Public Camp Manual


The improvements which have been discussed on the foregoing pages are considered as the fundamental and necessary facilities to be installed in all public camps. In certain cases, as in the "De Luxe" camps, it may be desirable to construct "extras". Inasmuch as developments of the latter type will be the exception rather than the rule, they are not discussed in detail, nor are designs and plans included in this Manual, except in the case of bath houses and dressing rooms, for which plans are incorporated. A few suggested "extras" are discussed briefly.

Bathers' Dressing Rooms: It will frequently be desirable to erect bathers' dressing rooms on the shores of lakes, or at other places where swimming facilities are available. The 4-room building shown in this Manual is designed as a change room for public use.


Concrete Aggregate3 cu. yds. concrete mix
Cement12 sacks
Reinforcing Mesh100 sq. ft. #14 gauge galvanized welded wire mesh, wires spaced 4" in each direction.

Form Lumber not included.

Framing Lumber
Mudsills2x4#1 Heart Common Redwood(2 pcs.
(4 pcs.
Studs2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir32 pcs.14-0
Plates2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E12 pcs.10-0
Stud Blocking2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E5 pcs.10-0
Eave Blocking2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E4 pcs.10-0
Hip Rafters2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E4 pcs.10-0
Jack Rafters2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E28 pcs.6-0
Louver Collar2x6#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E1 pcs.8-0
Louver Collar2x2#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E1 pcs.8-0
Louver Posts2x2#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E1 pcs.6-0
Roof Sheathing1x6#2 Douglas Fir or #3 Ponderosa Pine Common Shiplap -200 B. M.
Partition Sheathing1x4"C" Grade Douglas Fir or Ponderosa Pine T&G Ceiling50 pcs.10-0
ShinglesClear 100% edge grain 16" 5/2 butts
Redwood or Western Red Cedar
10 bundles
Rustic1x8V-jointed Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar Unsurfaced Rustic, Rough Side Out42 pcs.8-0
Seats2x12Select Common Douglas Fir S4S2 pcs.10-0
Seat Cleats2x3Select Common Douglas Fir S4S4 pcs.8-0
Duck Boards1x4Select Common Douglas Fir S4S28 pcs.4-0

12 pcs.3-0
Corner BeadsItem 1Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar milled to detail4 pcs.8-0
Door & Vent CasingItem 2same(8 pcs.
(1 pcs.
Louver CornerItem 7same1 pr.8-0
WatertableItem 3same4 pcs.10-0
Vent SillsItem 8same2 pcs.8-0
Cornice FaciaItem 6same(4 pcs.
(1 pcs.
Vent Slats1x3same S4S6 pcs.8-0
Vent Frame1x4same S4S9 pcs.6-0
Mullion Facing1x3same S4S2 pcs.8-0
Louver Slats1x3same S4S4 pcs.8-0
Louver Frame1x3same S4S2 pcs.8-0
Louver Sill1-1/4x5-1/2 netsame S4S1 pcs.8-0
Louver Cornice Soffit1x3same S4S1 pcs.10-0

1x2same S4S1 pcs.10-0
Main Cornice Soffit1-1/4x1-5/8 netsame S4S4 pcs.12-0

1x6same S4S4 pcs.12-0
Door Frames1x4Select Common Douglas Fir S1S1E(8 pcs.
(1 pcs.
Door Stops1x3Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar S4S(8 pcs.
(1 pcs.
Doors42-0 x 6-8 x 1 3/8 Stock, 5 solid raised panels with drip, as detailed


Nails10 lbs. 16d common

15 lbs. 8d common

10 lbs. 8d common galvanized

15 lbs. 3d common shingle galvanized

5 lbs. 6d common finish

5 lbs. 8d common finish

2 lbs. 6d common common galvanized
Screen30 sq. ft. 16 Mesh Copper or Bronze Wire Cloth.
Bolts - Mudsill28 1/2"x6" machine bolts with nuts and cut washers.
Hinges4 prs. 3-1/2"x3-1/2" galvanized butts with screws.
Locks4 mortise lock sets equal to Sargent Lock 5234, Knob 1232 and key plate #13.

4 spring door closers, 14", equal to Chicago #283.
Pipe8 ft. 3/4" galvanized wrought steel pipe.
Paints Roof3 gals. grey green creosote stain.
Paints Walls4 gals. light weatherbeaten brown creosote stain.
Interior Walls2 gals. ivory enamel
Exterior Trim2 qts. varnish
Doors1 qt. green sash paint
2 qts. turpentine

(click on image for a PDF version)

(click on image for a PDF version)

(click on image for a PDF version)

Bath Houses: As more adequate water systems are installed in camps, it may be desirable to construct bath houses, particularly on those areas which receive heavy use. The shower building shown in this Manual is intended for such use. This building may be used by both men and women, where a single structure will be adequate. Should more facilities be required, men and women should be cared for in separate buildings.

It may be possible to heat water for showers by running separate lines from the supply tank, leaving the pipe exposed to the sun. Pipe lines constructed in this manner should be planned so as to allow for drainage during the winter months.


Form lumber is not included.

Concrete Aggregate2 cu. yds. concrete mix
Cement8 sacks
Reinforcing Mesh70 sq. ft. #14 gauge galvanized welded wire mesh, wires spaced 4" in each direction.
Mudsills2x4Redwood or Red Cedar #1 Heart Common(3 pcs.
(3 pcs.
Studs & Trimmers2x4#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E20 pcs.14-0
Plates2x4same10 pcs.8-0
Hip Rafters2x4same4 pcs.8-0
Jack Rafters2x4same(2 pcs.
(2 pcs.
Blocking & Bridging2x4same6 pcs.12-0
Roof Sheathing1x6 or 1x8#2 Douglas Fir or #3 Ponderosa Pine Common Shiplap170 B.M.
ShinglesClear 100% edge grain Redwood or Red Cedar 16" 5/2 butts 1-3/4 squares7 bundles
Partition Sheathing1x4"C" Grade Douglas Fir Ceiling V-jointed(32 pcs.
(18 pcs.
(38 pcs.
Rustic1x8V-jointed Redwood or Red Cedar, kiln dried, unsurfaced rustic(24 pcs.
(24 pcs.
Corner BeadsItem 1Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar to detail4 pcs.8-0
CasingsItem 2same(3 pcs.
(4 pcs.
WatertableItem 3same2 pcs.16-0
Cornice FaciaItem 6same4 pcs.10-0
Vent SillsItem 8same1 pcs.8-0

Note! If the same grade of Ponderosa Pine or Redwood is available at the same price they may be substituted.

Cornice Soffit1x6Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar S4S4 pcs.10-0

1-1/4"x1-5/8"same4 pcs.10-0
Vent Slats1x3same3 pcs.8-0
Duck Boards1x3#1 Common Douglas Fir S1S1E Clear19 pcs.6-0
Duck Stops1x2Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar(2 pcs.
(2 pcs.
Vent Frame1x4same S4S4 pcs.8-0

1x3same S4S1 pcs.4-0
Seats2x12#1 Common Douglas Fir S4S1 pcs.10-0
Lattice Posts4x4#1 Heart Common Redwood or Red Cedar S4S6 pcs.8-0
Lattice1x3Clear All Heart Redwood or Red Cedar S4S(14 pcs.
(7 pcs.

1/2"x2"same70 pcs.6-0
Lattice Frame2x4same to detail(8 pcs.
(4 pcs.
Doors2 doors2 doors 2'0" x 6'-8" stock 5 solid raised panels 1-3/8" thick.


Bolts Mudsill28-1/2"x6" machine bolts with nuts and cut washers.
Hinges2 pr. 3-1/2"x3-1/2" galvanized wrought steel butts with screws.
Locks2 mortise lock sets, equal to Sargent Lock #5234, Knob #1232 and Key Plate #13.

2 spring door closers, 14", equal to Chicago #283.
Paint Roof2 gals. grey green creosote stain.
Exterior Walls3 gals. light weatherbeaten brown creosote stain.
Interior Walls2 gals. ivory enamel.
Exterior Trim2 qts. varnish
Doors1 qt. green sash paint

2 qts. turpentine


2 Shower heads equal to Standard #K274 self cleansing head, with ball joint and 1/2" self closing valve with chain and pull as shown in Standard Cut #K270.
1/2"Nat. tube galv. water pipe2 pcs. 8-0
2 pcs. 4-0

1/2" Galv. Tees

1/2" 90° Galv. Ells.

1/2" Globe valve

1/2" Ground Union.

(click on image for a PDF version)

(click on image for a PDF version)

Bridges: Where bridges are necessary, they should be rustic in character, as far as the conditions and available materials will permit. Monumental stone structures should not be built. Where foot bridges are required, they should be as simple as conditions warrant. The Regional Forester will cooperate in designing bridges where they may be necessary.

Community Fireplaces: On large camps, particularly at high elevations and in timbered areas, a definite place for community camp fires is preferable to a number of small open fires. Where community camp fireplaces are provided, individual open fires should not be allowed.

Community fireplaces should be roughly round, from four to eight feet in diameter, according to the number of people to be served, and about a foot deep. The sides should be curbed with rock set in concrete. This curb should extend not more than six inches above the ground level, to prevent the coals and ashes from escaping from the fireplace. The bottom may be paved with stone to facilitate removal of ashes.

Log seats may be provided about the fireplace, as topography dictates, or rustic seats may be built, using planks fastened to supports of wood, stone or concrete. On large camps, several community fireplaces may be necessary.

Drinking fountains: It is only rarely that drinking fountains will be required in public camps. In most cases, the regular hydrants will serve the purpose. However, should drinking fountains be desired, they should be of the simplest possible design, made of local rock. The Regional Office will furnish suggested designs upon request.

Playgrounds: In large camps, it will be worth while to set aside open areas for use as playgrounds. Ordinarily, no development of the play areas is needed.

Play Area
Open space is reserved as a playground.

Swimming pools: Should swimming pools be desired, they must be constructed in accordance with the regulations of the State Board of Health. The Regional Forester should approve the plans before construction is undertaken.

Trail Shelters: Trail shelters are not contemplated as an immediately necessary type of improvement. None should be constructed without prior approval of the Regional office.

Winter Sports Facilities: On areas which are adapted to development for winter sports, such facilities as toboggan slides, skii runs, shelters, etc., may be provided. The Regional Forester will be glad to cooperate in the preparation of plans for the construction of winter sports facilities.

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Last Updated: 11-Jan-2010