National Park Service
Recreational Use of Land in the United States
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Fish Hatcheries Game Refuges Audubon Sanctuaries
1. Craig Brook
2. Boothbay Harbor
3. St. Johnsbury
4. Nashua
5. Gloucester
6. Cape Vincent
7. Cortland
8. Lamar
9. Lectown
10. Fort Humphreys
11. Central Station
12. White Sulphur Springs
13. Wytheville
14. Edenton
15. Orangeburg
16. Warm Spring
17. Marion
18. Tupelo
19. Fayetteville
20. Erwin
21. Louisville
22. Rochester
23. Put in Bay
24. Northville
21. Duluth
26. Homer
27. Manchester
28. Neosho
29. Mammoth Spring
30. Natchitoches
31. San Marcos
32. Spearfish
33. Bozeman
34. Virginia City
35. Saratoga
36. Leadville
37. Crystal Lake
38. Dexter
39. Springville
40. Buhi
41. Baker Lake
42. Quilcene
43. Duckabush
44. Quinault
45. Clackamas
46. Baird
1. Smith Island
2. Dungeness Spit
3. Ediz Hook
4. Flattery Rocks
5. Quillayute Needles
6. Mount Olympus
7. Copalis Rock
8. Conconully
9. Columbia River
10. Mount Rainier Park
11. Three Arch Rocks
12. Cold Springs
13. McKay Creek
14. Lake Malheur
15. Crater Lake Park
16. Upper Klamath Lake
17. Klamath Lake
18. Clear Lake
19. Tule Lake
20. Lassen Volcanic Park
21. Yosemite Park
22. Farallon
23. South Farallon
24. Ano Nuevo Light
25. General Grant Park
26. Sequoia Park
27. Sequoia
28. Salton Sea
29. Salt River
30. Boulder Canyon
31. Grand Canyon Park
32. Grand Canyon
33. Zion Park
14. Bryce Canyon Park
35. Rsilroad Valley
36. Fallon
37. Anaho Island
38. Charles Sheldon
39. Strawberry Valley
40. Bear River
41. Locomotive Springs
42, Minidoka
41. Deer Flat
44. Ft. Missoula
45. National Bison Range
46. Nine Pipe
47. Pablo
48. Glacier Park
49. Pishkun
50. Willow Creek
51. Benton Lake
52. Fort Keogh
53. Yellowstone Park
54. Grand Teton Park
55. Elk Refuge
56. Flat Creek
57. Pathfinder
58. Bamforth Lake
59. Pole Mt.
60. Hutton Lake
61. Sheep Mt.
62. Rocky Mt. Park
63. Mesa Verde Park
64. Zuni
65. Rio Grands
66. Carlsbad
67. Carlsbad Park
68. Platt Park
69. Wichita
70. Salt Plains
71. Crescent Lake
72. North Platte
73. Niobrara
74. Wind Cave Park
75. Wind Cave
76. Meade
77. BelIe Fourche
78. Long Lake
79. Chase Lake
80. Sully's Hill
81. Stump Lake
82. Siskiwit Islands
83. Huron Islands
84. Mille Lacs
85. Green Bay
86. Gravel Island
87. Upper Mississippi River Wildlife and Fish Refuge
88. Brady
89. Ozark No. 1
90. Ozark No. 2
91. Big Lake
92. Hot Springs
93. Vicksburg
94. Errol Island
95. Chandeleur Light
96. Shell Keys
97. East Timbalier
98. Breton Island
99. Tern Islands
100. Petit Bois
101. Shiloh
102. Chickamauga-Chattanooga Park
103. Cherokee No. 1
104. Cherokee No. 2
105. Pisgah
106. Blackwater River
107. Killcohook
108. Widow's Island
109. Acadia Park
110. Yorktown
111. Hamptom Roads
112. Swanquarter
113. Cape Romain
114. Savanah River
115. Blackbread Island
116. Wolf Island
117. Matanzas
118. Ocala
119. St. Marks
120. Cedar Keys
121. Brevard
122. Chinsegut Hill
123. Indian Key
124. Passage Key
125. Palma Solo
126. Pelican Island
127. Caloosahatchee
128. Matlacha Pass
129. Island Bay
130. Pine Island
131. Key West
132. Jefferson Nat'l Mon.
1. Machias Colonies
2. Jonesport Colonies
3. Duce Island
4. Muscle Ridge Colonies
5. Matinicus Rock
6. Metinic Colonies
7. Little Green Island
8. Kennebec Tern Colonies
9. Casco Bay Colonies
10. Connecticut Tern Colonies
11. Roosevelt Sanctuary
12. Staten Island Sanctuary
13. Cobb's Island Colonies
14. Beaufort Rookeries
15. Morehead City Tern Colony
16. Penny Dam Backwater
17. Buzzard Island
18. Tybee Rookery
19. Savannah-Altamaha Rookeries
20. Miccosukee Rookeries
21. Orange Lake Rookeries
22. Lake Washington Rookery
23. Sebastian Rookery
24. Ten Thousand Islands (Shark River)
25. Pass A'Loutre Mud Lumps
26. Atchafalaya Rookeries
27. Calcasieu-Cameron Rookeries
28. Onion Bayou Rookeries
29. Patsl I. Rainey Wildlife Sanctuary
30. Vintg'un Rookeries
31. Second Chain-of-Islands
32. Green Island Bird Sanctuary

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Last Updated: 20-May-2016