Chapter l. Settlement and Resource Use in the Intermountain West Chapter 2. Resource Management in the Intermountain West before 1905: The Interior Department Phase Chapter 3. The Beginnings of Resource Administration in the Intermountain West Under the Forest Service: 1905 to 1909 Chapter 4. Forest Protection and Management: 1910 to 1929 Chapter 5. Range Management and Research: 1910 to 1929 Chapter 6. Forest Management in a Depression Era: 1930 to 1941 Chapter 7. Organizing and Planning for Intensive Management: 1942 to 1949 Chapter 8. Toward Stewardship and Multiple-Use Management: 1950 to 1959 Chapter 9. An Era of Intensive Multiple-Use Management: 1960 to 1969 Chapter 10. Forest Planning and Management Under Pressure: 1970 to 1986 Chapter 11. The Intermountain Region in Retrospect
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