, Files of Res. Wildlife Technician 1927-1941, National Park Proposal, Box 8, Folder: Proposed National Parks; Elmo R. Richardson, "Federal Park Policy in Utah: The Escalante National Monument Controversy of 1935-1940," Utah Historical Quarterly (Spring 1965), 111-114. 188 Toll to Director, September 21, 1935. NA, RG 79, E 7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box NM RABR. 189 Hall to Director, June 6, 1935; Cammerer to Hall, June 7, 1935; Demaray to Hall, June 17, 1935, ibid. 190 Toll to Commissioner, June 10, 1935, ibid. 191 Bernheimer to Cammerer, September 3, 1936; Cammerer to Bernheimer, September 28, 1936; Bernheimer to Cammerer, October 15, 1936; Demaray to Bernheimer, October 24, 1936, ibid. 192 "With the Rainbow Bridge-Monument Valley Expedition," Ford News (March 1936), 47-48, ibid. 193 Cammerer to Pinkley, August 12, 1937; Pinkley to Director, September 7, 1937; Conrad L. Wirth to Pinkley, September 13, 1937; Pinkley to Director, September 23, 1937; October 21, 1937; December 7, 1937, ibid. 195 Hal K. Rothman, The Greening of a Nation? Environmentalism in the United States Since 1945 (New York: Harcourt Brace, 1998), 71; Richardson, 116-119. 196 Toll to Director, February 12, 1936, NA, RG 79, E 7, 1933-1949, Rainbow Bridge, Box NM RABR. 197 Foresta, America's National Parks, 45-46. 199 Richardson, 128-133; Martin, 47. 202 Halliday to Muench, August 22, 1954; Official Statement of the Utah Committee For A Glen Canyon National Park In Opposition to the proposed Glen Canyon Dam, August 1954, Bancroft Library, MS 71/295c, Sierra Club Members Papers: box 19, folder: Glen Canyon NRA, D. Brower, 19:22. Chapter 5 204 Interviews with: Buck Navajo, Navajo Mountain, Arizona December 18, 2000; Leo Manheimer, December 18, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona, Navajo Mountain Chapter House; Velta E. Luther, December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Tom Dougi, December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Celone Dougi, December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Sylvia Manygoats, December 19, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Jack Owl, December 20, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Bessie Owl, December 20, 2000, Navajo Mountain, Arizona; Yazzie, Navajo History; Jerrold E. Levy, In The Beginning: The Navajo Genesis (Berkeley: University of California Press, 1998); and. Paul G. Zolbrod, Diné bahane: The Navajo Creation Story (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1984). 206 Karl W. Luckert, Navajo Mountain and Rainbow Bridge Religion (Flagstaff: Museum of Northern Arizona, 1977). 207 Luckert, Navajo Mountain, 5. 208 Luckert, 5-6, 39, 48, 55-56, 60-70, 86, 109-110, 114, 140, 143, 148. 210 "Medicineman Seeks Preservation Of Sacred Rainbow Bridge," Navajo Times, July 4, 1974. 211 Luckert, 46. Other interviewees told similar accounts: Long Salt, 40; Buck Navajo, 91; Ernest Nelson, 106. 212 Navajo Times, ibid; Luckert, 39-41, 45-47, 86-87, 94-95, 106-7, 133, 139, 143-144. 214 Hassell, 27. Luckert, interview with Long Salt, 40-41; with Navajo, 95; with Nelson, 127; with Nez, 133; with Bedonie, 145-146. 215 Cummings, "The Great Natural Bridges of Utah," 165. 216 Judd, "The Discovery of Rainbow Bridge," 14. 217 William B. Douglass, "The Discovery of Rainbow Natural Bridge," Our Public Lands 5, no. 2:15; quoted in Stephen Jett, "Testimony of the Sacredness of Rainbow Natural Bridge to Puebloans, Navajos, and Paiutes," Plateau 45, no. 4 (1973): 134. 218 Jett, "Testimony . . .," 134-135. Jett also quotes descriptions of the altar written by Joseph Pogue, Marion Speer, and geologists H.D. Miser, K.W. Trimble, and S. Paige. There was no indication of the altar's cultural affiliation. 219 "Suit Alleges Rainbow Bridge Desecration," Salt Lake Tribune, September 4, 1974; "Water at Rainbow Violates Religion," Deseret News, September 5, 1974; Badoni v. Higginson, 455 E. Supp. 641 (District Court, Utah, Central Division). The suit was originally filed as Ditloi, et al. v. Stamm, et al. In the three years between the original filing and the decision in 1977, Ditloi died and the defendants all changed office. The decision was named on the remaining plaintiffs and the new defendants. 220 Badoni v. Higginson, 455 F. Supp. 641 (1977). 222 Wisconsin v. Yoder, 406 U.S. 205, 92 S.Ct. 1526, 32 L.Ed.2d. 15 (1972). 223 Badoni v. Higginson, 455 F. Supp. 645 (1977). 224 Lamar Bandoni, et. al., v. R. Keith Higginson, et. al., United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Circuit, Case no. 78-1517, Brief of Appellants (filed August 16, 1978, 9-11. 227 Badoni v. Higginson, 638 F.2d 172 (1980). 229 Acting Director to All Regional Directors, February 6, 1978, file code A5623 (560), RMR-AC, Library. 230 Regional Archaeologist to John Reed, January 2, 1979, file code H2215 (RMR) PN, RMR-AC, Library. 231 Acting Regional Director to Superintendents, June 27, 1979, file code H2215 (RMR) PC, RMR-AC, Library. 232 Associate Regional Director to Superintendent GLCA, February 24, 1980, file code D18 (RMR) PP. RMR-AC, Library. 233 Wilson to Superintendent GLCA. December 29, 1988, file code C38 (RB) xDl8. 234 Wilson to Files, October 26, 1990; November 26, 1990; December 3, 1990; December 24, 1990, file code C58 (RB) xDl8. 235 Jim Woolf, "Navajo Expert Rips Plan to Boost Monument Visitors," Salt Lake Tribune, January 17, 1991. 237 "Park Service Forming Plan for Rainbow Bridge," Daily Spectrum, January 7, 1991. 238 "Park Service Seeks Limits In Rainbow Bridge Visits," Salt Lake Tribune, December 3, 1991. 239 Wilson to Files, February 18, 1992, file code C58 (RB) xDl8. 240 U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Rocky Mountain Regional Office, Rainbow Bridge National Monument: General Management Plan, Development Concept Plan, Interpretive Prospectus (June 1993), 6-9, 11-13, 23-30. 241 "Navajos Block Bridge Access," Arizona Daily Sun, August 13, 1995. 242 "Navajo Group Closes Page Monument," The Arizona Republic, August 13, 1995. 243 "Navajos Won't Be Kicked Off Monument," Salt Lake Tribune, August 13. 1995. 244 Deenise Becenti, "Navajos End Closure of Rainbow Bridge," Salt Lake Tribune, August 16, 1995; "Navajos End Protest at Rainbow Bridge," The New Mexican, August 16, 1995. 245 Bear Lodge Multiple Use Association v. Babbitt, 2 F. Supp. 2d 1448 (1988). 248 Ed Natay to John Hiscock, Joe Alston, and Pauline Wilson, April 7, 1998, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-NACC. Chapter 6 249 Mark W.T. Harvey, A Symbol of Wilderness: Echo Park and the American Conservation Movement (Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, 1994), 52, 56-57; Jared Farmer, Glen Canyon Damned: Inventing Lake Powell and the Canyon Country (Tucson: The University of Arizona Press, 1999) 138; Rothman, Greening, 36; Sellars, 40-41, 43. 250 National Park System Organic Act, August 25, 1916 (39, Stat. 535; 16 U.S.C. 1); Foresta, 16-17; Sellars, 29, 35-38. 251 Harvey, 27, 44; Rothman, Greening, 28; Farmer, 132-133. 252 Farmer, 133-134; Harvey, 78-79. 253 Harvey, 14, 62-63; Rothman, Greening, 34; Sellars, 31, 177-178, 186; Farmer, 140-141. 254 Rothman, Greening, 38; Sellars, 178. 255 Harvey, 78; Sellars, ibid. 256 Acting Regional Director to Superintendents, Region Three, September 21, 1955, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-65-481, Box 2, Folder: Encroachments-Water-RABR. 258 Harvey, 268-270; Rothman, Greening, 41-42. 259 Bancroft Library, MS 71/295c, Sierra Club Members Papers: box 19, folder: Glen Canyon NRA, D. Brower, 19:22. 260 McKay to Brower, October 21, 1954, ibid. 261 General Superintendent John M. Davis to Regional Director, November 5, 1954, NA,RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-93-274, Box 3 (38/05/2:2), Folder: A44, RABR; W.A. Dexheimer to Director of National Park Service, February 9, 1956; Conrad L. Wirth to Bestor Robinson, August 16, 1955, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-93-281, Box 9 (38/7/4:4), Folder: A985, RABR. Regional Director Hugh Miller to Director, December 16, 1955, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-65-481, Box 2, Folder: Encroachments-Water-RABR. 262 Colorado River Storage Project: Hearings before the Subcommittee on Irrigation and Reclamation; 84th Congress, 1st Session, March 9, 1955, copy of proceedings at GLCA HQ, Interpretation Files. 263 Ibid, April 18, April 20, April 22, 1955. 264 Report On Field Study and Meeting At Rainbow Bridge National Monument, May 19, 1955, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-65-481, Box 2, Folder: Encroachments-Water-RABR. 265 Leslie P. Arnberger and Harold A. Marsh to General Superintendent, May 27, 1955, ibid. 267 Recommendation re: Rainbow Bridge, Secretary's Advisory Committee on Conservation, December 2, 1955, Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, Folder: 3; "Echo Park Projects' Ban Is Proposed," San Francisco Chronicle, December 3, 1955. 268 Brower to Ben Thompson. December 28, 1955, Bancroft, MS 71/103c, box 81, Folder:17; Brower to Georgia White. MS 71/103c, box 72. 269 Packard to Bestor Robinson, January 5, 1956, Bancroft, MS 71/103c, box 81; Runte, 187-188; Farmer, 144; Rothman, Greening, 44-45; Sellars, 180-183. Harvey, 284-285; "Project To Begin On The Colorado," New York Times, October 7, 1956; William C. Dunn, "Twin Blasts Launch Work On Two Dams," Deseret News, October 15, 1956, 1:4; "Blasts Today Signal Birth Of Two Dams," Salt Lake Tribune, October 15, 1956, 1:7. 270 U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 485, 70 Stat 106, April 11, 1956. 271 U.S. Statutes at Large, Public Law 485,70 Stat 107, April 11, 1956; Harvey, 283. 272 Dexheimer to Director, ibid; Packard to Conrad L. Wirth, March 21, 1956, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-93-281, Box 9 (38/7/4:4), Folder: A985, RABR. 273 Miller to Director, July 7, 1955, NA, RMRC, RG 79, 8NS-079-65-481, Box 2, Folder: Encroachments-Water-RABR. 274 "Protective Works Rainbow Bridge National Monument Glen Canyon Unit Colorado River Storage Project: Preliminary Report. August 1959," Bancroft, MS 71/103c, box 81, Folder: 18. 275 Lois Anderson, "Touring Lawmakers Split On Rainbow Bridge Plans," Arizona Daily Sun, October 16, 1959. 276 Sierra Club press release, "Rainbow Bridge Threat Renewed," Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, Folder: 7. 277 "Sen. Frank E. Moss Would Endanger Rainbow Bridge," National Wildlands News 1, no. 6 (May 1960): 1, 6. 278 "Statement of Senator Frank E. Moss (D-UT) before Senate Appropriations Committee, May 4, 1960," Department of Archives and Manuscripts, University Libraries, Arizona State University, MSS-1, Box 523, folder: 12. 279 Udall to Aspinall, August 27, 1960, ibid. 280 Miller to Director, October 6, 1960, NA, RMRC, RG 79, SW Regional Office, General Correspondence and Planning Program Records 1953-1961, Box 90, Folder: K3819. 281 Congressional Record, March 2, 1961, 2824-2825; "Another Utah Senator Seeks To Open The Way For Echo Park Dam," National Wildlands News 2, no. 4 (April 1961), 5. 282 "The Rainbow Bridge Promise," New York Times, July 7, 1961; "Statement of the Department of the Interior on Rainbow Bridge," Bancroft, MS 71/103c, box 81, folder: 17. 283 Carl Hayden to James W. MacBride, February 26, 1962, Bancroft, MS 71/103c, box 81, folder: 20; Hayden to James L. Jones, March 16, 1962, Archives and Manuscripts, ASU, ibid. 284 Seaton to Brower, February 15, 1960, Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, folder: 10. 285 Floyd E. Dominy to Wallace F. Bennett, July 10, 1961, Archives and Manuscripts, ASU, ibid. 286 "Sierra Club Charges Reclamation Betrayal of National Park System," Bancroft, MS71/103c, box 81, folder: 20. 287 Brower to unnamed, 1962, Bancroft, ibid. 288 Smith to Udall, August 20, 1962; Smith to Robert Latz, August 16, 1962; Smith to Brower, August 16, 1962; Smith to Howard Zahniser, August 21, 1962; Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, folder: 1. 289 Udall to Smith, November 26, 1962, Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, folder: 2. 290 Edward Weinberg to Files, December 27, 1962, NARA-San Bruno, RG79, Office of Land and Water, General Correspondence (93-09), box 1, folder: RABR Land Records; Transcript of Proceedings, Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, folder: 7. 292 Smith to Udall, January 4, 1963; Smith to Brower, January 8, 1963; Brower to Udall, January 8, 1963; "Findings of Fact, Conclusions of Law, And Order Denying Plaintiffs' Motion For Preliminary Injunction," Bancroft, MS 71/295c, box 26, folder: 3. 293 Berry to Udall, January 18, 1963, NARA-SB, RG79, Land and Water, GC (93-09), box 1, folder: RABR Land Records. 294 Smith to Udall, January 24, 1963, Bancroft, ibid. 295 Brower to Udall, Bancroft, ibid. 296 Farmer, 146. On March 13, 1963, the gates shut on the east bank diversion tunnel. NPS recognizes this date as the official birth date of Lake Powell. 297 Order Judgement and Decree, United States District Court for the District of Utah, Bancroft, MS 71/289c, box 63, folder: 63. 298 Ibid; Steve Wynkoop, "Interior Ordered to Keep Water Out of Rainbow Bridge," The Denver Post, March 1, 1973; "Rule to Save Bridge Draws 2 Reactions," The Salt Lake Tribune, March 1, 1973. 299 Ruckel to Evans, March 1, 1973; McCloskey to Evans, March 2, 1973; Evans to McCloskey, March 15, 1973, Bancroft, MS 71/289c, box 63, folder: 63:16. 300 Ben Avery, "Federal Judge's Ruling On Lake Powell Waters," The Arizona Republic, March 1, 1973; Salt Lake Tribune, ibid. 301 "Colorado River Water Storage Projects Heading to High Court," The El Paso Times, March 3, 1973. 302 "Action Asks Stay On Lake Order," Salt Lake Tribune, March 14, 1973; "Judge Ritter Denies Stay On Lake Powell Order," Ibid, April 22, 1973. 303 Tim Rose, "Waters to Avoid Rainbow Bridge," Deseret News, March 28, 1973. Chapter 7 304 Foresta, 50; Rainbow Bridge Visitors, Bancroft Library, Sierra Club Members Collection, MS 71/295c, Box 26, Folder 7. 306 Quoted in Sellars, 180-182. 307 Sellars, 183; John Davis to Chairman, July 29, 1955; Regional Director to Chairman, September 12, 1955; Associate Director to Southwestern National Monuments Superintendent, March 5, 1956, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 9, Folder A9815-Mission 66 1955-1958. 308 Summary of Mission 66 Prospectus, NA, RMR. ibid. 309 Notice of Approval Rainbow Bridge National Monument Prospectus, May 27, 1957, NA, RMR, ibid. 310 Myles Headrick to Barry Goldwater, March 2, 1959; Goldwater to Roger Ernst, March 6, 1959; Ernst to Goldwater, April 8, 1959; Hugh M. Miller to Navajo Tribal Council Chairman Paul Jones, July 17, 1959; Jones to General Superintendent Navajo Agency, August 5, 1959, NA, San Bruno, RG 79, WRO-Office of Land and Water Rights, General Correspondence, Box 1, Folder: RABR Land Research. 311 K.W. Dixon to Miller, August 12, 1959, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 8, Folder A6435. 312 Buddeke to Miller, October 27, 1959; Thomas J. Allen to Glen R. Landbloom, November 10, 1959, NA, RMR, RG 79, SWRO, General Correspondence and Planning Program Research, 1953-1961, Box 59, Folder D30a RABR 1959-1961. 313 Barton to Regional Director, August 20, 1959, NA, RMR, RG 79, SWRO, General Correspondence and Planning Program Research, 1953-1961, Box 56, Folder D22-9 RABR 1959-1961. 314 Miller to Director, August 27, 1959, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 8, Folder A6435. 315 Memorandum of Understanding, Bureau of Reclamation Draft, June 5, 1962; Regional Director National Park Service to Regional Director Bureau of Reclamation, June 15, 1962; Superintendent Glen Canyon NRA to Regional Director Southwest Region, July 25, 1962; Assistant Regional Director to Regional Director Bureau of Reclamation, July 27, 1962; Memorandum of Understanding, NPS Draft, July 26, 1962; NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A44 1962 MOU GLCA. 316 Regional Director to Director, July 22, 1964; William S. Bahlman to Regional Director Southwest Region, July 30, 1964; George W. Miller to Southwest Region Superintendents, August 5, 1964, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 6, Folder A6423, RABR 1962-1964. 317 Rainbow Bridge Visitation, National Park Service, GLCA NRA Headquarters, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge, 1992. 318 Arnberger to Regional Director, February 5, 1963, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 319 Regional Director to Field Solicitor Barton, February 8, 1963, ibid. 320 Walter Wolf to Arnberger with Memorandum of Agreement, August 6, 1962, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A44, GLCA 1962-1964. 321 Superintendent Canyon de Chelly to Regional Director, July 24, 1964; Arnberger to Superintendent Canyon de Chelly, August 3, 1964; Frank H. Carson to Daniel B. Beard, January 7, 1966, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 8, Folder A6435; Thomas J. Williams to Spencer K. Johnston, August 4, 1964, NA, RMR, RG 79, SWRO, General Administration Files, Box 96, Folder A5431; Arnberger to Regional Director, February 5, 1963, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 322 Regional Chief Norman B. Herkenham to Acting Regional Director, February 11, 1966, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 323 Muehlenhaupt to Carson, January 31, 1966; Carson to Muehlenhaupt, February 2, 1966; Carson to Beard, February 18, 1966; Herkenham to Acting Regional Director, ibid. 324 Manges to Regional Director Southwest Region, March 2, 1966, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. Manges' based his opinion of the navigable status of Lake Powell on United States v. Holt State Bank, 270 U.S. 49 (1926). 325 Ibid, emphasis in original. 326 Superintendent Canyon de Chelly to Regional Director Southwest Regional Director, January 30, 1967; Regional Director Southwest Region to Director, February 7, 1967, NA. RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 327 Cook to Director, March 20, 1967, ibid. 328 Nakai to Beard, April 21, 1967; Beard to Director, April 28, 1967; Beard to Nakai, April 28, 1967; NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A5431 Navajo-Window Rock. 329 Manges to Regional Director Southwest Region, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 330 Hartzog to Nakai, September 8, 1967; Cook to Hartzog, September 28, 1967; Hartzog to Secretary of the Interior, October 12, 1967; E. W. Watkins to Director, October 25, 1967, ibid; William J. Briggle to Regional Director Southwest Region, March 8, 1968; Kowski to Office of Resource Planning Chief, April 19, 1968, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5, Folder A5431 Navajo Window Rock. 331 Kowski to Assistant Director Operations, October 18, 1968; Cook to Regional Director Southwest Region, November 4, 1968; November 20, 1968; December 5, 1968, NA, RMR, RG 79, Box 5. Folder A3815 Public Relations with Navajo Tribe. 332 Cook to Regional Director, April 21, 1969; Regional Director Southwest Region to Director, May 12, 1969; Kowski to Director, June 24, 1969; Harthon L. Bill to Hummel, July 16, 1969; Kowski to Director, August 4, 1969, ibid. 333 Cook to Regional Director, August 27, 1969; Cook to Superintendent Grand Canyon, September 12, 1969; Kowski to Edward Huizingh, September 25, 1969; Kowski to Harold Mott, September 25, 1969; Kowski to Associate Director Hummel, September 25, 1969; Huizingh to Kowski, October 2, 1969; Mott to Kowski, October 14, 1969; Cook to Regional Director, December 16, 1969; Hartzog to Nakai, December 31, 1969. ibid. 334 Harrison Loesch to Deputy Director, February 3, 1970; Area Director Navajo Area Office to Kowski, February 4, 1970; Cook to Regional Director, February 19, 1970; Bill to Assistant Secretary Public Land Management, February 28, 1970; Cook to Regional Director Southwest region, April 20, 1970; July 17, 1970; Lemuel A. Garrison to Sam Day III, July 17, 1970; Superintendent Glen Canyon to Regional Director, July 7, 1975, ibid; Rainbow Bridge Visitation, ibid. 335 Memorandum of Agreement, September 11, 1970, facsimile copy, Bureau of Reclamation, Folder W-SU-78. 336 United States Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Rainbow Bridge Monitoring Program. Status Report No. 10, October 1, 1977-March 31, 1978, National Park Service Library, Denver Colorado; Zeke Scher, "Rainbow Bridge Ain't What It Used To Be," Empire Magazine (September 17, 1978), 12-17; Hassell, 142-143. 337 Superintendent GLCA to Regional Director, July 7, 1975, file code W1823 (RB), RMR-AC, Library; Martin, 236-236, 326; Rainbow Bridge Visitation, ibid. 338 Pauline Wilson to Chief of Planning and Compliance, RMR, August 25, 1988; Wilson to Superintendent, December 29, 1988; Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Comments From Scoping Brochure, GLCA Interpretation Files, Page, Arizona; Rainbow Bridge Visitation, ibid. 339 Wilson to Files, October 26, 1990, ibid. 340 Wilson to Files, November 26, 1990; December 3, 1990; December 24, 1990, ibid. 341 Chief of Interpretation Denny Davies, Zion National Park, telephone interview, July 27, 2000, Springdale, Utah. 342 Wilson to Files, February 5, 1992; February 12, 1992, ibid. 343 National Park Service, Rainbow Bridge National Monument: General Management Plan, Development Concept Plan, Resource Management Plan, Interpretive Prospectus, and Environmental Assessment, 1993, 1-6, 9-12; Rainbow Bridge Visitation, ibid. 345 Neita V. Carr and Robert T. Trotter, II, Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument (March 10, 1992), 53-56; Trotter, II, Research Plan: Ethnographic Overview and Assessment of Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Rainbow Bridge National Monument, January 1991; Scope of Work (April 1991) Ethnographic Overview and Assessment Cooperative Agreement Between The National Park Service and the Arizona Board of Regents #CA-1440-0-0004, National Park Service, GLCA NRA Headquarters, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge Ethnographic Study. 346 General Management Plan, 12-13, Appendix A, 1-5; John Ritenour, Chief of Resource Management, interview with author, July 24, 2000, Page, Arizona. 347 General Management Plan, 5-6, 9-13, 16. 349 General Management Plan, Appendix B, 6-7; Stephanie Dubois, Chief of Interpretation, GLCA NRA, telephone interview with author, July 27, 2000, Cedar City, Utah. 350 General Management Plan, ibid. 351 As of December 31, 2000, this part of the GMP had not been implemented. 352 General Management Plan, 9-14. 353 Federal Register, November 26, 1982, Part VII. 33688-33691. Chapter 8 354 Superintendent GLCA NRA to Associate Regional Director RMR, April 1, 1994, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge NACC. 355 Programmatic Agreement Among the Glen Canyon National Recreation Area, Kaibab Paiute Tribe, San Juan Southern Paiute Tribe, Navajo Nation, Hopi Tribe, White Mesa Ute Tribe, Rocky Mountain Regional Office-National Park Service, The Advisory Council on Historic Preservation, and the Utah State Historic Preservation Officer Regarding Rainbow Bridge National Monument, Title I, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge 1995. 356 As of June 1, 2001, this part of the PA had not been implemented. 357 Ibid, Title III, Title IV, Title V, Title VII. 358 Presidential Documents, Executive Order 13007 of May 24, 1996, Indian Sacred Sites, photocopy, GLCA NRA, HQ, Interp Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge Signs. 359 Chris Smith and Elizabeth Manning, "The Sacred and Profane Collide in the West," High Country News, May 26, 1997, 10. 360 Glen Canyon National Recreation Area-Minutes-Rainbow Bridge National Monument Native American Consultation Committee Meeting, March 14, 1997, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-NACC. 361 U.S. Department of the Interior, Press Release, "Secretary Babbitt Pleased With District Court Decision," April 2, 1998; Natay to Hiscock, et al., April 7, 1998, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-NACC. 362 Zeke Scher, "Rainbow Bridge," Empire Magazine, September 17, 1978, 16-17; Glen Canyon National Recreation Area-Minutes-Rainbow Bridge National Monument Native American Consultation Committee Meeting, February 14, 1996; March 14, 1997, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-NACC. 363 Stephanie Dubois, Chief of Interpretation, Synopsis of Events Leading Up to Jim Mike plaque Ceremony of 9/30/97, October 2, 1997, GLCA NRA, HQ, Central Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-Jim Mike Plaque. 364 University of Idaho Cooperative Park Studies Unit, Rainbow Bridge NM 1998 Visitor Survey Card Data Report, Report RABR298, copy from GLCA NRA. HQ, Interp Files, Folder: Rainbow Bridge-Visitor Surveys. 365 Stephanie Dubois, Chief of Interpretation, GLCA NRA, telephone interview with author, July 27, 2000, Cedar City, Utah; Comprehensive Interpretive Plan, Draft, GLCA NRA, HQ, Interp Files, Folder CIP. 366 Natural Arch and Bridge Society, et al. v. Joseph A. Alston, et al., U.S. District Court, District of Utah, complaint filed March 3, 2000, photocopy from GLCA NRA, HQ, Interp Files, Folder NABS Lawsuit. 368 Native American Relationships Policy, Section 3, VI.C. Interpretation. Federal Register, November 26, 1982, 33691.
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