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Historical Base Map (1828-1969) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

Historical Base Map (1857-1969) (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

"Map of the Klamath Reservation, by D. C. Lewis, Crescent City, 1857." Courtesy Cartographic Branch, National Archives.

"Topographical Map of the Trail from Fort Gaston to Stone Lagoon, Cal., drawn from field notes made on a scout commanded by E. B. Savage, Capt. 8th Inf. by Lt. R. H. Wilson, Feby. 1979." Courtesy Cartographic Branch, National Archives.

"Official Map of Humboldt County, California, Compiled and Drawn by Stanly Forbes, 1886." Courtesy California State Library, California Section.

"Map of Humboldt County, California, 1888, by J. N. Lentell." Courtesy Library of Congress.

"Map of Del Norte County, California, published by Harry M. Malpas, County Surveyor, 1915." Courtesy California State Library, California Section.

drawing of lagoon and mining flumes
"Lagoon & Mining Flumes on Gold Bluff," from Elliott, History of Humboldt County, California. Courtesy California State Library.

drawing of buildings
"Cove, Flume & Res. of John Chapman, Gold Bluff," from Elliott, History of Humboldt County, California. Courtesy California State Library.

mining camp
"Old Mining Camp, near Fern Canyon," circa 1900. Courtesy of Supt. Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park.

Fort Ter-Waw
"Sketch of Fort Ter-Waw, Spring of 1862." by G. E. Young. Courtesy Library of Congress.

Howland Hill-Gasquet Road, circa 1900. This photograph taken of a section of the road on Mill Creek. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Smith River Stage, circa 1900. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

"Crescent City-Requa Stage," circa 1910, from Scotton, Del Norte County, California. Courtesy California State Library.

Crescent City-Trinidad Road, 1925. These photographs were taken in today's Del Norte Coast Redwoods State Park. Courtesy California State Highway Commission.

Crescent City-Trinidad Road, 1925. These photographs were taken in today's Prairie Creek Redwoods State Park. California State Highway Commission.

Requa Ferry, circa 1915. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

road construction
Construction of Redwood Highway along the Cliffs South of Cushing Creek, Del Norte County, California, circa 1922. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

ox on skid road
Ox Team, Bull Puncher, and Skid Road at For Dick, circa 1895. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

horse team
Horse Team Pulling a "Car" on a Pole Road. Small logs served as rails for the log cars. From The Titans.

loggers peeling logs
Peeling logs, circa 1900. Today the redwood logs are peeled by caterpillar and growser, barked at the mill, or by the old method. Redwoods must be barked before being sawed. Richard A. Childs Collection.

steam donkey
Dolbeer Spool Donkey, Fort Dick Area, shows engineer tending the spool, circa 1895. Richard A. Childs Collection.

steam donkey
A Dolbeer Spool Donkey, with Bull Donkey in the background, Fort Dick area, circa 1900. The Bull Donkey was used in Del Norte County until the 1920s, and the Dolbeer Spool Donkey by Hobbs, Wall loggers until 1939. Richard A. Childs Collection.

Type of Car by Hobbs, Wall in the Fort Dick area before 1910. This car was known as a "disconnected truck." After 1910 Hobbs-Wall used "Bobby" and "Kimble" cars. Richard A. Childs Collection.

railroad trestle
Trestle on Del Norte & Southern Railroad. This trestle was on the Seven Percent Grade. Note the stumps used for pilings. If the trestles were built of redwoods the timbers were salvaged and sawed into lumber when the railroad was abandoned. If spruce were used in the construction, the timbers were not salvaged. Richard A. Childs Collection.

railroad trestle
Trestle on Del Norte & Southern Railroad. This trestle was on the Seven Percent Grade. Note the slash in the background, circa 1915. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Locomotive "R. V. Hume," near mouth of Smith River. This locomotive was built by Globe-Iron Works, and was purchased by Hobb Wall in 1906 and used by that Company until 1925. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Hobbs, Wall Camp
Hobbs, Wall Camp No. 10, from Howland Hill, circa 1915. Note camp and right-of-way of Del Norte & Southern Railroad. Richard A. Childs Collection.

Hobbs, Wall Camp
View of site of Camp No. 10, from Howland Hill, taken after the abandonment of the camp. Note right-of-way of Del Norte & Southern Railroad. Richard A. Childs Collection.

Rows of Bunkhouses in Camp No. 12-2. This camp operated from 1921 to 1939 and it is currently the site of Rellim Redwood Co.'s Mill Creek Nursery.

"Rules and Regulations, Mill Department," Hobbs, Wall & Co., circa 1890. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Hobbs, Wall Mill
Hobbs, Wall Mill, No. 1, circa 1910. Richard A. Childs Collection.

lumber mill crew
Crew at J. Wenger & Co.'s Mill, circa 1900. Richard A. Childs Collection.

log dump
Log Dump, Hobbs, Wall Mill. The logs are being dumped off the cars with jackscrews. By 1915 this operation had been replaced, and the logs were pulled off the cars with capstans. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

salmon cannery
"Del Norte Salmon Cannery, Requa, Cal.," circa 1915. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

View of Requa, California, circa 1913, photograph by Hazeltine. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

salmon fishing
"Salmon Fishing at the Mouth of Klamath River, Requa, California," photograph by Hazeltine, 1913. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

dairy ranch
"Louis DeMartin's Dairy Ranch at Mouth of Wilson Creek" from Jenkins, Del Norte County As It Is. Courtesy California State Library.

wrecker of steamer
"Wreck of Steamer Queen Christinia," off Point St. George, December 12, 1908. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

Hulk of Tanker Emidio, Crescent City Harbor, December 1941-January 1942. From Richard A. Childs Collection.

dairy ranch
H. H. Alexander's Dairy Ranch. The barn is still standing. From Jenkins, Del Norte County As It Is . . . (Crescent City, 1894).

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Last Updated: 14-Mar-2006