Public Camp Manual


Green and brown remain the standard colors for use on camp improvements.

Paint will be used on surfaced lumber and galvanized iron, while stain is preferred on unsurfaced lumber. The following painting scheme will be followed:

Bulletin Boards: Brown.

Entrance sign posts: White when on the road right-of-way.

Fences: Ordinarily fences will not require paint.

Garbage Cans: Brown, with green covers.

Sign Posts, Garbage-can Posts, etc.: Brown.

Tables and Cupboards: Brown.

Toilets: Brown sides, green roof.

Well Houses: Brown supports, green roof. The supports may be made quite attractive by scorching with a blow torch, in which event they should not be painted.

Other Improvements: Painting schemes for other improvements will follow the general scheme.

Improvements should be painted often enough to keep them presentable. The seat blocks on toilet stools should be varnished each year.

All wood which is to come in contact with the ground, should be treated with a high-penetrating, transparent, coal-tar creosote.

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Last Updated: 11-Jan-2010