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Manuscript Materials

Daggett, John, "Reminiscences of a Pioneer," California State Library.

Eighth Census for Del Norte County, Schedule 4: Manufacturing, California State Library.

Eighth Census for Humboldt County (Eureka and Union Townships), Schedule 4: Manufacturing, California State Library.

Japanese Monograph 97, Pearl Harbor Operations: General Outline of Orders and Plans, Office, Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.

Japanese Monograph 102, Office, Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.

Japanese Monograph 110, Office, Chief of Military History, Department of the Army.

Letters Received, Department of California, Record Group 98, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Letters Received, Department of the Pacific, Record Group 98, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Letters Received, Office of Indian Affairs, California Superintendency, Record Group 75, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

"Mail Routes, Ark. Calif., Ill., Iowa, Kan., Ky., Mo., Neb., Nev., N. Mex., Tenn., Tex., and Utah, 1858-1862," Library Post Office Department, National Archives, Washington.

Muster Rolls and Returns, 4th United States Infantry, 1857-1861, National Archives, Washington, D. C.

Ninth Census for Del Norte County, Schedule 4: Manufacturing, California State Library.

Preemption Claims, Klamath County, 1851-1853, California State Library.

Shaler, William, "Journal of a Voyage Between China and the Northwest Coast," Bancroft Collection, Library, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley.

"Solid Men of Boston in the Northwest," Bancroft Collection, Library, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley.

Tenth Census for Del Norte County, Schedule 4: Manufacturing, California State Library.

Warner, J. J., "Reminiscences of Early California," Bancroft Collection, Library, Univ. of Calif. at Berkeley.

Public Documents

Annual Report of the United States Coast Guard for the Fiscal Year Ended June 30, 1916, Washington, 1916.

Annual Reports of the United States Life-Saving Service, Washington, 1875-1915.

Assembly Journal, 3d Session, California Legislature, Sacremento, 1852.

Department of the Interior, Report, March 17, 1853, Serial 688, Document 4, Washington, 1853.

President, Annual Message, December 6, 1852, Serial 688, Document 4, Washington, 1853.

Report of the Commissioner of Indian Affairs to the Secretary of the Interior, 1886, Washington, 1886.

"Report of the Light-House Board, 1892," Appendix No. 5, National Archives, Record Group 26, Washington.

Report of Secretary of the Interior, November 1, 1886, U. S. House Executive Documents, 49th Congress, 2d Session, 8, Washington, 1886.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1887, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 50th Congress, 1st Session, 11, Washington, 1887.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1888, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 50th Congress, 2d Session, 11, Washington, 1888.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1891, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 51st Congress, 2d Session, 12, Washington, 1891.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1894, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 53d Congress, 2d Session, 15, Washington, 1894.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1895, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 54th Congress, 1st Session, 15, Washington, 1895.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1896, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 54th Congress, 2d Session, 13, Washington, 1896.

Report of Secretary of the Interior for Fiscal Year 1897, U. S. House, Executive Documents, 55th Congress, 2d Session, 13, Washington, 1897

"St. George Reef Light-Station, California," National Archives, Clipping File, Record Group 26, Washington.

Senate Journal, 3d Session, California Legislature, Sacramento, 1852.

The War of the Rebellion: A Compilation of the Official Records of the Union and Confederate Armies, 73 vols., 128 parts, Washington, 1880-1901.

United States Department of Commerce, United States Coast Pilot, Pacific Coast: California, Oregon, and Washington, Washington, 1926.

U. S. House, Executive Documents, 52d Congress, 2d Session, 13, Washington, 1893.

County Records

Great Register of Del Norte County, Crescent City, 1879.

Great Register of Del Norte County, Crescent City, 1894.

Great Register of Del Norte County, Crescent City, 1897.

Great Register of Humboldt County, 1890, Eureka, 1890.

Maps and Atlases

"California State Parks Del Norte Park, Key Map, Olmsted Brothers," June 1931, California State Parks, Sacramento, California.

"Denny's Official Map of the County of Humboldt, California, 1911," Humboldt County Historical Society.

General Land Office Maps, Bureau of Land Management, Federal Building, Sacramento, California.

"Map of Del Norte County, California," June 1918, California State Library.

"Map of Humboldt County, California, 1888, by J. N. Lentell," California State Library.

"Official Map of Humboldt County, California, compiled and drawn by Stanley Forbes, 1886," California State Library.

"Official Map of Humboldt County, California," compiled by J. N. Lentell, 1898, California State Library.

"Topographical Map of the Trail from Fort Gaston to Stone Lagoon, California," drawn from field notes by Lt. R. H. Wilson, Feb. 1879, Cartographic Branch, National Archives.


Crook, George, General George Crook: His Autobiography, Schmidt, Martin (ed.), Norman, 1946.

Murdock, Charles A., A Backward Glance at Eighty: Recollections & Comment, San Francisco, 1921.

Palou, Francisco, Relacion Historica de la Vida Y Apostolical Tareas de Venerable Padre Fray Junipero Serra, 1787.

Wood, Lewis K., The Discovery of Humboldt Bay, A Narrative, Eureka, 1872.

Travel Accounts and Books

De Mofras, Eugene D., Exploration du Territoire de l'Oregon, des Californies et de la mer Vermeille, executee pendant les annees 1840, 2 vols. and atlas, Paris, 1844.

Gibbs, George, Journal of the Expedition of Colonel Redick M'Kee, United States Indian Agent Through Northwestern California, Philadelphia 1860.

Hakluyt, Richard, The Third and Last Volume of the Voyages, Navigations, Traffiques, and Discoveries of the English Nation, London, 1599-1600.

Moriarty, J. R., and M. Keistman, A Translation of the Summary Log of the Cabrillo Voyage in 1542, San Diego, 1963.

Mourelle, Francisco A., Journal of Voyage in 1775, to Explore the Coast of America Northwest of California . . ., London, 1780.

The Quest for Qual-a-wa-loo [Humboldt Bay], Lewis, Oscar (ed.), San Francisco, 1943.

The Travels of Jedediah Smith . . ., Sullivan, Maurice S. (ed.), Santa Ana, 1934.

Vancouver, George, A Voyage of Discovery to the North Pacific Ocean, and Round the World; in the Years 1790, 1791, 1792, 1793, 1794, and 1795, 3 vols., London, 1795.



Morgan, Dale L., Jedediah Smith: And the Opening of the West, Indianapolis, 1953.

Sullivan, Maurice, S., Jedediah Smith: Trader and Trail Breaker, New York, 1936.

Articles in Periodicals and Newspapers

Coan, Ernie, "Hobbs-Wall Empire," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Coan, Ernie, "Horace Gasquet: Del Norte's Early Multi-Purpose Man," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Coan, Ernie, "Klamath River, Historic, But Rugged," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Coan, Ernie, "Sea Takes its Toll as Death Stalks Marine History of Del Norte," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Davidson, George, "Francis Drake on the Northwest Coast of America in the Year 1579," Transactions and Proceedings of the Geographical Society of the Pacific, 5, San Francisco, 1908.

Hammond, Leona, "Lumbering Epitomizes Centennial's 'One Hundred Years of Progress,'" Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Hittell, John S., "The Story of an Unfortunate City," The Overland Monthly, 1, San Francisco, 1868.

Kelty, Nancy, "Lumber Industry Major Factor in D. N. Economy," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

McBeth, Frances T., "Major Marine Disaster During Early Days of Crescent City," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

Martin, Wallace E., "Captain's Negligence Blamed for Loss of Steamer Crescent City off Mendocino Coast," Humboldt County Historical Society, 1964,

Martin, Wallace E., "Disappearance of South Coast," Humboldt County Historical Society, 12, No. 5.

Martin, Wallace E., Humboldt County Historical Society, 9, No. 1.

Palais, Hyman, "History of the Lumber Industry in Humboldt County," Pacific Historical Review, February 1950.

Rogers, Fred B., "Early Military Posts of Del Norte County," California Historical Society Quarterly, 26, No. 3.

Schurz, William L., "The Manila Galleon and California," The South western Historical Quarterly, 21, Austin, 1917.

Trobitz, Henry, "Del Norte County Logging Industry Has Good Future," Del Norte Triplicate, Centennial Edition, 1954.

State and Local Histories

Adventure Trails, Eureka, 1947.

Bancroft, Hubert H., The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, 38 vols., New York, 1967.

Bledsoe, Anthony J., History of Del Norte County, California, with a Business Directory and Traveler's Guide, Eureka, 1881.

Bledsoe, Anthony J., Indian Wars of the Northwest, San Francisco, 1885.

Bolton, Herbert E., Spanish Exploration in the Southwest, 1542-1706, New York, 1916.

Chase, Doris, They Pushed Back the Forest, Sacramento, 1959.

Corney, Peter, Voyages in the Northern Pacific . . ., Honolulu, 1896.

Coy, Owen C., The Humboldt Bay Region, 1850-1875: A Study in the Colonization of California, Los Angeles, 1929.

Elliott, W. E., History of Humboldt County California . . . Including Biographical Sketches, San Francisco, 1881.

Hoopes, Chad L., Lure of Humboldt Bay Region, Dubuque, 1966.

Kroeber, A. L., Handbook of the Indians of California, Washington, 1925.

McBeth, Frances T., Lower Klamath Country, Berkeley, 1950.

Smith, Esther R., The History of Del Norte County, California, Oakland, 1953.

Smith, Esther R., The First Crescent City Lighthouse, Crescent City, 1956.

Thornbury, D. L., California Redwood Wonderland of Humboldt County, San Francisco, 1923.

Wagner, H. R., Spanish Voyages to the Northwest Coast of America, San Francisco, 1912.

Wells, Harry L., History of Siskiyou County, California . . ., Oakland, 1881.

Special Studies

Hoopes, Alban W., Indian Affairs and Their Administration With Special Reference to the Far West, 1849-1860, Philadelphia, 1932.

Merchant Steam Vessels of the United States 1807-1868, William M. Lytle, compiler, Mystic, 1952.

Putnam, G. R., Lighthouses and Lightships of the United States, Boston, 1917.

World War II—Military History

Conn, Stetson, Rose C. Engelman, and Byron Fairchild, U. S. Army in World War II—The Western Hemisphere, Guarding the United States and Its Outposts, Washington, 1964.

Morison, Samuel E., The Rising Sun in the Pacific, 1931-April 1942, Boston, 1947.

U.S. Strategic Bombing Survey, Interrogations of Japanese Officials, 2 vols., Washington, 1946.

Willoughby, Malcom F., The United States Coast Guard in World War II, Annapolis, 1957.

The Redwoods and the Area Economy

Andrews, Ralph W., Redwood Classic, Seattle, 1958.

California Highway Bulletin, 1, No. 1, October 15, 1912.

"Great Del Norte County Redwood Forest is Added to State Parks," California Conservationist, Dec. 1939.

Hittell, John S., The Resources of California: Comprising Agriculture, Mining, Geography, Climate, Commerce, etc. . . ., San Francisco, 1866.

Humboldt County, California, The Land of Unrivaled Undeveloped Natural Resources on the Westernmost Rim of the American Continent, Eureka, 1915.

Jedediah Smith Redwoods State Park, Sacramento, 1969.

Jenkins, Robert J., Del Norte County as It Is . . ., Crescent City, 1894.

Knight, Emerson, The Del Norte Coast State Park, Sierra Club Bulletin, 1931.

Nixon, Stuart, Redwood Empire, Forge Village, 1966.

Pacific Coast Wood & Iron, San Francisco, 1888.

Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park, Sacramento, 1969.

Redwood and Lumbering in California Forests, San Francisco, 1884.

Rellim Redwood Co., Demonstration Forest, Crescent City, 1969.

Save-the-Redwoods League, San Francisco, 1932.

Scotten, Steve W., Del Norte County California, Its Industries, Resources, and Capabilities, Crescent City, 1909.

Souvenir of Humboldt County, Being a Frank, Fair, and Accurate Exposition, Pictorially and Otherwise, of the Resources, Industries and Possibilities of this Magnificent Section of California, Eureka, 1902.

The Redwoods: A National Opportunity for Conservation and Alternatives for Action, Washington, 1964.

The Titans: Story of the West's Oldest Redwood Lumber Mill, Eureka, undated.


Alta California (San Francisco)

Daily Union (Sacramento)

Crescent City Courier

Del Norte Triplicate (Crescent City)

Del Norte Record (Crescent City)

Humboldt Times (Eureka, California)

Humboldt Times, "Jubilee Edition," Dec. 7, 1904.

Humboldt Standard (Eureka)

Pacific Daily News (San Francisco)

Pacific Sun (San Rafael)


Chaffey, Ray, with Bearss, Edwin C., April 26, 1969.

Childs, Richard, with Bearss, Edwin C., April 23, 1969.

Davis, Matthew, with Bearss, Edwin C., April 23, 1969.

Dorrance, Ira, with Bearss, Edwin C., April 22, 1969.

McNamara, Eva, and Endert, O., with Hearth, Fred E., (Seasonal Naturalist, Jed Smith State Park) 1960.


Thomas, E., (Assistant District Engineer, State of California Transportation Division) to Bearss, E. C., July 30, 1969.

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Last Updated: 14-Mar-2006