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"Uncle Sam's Forest Reserves." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 44 (October 1953): 145-51. Rakestraw, Lawrence. "Urban Influences of Forest Conservation." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 46 (1955). Randall, Charles E. "In Praise of the Mule." American Forests 74 (July 1968): 24-25, 37-41. Ransom, Jay George. "Timber! Log Drive to Boise: 1909." Montana, Magazine of Western History 19 (April 1969): 2-9. Reid, Elbert H., and Raymond Price. "Progress in Forest-Range Management." In: Clepper, American Forestry, pp. 112-22. Richardson, Elmo R. "Was There Politics in the Civilian Conservation Corps?" Forest History 16 (July 1972): 12-21. Richardson, Elmo R. "Western Politics and New Deal Policies: A Study of T.A. Walters of Idaho." Pacific Northwest Quarterly 54 (January 1963): 9-18. Robbins, William G. "The Social Context of Forestry: The Pacific Northwest in the Twentieth Century." Western Historical Quarterly 16 (October 1985): 413-527. Roth, Dennis. "The National Forest and the Campaign for Wilderness Legislation." Journal of Forest History 28 (July 1984): 112-25. Schaffran, Gary. "Humboldt National ForestThe Early Years." Intermountain Reporter, n.d., pp. 6-7. Schantz, Homer L. "Big Game Populations on the National Forests. 1921-1950." Forest Science 2 (March 1956): 7-17. Schmitt, Peter J. "The Arcadian Myth." Forest History 13 (April/July 1969): 18-26. Shanklin, John F. "Forestry in the Department of the Interior." In: Clepper, American Forestry, pp. 176-96. Sherman, E.A. "The Supreme Court of the United States and Conservation Policies." Journal of Forestry 19 (1921). Silcox, Ferdinand A. "How the Fires Were Fought: The U.S. Forest Service Cannot Fight Fires Until It Is Fully Equipped." American Forestry 16 (November 1970): 631-39. Sliger, Elizabeth Leflang. "Miller S. Benedict: An Early Supervisor of the Sawtooth National Forest." Old Times News, October 1976, pp. 12-14, Historical Files, Sawtooth National Forest. Spurr, Stephen H. "Origin of the Concept of Forest Succession." Ecology 33 (July 1952): 426. Stewart, George. "Historic Records Bearing on Agricultural and Grazing Ecology in Utah." Journal of Forestry 39 (March 1941): 362-75. Stewart, George, and John A. Widtsoe. "Contributions of Forest Land Resources to the Settlement and Development of the Mormon-occupied West." Journal of Forestry 41 (September 1943): 633-40. Stout, Joe A., Jr. "Cattlemen, Conservationists, and the Taylor Grazing Act." New Mexico Historical Review 45 (October 1970): 311-22. Sutton, W. L. "History of Forest Service Grazing Fees." Journal of Range Management 6 (November 1953): 393-98. Tanasuca, Donald. "Six Months in Garden Valley." Idaho Yesterdays 11 (Summer 1967): 16-24. Toumey, James W. "Forests Indispensable in War." American Forestry 24 (January 1918): 16-20. Twining, Charles E. "Plunder and Progress: The Lumbering Industry in Perspective." Wisconsin Magazine of History 42 (Winter 1963): 116-24. Victor, Arthur E. "The Ubiquitous Bulldozer." Pacific Northwesterner 19 (Winter 1975): 1-8. Wagar, J.V.K. "An Analysis of the Wilderness and the Natural Area Concept." Journal of Forestry 51 (March 1953): 178-83. White, Richard. "American Environmental History: The Development of a New Historical Field." Pacific Historical Review 54 (August 1985): 297-38. White, Richard. "Indian Land Use and Environmental Change: Island County, Washington, A Case Study." Arizona and the West 17 (1975): 327-38. Woods, John B. "Forests in Utah." American Forests 54 (September 1948): 406-7, 428-29. Yeager, Lee E. "Progress in ForestWildlife Management. In: Clepper, American Forestry, pp. 123-36. Zon, Raphael. "Forestry Mistakes and What They Have Taught Us." Journal of Forestry 49 (February 1951): 179-83.
Conducted by Thomas G. Alexander: Alsop, Warren G. "Sunny"Anderson, Arval L. Bartlett, Floyd Baugh, Frederick R. Bawdon, Keith E. Beitia, Frank G. Bird, Douglas M. Blackner, David E. Braegger, Don C. Buckenroth, Mildred Burk, Arlene Burns, John E. Caples, James W. Carroll, Arthur J. Christensen, Reed C. Clark, Paul L. Cliff, Oliver Cox, Hallie L. Croft, A. Russell Dean, Ralph W. Deshler, William O. Easton, Robert Ebberts, William W. Enget, Louise and Max Nelson Foulger, Howard Frisby, Wendell E. Fry, George B. Gardner, Dean A. Gaufin, David "Mike" Genz, Kenneth R. Gibbs, Val R. Goodwin, Victor O. Griswold, Richard K. "Mike" Gutzman, Mildred C. Hahn, Dick L. Hamre, Vern O. Hatch, Ira W. Hauff, Richard T. Hendricks, Charles Heninger, Richard Hirsch, Ernest C. Hoag, Robert F., Jr. Hoffman, Melvin C. Hooper, Donald H. Hopson, Terry D. Hubbard, Hale M. Hurst, William D. Jackson, Reid Jacobs, James L. Jenkins, M. Wayne Johnson, Irwin H. "Hap" Johnson, W. Lloyd Johnson, William L. and Donald A. Shultz Lafferty, George Lassen, Lawrence E., Joseph F. Pechanec, R. Duane Lloyd, Carter B. Giffs, and Louise Kingsbury Lavin, John Leicht, Richard C. Lewis, Floyd Lewis, Mont E. Marsolek, Del Maughan, Kenneth O. Maw, Edward C. Maxwell, Bob McBride, Robert S. McCrum, William H. Miller, Jack M. Morrison, Ray H. Nebeker, Don T Nelson, J. Valone Noble, Edward Oslen, Foyer Pace, Vincent E. Paddock, William R. Perkes, Brent R. Powers, F.E. Ransom, Ted Roether, George A., Edward A. Harvey, Robert I. Cottingham, and Orville E. Engelby Rouse, Burt F. Sack, Ivan Safran, Robert L. Sammons, James L. Sanders, Richard Savage, Bill N. Shank, Hank Shaw, William H. "Howard" Sheehan, Patrick, Bonnie Eldredge, and Vern Fridley Shields, Paul W. Simpson, Val Sliger, Elizabeth Slimp, Stephen "Mike" Squires, Marilyn St. John, Chandler P. Stock, Merlin R. Taggart, George "Mark" Taylor, J. Kent Tew, Ronald K. Thomas, Julian R., and O. Thompson, Robert M. Thomson, Reed Thornock, Clarence S. Tixier, J.S. "Stan" Urdahl, George A. Van Winkle, H.H. "Rip" Wardleigh, Ronald D. Wehking, E.F. "Shorty" Weyers, Kenneth D., John Hooper, Lee A. Bennett, Walter W. "Pete" Pierson, Rodman N. Barker, Frank Youngblood, James E. Camp, Earl F. Dodds, Ralph A. "Andy" Finn Wilcox, John T Wilcox, Sterling J., Jack Arrowsmith, LouJean Findlay, Russ Rogler, Ron Hoyden Williams, Oliver L. Williams, Robert G. David Hansen Wilson, Ronald S. Wirth, Archer, Clare Mitchell, Mike Hanson, and Dave Holland Wogensen, Irene C. Woods, Francis W. Zohner, Dahl L. Conducted by Al J. Brady: Miller, Clifford A.Anderson, Arval L. Conducted by Amelia R. Fry, Edith Mexirow, and Fern Ingersoll: Kneipp, Leon F.Conducted by Mary Ellen Glass: Sack, IvanConducted by Victor Goodwin and George Gruell: Tremewan, C. SydneyConducted by James L. Jacobs: Swallow, GeorgeRobins, J. Wells Redd, Charles Mickelson, James F. Marvel, Louise Hay, Leonard, and William D. Thompson Hagenbarth, David V. Chipman, Delbert and Ora Bieroth, Hugh Conducted by Ronald C. Larson: Evenden, James C.Massey, Calvin Conducted by Marie Loosle: Haycock, CarlConducted by Gary Schaffran: Wilcox, JackConducted by Elizabeth M. Smith: Ahlskog, Howard E.Berry, Walter T. Deshler, William O. Enlow, Charles A. Flock, K.D. Fest, Leo E. Guernsey, William R. Moats, A.L. Smith, Glen T. Conducted by Arnold R. Standing: Albana, John J. "Jack"Arentson, Carl B. Cazier, Edwin Christensen, Hanmer Christensen, Moses Cook, S. Bryson "Bike" DeMoisy, Charles Humphrey, J.W. "Will" Koziol, F.C. Stokes, Joseph W. Tangren, W.E. Thursby, Wells Van Winkle, Harry H. "Rip"
Provo Herald Salt Lake Tribune
Albertson, Albert. "The Dixie National Forest." Historical Files, Supervisor's Office, Dixie National Forest, Cedar City, UT; 1949. Allan, Esther B. "History of the Teton National Forest." Library, Supervisor's Office, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Jackson, WY; 1973. Alsop, John. Oral reminiscences recorded by Floyd Noel. Historical Files, 1860. History, Biographies, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Anderson, W.M. Reminiscences. Typescript, Historical Files, Uinta National Forest Supervisor's Office, Provo, UT. "An Assessment of the Rural Fire Protection Situation in Utah." Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Baker, F.S. "Report on Aspen in District 4." Regional Office, Ogden, UT; 1920. Bridger-Teton National Forest. "Chronology of Bridger-Teton from 1891-1973." Historical Files, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Jackson, WY. Butkus, Michael F. "Exposure to the Environmental Impact Statement Process and Environmental Awareness in Forest Service Decision Makers." M.S. thesis, Utah State University; 1976. "Caribou History." Historical Files, Caribou National Forest, Pocatello, ID. Chaffin, John. "BLM/FS Interchange Summary of Public Response and Analysis." Copy in Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Challis National Forest. "History of the Challis National Forest, to 1970." Looseleaf binder, Historical Files, Challis National Forest, Challis, ID. Challis National Forest. "History of the Challis National Forest, 1971 to present." Looseleaf binder, Historical Files, Challis National Forest, Challis, ID. Clark, J. Reuben, Jr. Talk given in general welfare meeting, Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, April 5, 1958. Transcript held by James Jacobs, Ogden, UT. Croft, A. Russell. "History of Development of the Davis County Experimental Watershed." May 1981, possession of the author. DeMoisy, Charles. Statement on information provided by Mr. W.H. Grant, October 25, 1935. Historical Files, Uinta National Forest, Provo, UT. DeMoisy, Charles. "Some Early History of the Uinta National Forest," July 8, 1963, Ogden, UT. Historical Files, Uinta National Forest, Provo, UT. Dixie National Forest. "History of the Area Now Known as the Dixie National Forest From Establishment in 1902 to and including 1960." Ms, Historical Files, Dixie National Forest, Richfield, UT; 1961. Dyches, Milo T. "Recollections of Ranger M.T. Dyches." Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. "Engineering in the Forest Service (A Compilation of History and Memoirs, 1905-1969)." n.p.: n.d. Evans, Ward. "As I Remember the Supervisors of the Ashley National Forest . . ." Historical Files, Ashley National Forest, Vernal, UT. "First Ranger of Wild Area Called 'Man of Forests.'" Newspaper clipping, October 11, 1950. Historical Files, Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls, ID. Fishlake National Forest. "Fishlake Historic Personnel Data, 1909-1970." Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. Fishlake National Forest. "Fishlake Historic Personnel Roster, 1906-1937." Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. Galbraith, Alan F. "An Economic and Multiple Use Evaluation of the Potential to Increase Water Production on the Bridger-Teton National Forest Within the Green River Watershed." MS, Bridger-Teton National Forest, Jackson, WY; June 1982. Goodwin, Victor O. "The Humboldt ForestA Kaleidoscope of Men and Events in the Service of the American People." File: Recreation, Land Uses, Fire Control, Personnel, Humboldt National Forest, Elko, NV. Granjean, Emile. "A Short History of the Boise National Forest." Historical Files, Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls, ID. Green, Roberta. "Forest Service Wife." Historical Files, Challis National Forest, Stanley Ranger District, Stanley, ID. Griswold, Mike. "Outline of Griswold's presentation to History Coordinators." March 2, 1983, in possession of author. Haymond, Melvin Jay. "History of the Manti Forest, Utah: A Case of Conservation in the West." Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Utah; 1972. "Hobble Creek Cattle Allotment Grazing Appeal Case. 1959-1962." Papers relating to the above case, in files of James Jacobs, Ogden, UT. Humphrey, J.W. Letter from J.W. Humphrey to District Forester, Ogden, Utah, August 14, 1928. Manti File, FDI8, Manti-LaSal National Forest, Price, UT. Humphrey, J.W. "My Recollections of the Manti Forest." Historical Files, Manti-LaSal National Forest, Price, UT. Jacobs, James. Clipping files on grazing cases from 1957-59. In possession of James Jacobs, Ogden, UT. Jensen, A.W. "Recollections on Establishment of the Manti Forest and Experiment Station." Typescript, Historical Files, Manti-LaSal National Forest, Price, UT. Johnson, Irwin H. Letter to Thomas G. Alexander, November 8, 1985. In possession of the author. Kaibab National Forest. Letter from William M. Mace to Chief Gifford Pinchot, February 9, 1940. In possession of William Hurst, Bosque Farms, NM. Kaibab National Forest. "Report of Government Killing of Surplus Deer on Kaibab National Forest." Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Kingsbury, Louise. "The Western White PineA New Beginning." In possession of Louise Kingsbury, Intermountain Forest and Range Experiment Station. Kreizenbeck, George E. Statement, December 1975. Historical Files, Boise National Forest, Boise, ID. Lafferty, J.B. "History of the Weiser National Forest as Written by Its First Forest Supervisor." Historical Files, Payette National Forest, McCall, ID. Larson, George C. "History of the Nevada National Forest Historical Files, Humboldt National Forest, Elko, NV; 1917. Lewis, Mont E. Letter to Thomas G. Alexander, October 22, 1985. In possession of author. Mace, Wayne C. "Stories My Dad Told Me." MS in possession of William Hurst, Bosque Farms, NM. Mains, G.B. Memorandum directed to Supervisor Van Meter, Payette National Forest. Historical Files, Boise National Forest, Boise, ID. Mann, Walter G. "The Kaibab Forest." MS in possession of William D. Hurst, Bosque Farms, NM; 1970. Mattsson, Carl A. "The Personal Narrative of Carl A. Mattsson." Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. McConkie, A.R. To file, May 22, 1973. Historical Files, #1680, Ashley National Forest, Vernal, UT. Minidoka National Forest. "History of the Minidoka National Forest." Compiled in 1941 and 1942. Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Nicholes, Sidney. "West Desert Range, Uinta National Forest." Historical Files, Uinta National Forest, Provo, UT; 1935. Nielson, Merrill. "My Forest Service Career." Historical Files, Uinta National Forest, Provo, UT; 1960. Olsen, C.J. Dictated reminiscence in response to written questions, January 1962. Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. Pack, Dan S. Letter to Charles DeMoisy, June 15, 1956. Typescript, Historical Files, Ashley National Forest, Vernal, UT. Peterson, Charles S. and Linda E. Speth. "A History of the Wasatch-Cache National Forest." MS, Report for the Wasatch-Cache National Forest; 1980. Proceedings of the Wildlife-Lifestock Relationships Symposium." Held at Coeur d'Alene, ID, April 20-22, 1981. Forest, Wildlife & Range Experiment Station, University of Idaho, Moscow, ID; 1981. Rawley, Edwin V. and Lee Ann Rawley. "Utah Fish and Game: A Brief History." File 1658, Historical Data, 8, Wildlife Management, Historical Files. Uinta National Forest, Provo, UT. Rice, W.B. Reminiscences. Typescript, McCall Folder, Payette National Forest, McCall, ID. Riddle, Wallace M. Biographical memo directed to the Office of Public Relations. Historical File #1680, History, Biographies, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Rosa, J. Marvin. "Historical and Scientific Account of Floods, Erosion, and Watershed Management in Utah1800s through 1950s." Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. "Ruby National Forest." Historical Files, Humboldt National Forest, Elko, NV. Russell, Dewitt. "Early Days in the Old Weiser." Personnel Files, Payette National Forest, McCall, ID; 1968. Sack, Ivan. "History of the Toiyabe National Forest." Historical Files, Toiyabe National Forest, Sparks, NV. "Santa Rosa Division." Historical Files, Humboldt National Forest, Elko, NV. Sanford, Earl C. Supervisor's Monthly Newsletters, April 30, 1921, and July 2, 1921. Historical Files, Caribou National Forest, Pocatello, ID. "Sawtooth National Recreation Area Chronology of Principle ActionsRO File, 1912-1972." Historical Files, Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls, ID. Sliger, Elizabeth Leflang. "Emile Grandjean, One of the First Forest Supervisors." Historical Files, Sawtooth National Forest, Twin Falls, ID. Standing, A.R. Memorandum on work in the Forest Service, January 4, 1962. Historical Files, Fishlake National Forest, Richfield, UT. Standing, A.R. "The Record." Memorandum, May 17, 1955. In possession of G. Robert Standing, Chico, CA. Thorup, H. Christian. "Clarence Cottam: Conservationist, the Welder Years." Ph.D. Dissertation, Brigham Young University; 1983. United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Intermountain Region. "Engineering: Work Planning, Workforce Planning, Budget Planning." Looseleaf notebook. In possession of Jack Arrowsmith, Engineering, Regional Office, Ogden, UT; 1982. "Utah Range Controversy, 1957-1958." File of papers in regard to the above in possession of James Jacobs, Ogden, UT. Waugh, Frank A. "Bryce Canyon National Monument and Cedar Breaks, Studies of Physical Development, Powell National Forest, Dixie National Forest." Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT; 1923. Waugh, Frank A. "Recreation Problems in District 4, National Forests." Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT; 1922. Wells, Merle W. "Timber Frauds on Crooked River." Typescript in possession of Merle Wells, Boise, ID. Wilde, J. Patrick. "History of the Montpelier District, Caribou National Forest." Historical Files, Caribou National Forest, Pocatello, ID; 1980. Woods, C.N. "Thirty-seven Years in the Forest Service." Typescript, File: 1680-History-Biographies, Historical Files, Regional Office, Ogden, UT. Worf, William A. "Whiterocks Range District, Ashley National Forest, 1905-1955." Historical Files, Ashley National Forest, Vernal, UT.
Noncurrent records for each of the 16 national forests and the regional office are located in various places. Each national forest maintains a collection of historical records in the supervisor's office. They are ordinarily under the custody of the national forest history coordinator. In addition, other noncurrent records are housed in the Federal Records Centers in Record Group 95. The records for the various units are under the jurisdiction of those units and permission for the use of the records must be secured from the forest supervisor (for the national forest records) and from the regional forester (for regional records). Records for the forests in Idaho (Boise, Caribou, Challis, Payette, Salmon, Sawtooth, and Targhee) are kept at the Seattle Federal Records Center. Records for the forests in Utah and Wyoming (Ashley, Bridger-Teton, Dixie, Fishlake, Manti-LaSal, Uinta, and Wasatch) are at the Denver Federal Records Center and those for the Nevada forests (Humboldt and Toiyabe) are at the San Bruno, California, Federal Records Center. The records housed at the various national forests are of varying quantity and quality. Any researcher planning to use them should first contact the history coordinator at the particular forest for an assessment. In addition, because of the disposal period, most of the forests had sets of grazing records returned to them from the records centers in the early 1980's. Grazing records I found most useful were the records on the Humboldt and Payette. The records of dealings with stockmen's associations at the Seattle Federal Records Center for the Caribou National Forest provided excellent sources. Timber records in Seattle for the Payette and Boise were also quite good. The oldest records were those located at the Manti-LaSal National Forest headquarters; some date from the General Land Office Forestry Division period. The regional office records at the Denver Federal Records Center are of varying quality. Those for the earliest period tend to be somewhat sparse. Since the 1930's, however, the records are quite good. The records dealing with the construction of the Forest Service building on 25th and Adams in Ogden are quite complete. Records for the period since World War II are voluminous. I also found records at the National Archives in the Interior Department Records (Record Group 48) dealing with the activities of the General Land Office Forestry Division in what became Region 4 to be very helpful. A number of relevant papers are also in private hands. Those I found most useful were James L. Jacobs's records dealing with grazing and the controversies during the 1950's and 60's and William D. Hurst's on the Kaibab Deer Controversy during the 1920's. Some papers of Arnold R. Standing are in the possession of his son G. Robert Standing.
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