A History of the Six Rivers National Forest...
Commemorating the First 50 Years


Ayres, Robert W. and Wallace Hutchinson

1927 The National Forests of California. Miscellaneous Circular No. 94, USDA, Forest Service. March. Washington, D.C., GPO.

Bower, Russell W.

1978 "Chronological History of the Klamath National Forest." Four volume unpublished manuscript. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Brannan, Charles F. (Secretary of Agriculture)

1949 June 7. Letter to House of Representatives, Rep. Helen Gahagan Douglas.

1950 January 3. Letter to Honorable Helen Gahagan Douglas transmitting draft re-write of H. R. 2394, Douglas' Roosevelt Memorial Redwood Forest bill.

Buck, C. J. (Regional Forester, Region 6)

1934 December 13. L - Adjustment - Siskiyou - George Whiston, et al. Letter to the Forester. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

December 18. L - Adjustment - Siskiyou - George Whiston, et al. Letter to the Forester.

Buckley, Thomas

1983 "Stopping the GO-Road." In Global Reporter, Vol. 1, No.3.

Church, Joseph B. (Orleans District Ranger)

1965 Memorandum to Forest Supervisor, Six Rivers. 2510 - Survey. February 4. Recollection of the 12-22 and 12-23-64 flood at Orleans. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Cook, Lawrence F. and John A. McLaughlin

1937 "A Report on Proposed Redwood National Park in California." Mimeographed ms. September 30. No publication data. (Cook was Deputy Chief Forester; McLaughlin Acting Assistant Regional Director, Committee Chairman.)

Conners, Pamela A.

1989 "Patterns and Policy of Water and Hydroelectric Development on the Stanislaus National Forest, 1850 to 1920." Master's thesis, History Department, University of California, Santa Barbara.

1995 "A History of the Redwood Ranger Station." USDA, Forest Service. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Cooper, L. J.

1939 "A History of the Siskiyou National Forest." Unpublished ms. USDA, Forest Service. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Douglas, Helen Gahagan

1982 Helen Gahagan Douglas, A Full Life. Garden City, NY, Doubleday and Company, Inc.

Fischer, William F. (Forest Supervisor, Six Rivers)

1947 January 30. O - Organization - Six Rivers National Forest. Memo regarding "Preliminary Organizational Plan - Six Rivers National Forest." (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1948 January 9. I - Information - Historical. Memo to District Rangers. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

September 23. "Timber Management Plan for the Bluff Creek Working Circle." (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1950 June. "A Prospectus of the Six Rivers National Forest." (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Frey, George (Six Rivers Lands Officer)

1997 June 6. Personal communication with Conners.

Gudde, Edwin G.

1946 November 19. Letter presumably to W. I. Hutchinson. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Hallin, Vern C. (former Redwood District Ranger and Six Rivers Resource Officer)

1952 January 31. "Streamlined Timber Management Plan, Bluff Creek Working Circle," Rough Draft. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1997 May 20. Personal communication with Conners. (Interview motes on file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Hansom, Fred

1908 "As One Forest Ranger Views It." In Forestry and Irrigation, Vol. 14. September.

Heffner, Kathleen (Six Rivers Tribal Relations Coordinator)

1997 May 13. Personal communication with Conners.

Hotelling, Wesley E. (Ranger, Lower Trinity District)

1948 February 11. I - Information - Historical. Forest Diary - 1947, Six Rivers National Forest, Lower Trinity District. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1978 My Life with the Kar-ooks, Miners and Forestry. No publication information, 120-page, soft bound book. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Hutchinson, W. I. (Assistant Regional Forester, California)

1946 November 12. I - Information. Memorandum to Division of Recreation & Lands. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

November 18. I - Information. Memorandum to Division of Recreation & Lands. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

November 19. I - Information. Memorandum to Division of Recreation & Lands. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Kelly, Terese

1992 "A History of Women in the USDA Forest Service." Eight page ms. (On file: Pacific Southwest Regional Office, Heritage Resources Office.)

Kirschman Jr., Walter C. (former Tish Tang District Ranger)

1997 June 9. Personal telephone communication with Conners. (Interview notes on file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Kneipp. L. F. (Assistant Chief, Washington Office)

1946 November 8. O - Organization/LP - Boundaries - R-5, Memorandum to Regional Forester, California. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

November 26. Cover note for Thompson 11-19-46 letter. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

December 5. O - Organization/LP - Boundaries - R-5. Letter to Regional Forester, California. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Limerick, Patricia N.

1991 "Arguments for a Closing Frontier." In The Origins of the National Forests, edited by Harold K. Steen, 1992. Durham, Forest History Society.

May, Richard H.

1958 June 20. "One-Fifth Fewer Sawmills Active in California in 1957." Forest Research Notes No. 139. (With attachments.)

Mitchell, G. E. (Forest Supervisor, R-6, Siskiyou)

1934 July 20. L - Uses - Siskiyou. Letter to Regional Forester. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1935 January 7. L - Adjustments - Siskiyou. Letter to Regional Forester. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

January 17. L - Adjustments - Siskiyou. Letter to Del Norte County Treasurer, Leo A. Dressler. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1935 January 17. L - Adjustments - Siskiyou. Letter to W. H. Howe. (On file: RNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Monahan, R. S. (R-5 Information & Education)

1946 December 12. I - Information. Memo to the files. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Neff, Paul E. and Jon Kennedy (R. O. inspectors)

September 15 - 26. 1440 - Inspection - GII - Six Rivers FY 1970.

Person, Hubert L.

1940 Proposed Yurok Redwood Experimental Forest. Unpublished report. September 30. (On file: Pacific Southwest Forest and Range Experiment Station, Albany, CA.)

Pinchot, Gifford

1987 Breaking New Ground. Covelo, Island Press. (Reprinted from 1947.)

Powers, Alfred

1949 Redwood Country. (No additional publication data available.)

Quackenbush, Leo D., with Robert R. Steven and Morrison R. James

1947 February 11. I-Information-Historical-Gasquet Ranger District. Gasquet District Diary, Six Rivers National Forest. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Salyer, C. M.

n.d. "Salyer, Then and Now." In Trinity County Historical Society Quarterly, (no publication data).

Scherer, Herbert H. (Fire Control Officer)

1956 November 27-28. F - Supervision - Boards of Review - 1956 Fire Season - Six Rivers National Forest, 1956.

Severance, Carol

1990 "Cornelia Bryce Pinchot (1881-1960), A Talk Presented to the Management Policy Seminar, USDA, Forest Service, Grey Towers National Historic Landmark, March 26."

Show, Stuart B. (Regional Forester, California)

1932 Timber Growing and Logging Practice in the Coast Redwood Region of California. USDA, Forest Service Technical Bulletin No. 283. March. Washington, D.C., GPO.

1946 December 17. O - Organization/LP - Boundaries. Letter to Lyle F. Watts, Chief Forester. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

October 23. K - Personnel/O - Organization/LP Boundaries. Letter to Lyle F. Watts. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Show, S. B. and E. I. Kotok

1925 Fire and the Forest (California Pine Region). USDA, Forest Service Department Circular 358. August. Washington, D.C., GPO.

Show, S. B. and E. I. Kotok

1929 Cover Type and Fires Control in the National Forests of California. USDA, Forest Service Department Bulletin No. 1495. July. Washington, D.C., GPO.

Smith, Kenneth

1947 Diary - 1947, Mad River District, Six Rivers National Forest. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1949 March 18. D - Cooperation - F.S. Advisory Council. Memo to Supervisor, Six Rivers NF. Response to Regional Forester's letter, same subject, 2-10-49. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Spinney, W. W.

1965 February 17. 1630 letter to Regional Forester, response to 1-5-65 letter. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Tenare, George D. (Acting Forest Supervisor, SRNF)

1946 November 20. I - Information. Memo to Regional Forester. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Thompson, P. A. (for Regional Forester, California)

1946 November 19. O - Organization/LP - Boundaries. Letter to Lyle F. Watts. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

United States

1947 President. Proclamation 2733. "Six Rivers National Forest, California." President Harry S. Truman. June 3.

1929 Senate. Seventieth Congress. Document No. 216. "Deforested America, Statement of the Present Forest Situation in the United States." Maj. George P. Ahern.

1967 Senate. Ninetieth Congress. Report 641. "Authorizing the Establishment of the Redwood National Park in the State of California, and for Other Purposes." October 12.

United States Department of Agriculture, Forest Service

n.d. "What Every Forest Officer Should Know." Mimeographed booklet from the Office of Public Relations, California Region. Foreword by Regional Forester S. B. Show.

n.d. "The Six Rivers National Forest: Its History, Organization, Purpose, Use, and Activities." Probably written in 1950. Mimeographed 46-page ms., The front cover has the title: "Entering the Six Rivers National Forest."

var. "Policy and Procedure Handbook." AKA "The Brain Book." Mimeographed booklet. (Note: the date appearing with each citation of the Handbook references the date of the policy direction. On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1927 The National Forest Manual, Regulations and Instructions. Washington, D.C., GPO.

1941 Slash Disposal and Forest Management After Clear Cutting in the Douglas-Fir Region. Circular No. 586. January. Washington, D.C., GPO.

New Forest Frontiers For: Jobs, Permanent Communities, A Stronger Nation. Miscellaneous Publication No. 414. Washington, D.C., GPO.

1946 "New National Forest Established in California," National Forest News, California Region. October 29 press release.

"Supervisor Named For New National Forest," National Forest News, California Region. November 7 press release (received November 5).

"An Appraisal of the Economic and Social Effect of the Creation of Proposed Roosevelt Redwood Forest." Typed ms., tissue copy. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1947 "Forest Situation in Humboldt and Del Norte Counties." Unpublished ms. prepared by Six Rivers National Forest. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1948 Forests and National Prosperity, A Reappraisal of the Forest Situation in the United States. Miscellaneous Publication No. 668. Washington, D.C., GPO.

1952a "Project Work Inventory Instructions." (Collection of guidance spanning 1950 to 1952; O - Plans - Project Work Project, Project Work Inventory. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1952b "Project Work Inventory, Six Rivers National Forest." O - Plans - Project Work Project, Project Work Inventory. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1955 "I & E Work Plan, Six Rivers National Forest." I - Plans - Six Rivers - I. & E. Plan of Work. June 1. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1955, 1957, 1958 "Long Time Objectives and Five Year Goals by Activities." O - Plans - Six Rivers - General - Objectives. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1957 "Facts and Information on the Resources and Management of Six Rivers National Forest." Eleven page mimeograph ms. USDA, Forest Service. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1960 Development Program for the National Forests. Miscellaneous Publication No. 896, November. Washington, D.C., GPO.

1961 "I. & E. Plan, Six River National Forest." 1610 - Plans. July 30. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1969 Forest Fires Detection. Forest Service Publication 38. January. Washington, D. C., GPO.

1965 National Forest Land Use and the California Floods of December 1964. Forest Service. No publication information. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1971 "Timber Management Plan for Six Rivers Working Circle, Region 5, Plan Period FY 1971 - FY 1980." 2410 Plans, Six Rivers National Forest, Six Rivers Working Circle.

1995 Land and Resource Management Plan, Six Rivers National Forest. No publication information. (On file: SRNF, SO.)

United States Department of Agriculture, Regional Interbureau Coordinating Committee on Post War Program

1944 "Preliminary Report, Post War Program for Agriculture, California." April. Mimeographed ins.

Wallace, Henry A. (Secretary of Agriculture)

1934 December 26. Letter to Clarence F. Lea, U. S. House of Representatives. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Yates, Charles A. (Orleans District Ranger)

1952 May 12. Letter to Mabel Nitsche. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

1953 March 19. Office Memorandum to Forest Supervisor, SU - Inspection. (On file: SRNF, SO, Heritage Resources Office.)

Newspapers and Newsletters

California Ranger (CR). During the 1940s, this publication was called the Administrative Digest; today, it is titled The California Log. It is produced in San Francisco, as a newsletter for employees in the California Region, R-5. (On file in Pacific Southwest Regional Office, Heritage Resources section.)

1933 Vol. V, No. 1, December 1.

Vol. V, Nos. 4 & 5, December 22.

1934 Vol. V, No. 8, January 19.

Vol. V, No. 10, February 2.

Vol. V, No. 12, February 16.

Vol. V, No. 13, February 23.

Vol. V, No. 18, March 30.

Vol. V, No. 21, April 20.

Vol. V, No. 23, May 3.

1946 No. 32, August 7.

No. 35, August 28.

No. 46, November 13.

1947 No. 19, May 7.

No. 20, May 14.

No. 22, May 28.

No. 24, June 11.

Del Norte Triplicate (DNT). Published in Crescent City, CA.

1946 "Timber Operators To Be Registered." Vol. XXXIV, No. 7, pp. 1 & 5, January 25.

Eureka Newspapers, Inc. (ENI). Published in Eureka, CA.

1954 "Pine Men Proud of '53 Output." In 'Log and Saw' section. No. 369. January 17.

1965 "The One Thousand Year Flood," Special edition, unpaginated. February 15-16.

(The) Humboldt Times (HT). Published in Eureka, CA.

1946 "Mrs. Douglas Explains Her Forest Bill." Vol., No., pg. unknown. November 15.

1947 "Tractors Are Easier on the Pocketbook." Vol. CLXVII, No. 71, p. 6. March 23.

"Redwood Forest Practices Act Rules Adopted By State Board." Vol. CLXVII, No. 71, p. 6. March 23.

"Why Conduct Selective Logging? Forest Chief Gives Some Answers." Vol. CLXVII, No. 89, p. 7. April 7.

"Regional Forester Declares Forest, Lumber Aims Similar." Vol. CLXVII, No. 89, p. l. April 13.

"Bridges Access Roads Pose Serious Problem For County." Vol. CLXVII, No. 167, p. 6. July 13.

"Forest Service Report Shows More Mills But Poor Practices." Vol. CLXVII, No. 187, p. 6. August 3.

"Six Rivers Forest Maps Program To Improve Cutting Practices." Vol. CLXVII, No. 193, p. 6. August 10.

"Lumber Peak Employment is Reached." Vol. CLXVII, No. 199, p. 6. August 17.

1949 "Six Rivers Forest—Uncle Sam's Big Ranch" by Chet Schwartzkopf. Vol. and No. unknown, p. 15. March 13.

1952 "Willow Creek, Hyampom Roads To Get Green Light." Vol. CLXXII, No. 56. March 5.

"Another Million for Local Road Improvement Slated." Vol. CLXXII, No. 57. March 6.

"Six Rivers Forest Covers Broad Region." May 20.

"Six Rivers Revenue Sets Mark." July 14.

1953 "500 Men Battling Raging Forest Fires!" Vol. CLXXII, No. 195, August 14.

1954 "Governor Knight Urges US Build Roads to Forest." August 28.

Humboldt Standard (HS). Published in Eureka, CA.

Klamity Kourier (KK). Also published as The Kourier, in Willow Creek, CA. 1977 "The Ammon Ranch: Historical Setting." August 31.

Redwood Journal (RJ). Published in Ukiah, CA.

Times-Standard (TS). Published in Eureka, CA.

1997 "North Coast Yesterdays, April 16, 50 Years ago, 1947."

Weekly Trinity Journal (WTJ). Published in Weaverville, CA.

1946 "Northern California Supervisors Meet At Redding." Vol. XCI, No. 11, p. 1 March 14.

"Humboldt Group Will Try To Halt Lumber Switch." Vol. XCI, No. 12, p. 1, March 21.

"Hyampom To Hayfork Road Is Discussed." Vol. XCI, No. 23, p. 7, June 6.

"Emphasis Placed on Roads That Would Aid the Lumber Industry." Vol XCI, No. 24, p. 1, June 13.

1947 "Hotelling to New Six Rivers Forest." Vol. XCII, No. 20, p. 5, May 15.

"Trinity National Forest News Notes." Vol. XCII, No. 25, p. 7, June 26.

Hatzimanolis Papers (HP). At this writing, these records are under the custodianship of Smith River NRA Manager, Brian Morris. Many of the documents comprising the Hatzimanolis Papers were part of Ted Hatzimanolis effort at Redwood Ranger Station to create a "Redwood Library."



"Proposed Expansion of the Redwood National Park, The Industry's View." Booklet. April.

Anderson, Henry W., Marvin D. Hoover, and Kenneth G. Reinhart

1976 Forests and Water: Effects of Forest Management on Floods, Sedimentation, and Water Supply. USDA/FS General Technical Report PSW-18. Berkeley: Pacific Southwest Forest an Range Experiment Station.

Arcata Redwood Company (ARC)

1973 "Redwood Forest Management." Second printing. September.

Becking, Rudolf W. (Professor of Forestry, HSU)

1967 "The Ecology of the Coastal Redwood Forest and the Impact of the 1964 Floods Upon Redwood Vegetation." Final report, National Science Foundation Grant GB #3468, awarded to the Nature Conservancy.

Black, Peter E.

1967 "The Coast Redwoods, Water, and Watersheds." Report for the National Park Service.

Boe, Kenneth N.

n.d. "Research at the Redwood Experimental Forest, in Cooperation with the Simpson Redwood Company." Berkeley: USDA/FS, Pacific Southwest Forest Range and Experiment Station.

1963 "Tractor-Logging Costs and Production in Old-Growth Redwood." US Forest Service Research Paper PSW-8. Berkeley: USDA/FS, Pacific Southwest Forest Range and Experiment Station.

California, State of

1975 August 27. Agreement from Department of Justice, Attorney General to attorneys in People v. Arcata Redwood Co., et al.

Fritz, Emanuel (Associate Professor, School of Forestry, UC Berkeley)

1941 "Redwood Forest Problems Deserving the Attention of the State Board of Forestry." Leaflet.

1948 "An Analysis of Wood Losses in Redwood Logging." Forest Products Research Society.

Goldman, Charles R. (Director of the Institute of Ecology, UC Davis)

1967 "Man's Effect on California Watersheds." Section III, 1965-1967, Committee Report Prepared by the Subcommittee on Forest Practices and Watershed Management, Charles Warren, Chair.

Hammatt, R. F., M. B. Pratt, and Donald Bruce

1920 "Report of Investigation for Proposed Redwood National Park, California." San Francisco: USDA, FS.

Hatzimanolis, Ted (Resources Management Specialist, Forester)

1975 September 24. Cooperative Agreements - Harvesting Guidelines. Letter to George Van der Lippe, Superintendent of Redwood National Park.

Hendee, John C. (Recreation Research Project Leader, PSW)

1973 "Management of Wildlife for Human Benefits." From Western Proceedings of 52d Annual Conference of the Western Association of State Game and Fish Commissioners, 1972. Region 10: GPO.

Janda, Richard J. (Geologist)

1975 June 24. Cooperative Agreements - Harvesting Guidelines. Memo to George Van der Lippe and Milton C. Kolipinski, NPS Western Region.

Kilgore, Bruce (NPS Office of Natural Science Studies)

1970 "Restoring Fire to the Sequoias." Reprinted from National Parks & Conservation Magazine, vol. 44, no. 277, Oct. pp. 16-22.

Luxford, R. F., and L. J. Markwardt

1932 "The Strength and Related Properties of Redwood." USDA Technical Laboratory. Washington, D.C.: GPO.

Person, Hubert L. (Silviculturist for CF&RES)

1939 September 30. "Northern Redwood Experimental Forest." Report, R - CAL, Branch Stations, Redwood Region, Northern.

USDA, Forest Service

1966 August 16. 2400 letter from Charles A. Connaughton (R-5 Regional Forester) to Research Assistant Robert Herinanson.

1968 "Multiple Use Plan Review, Siskiyou Study Area, Preliminary Report."

Vaux, Henry J. (Professor of Forestry and Forester at the Experiment Station)

1955 "Timber in Humboldt County." California Agricultural Experiment Station, Division of Agricultural Sciences, University of California, Bulletin 748.

Letters, Memoranda, and Reports Located in the National Archives and Records Administration, San Bruno, CA.

Andrews, H. J. (Regional Forester, R-6)

1946 January 15. O - Organization - General. Letter to Regional Forester S. B. Show, R-5.

Barnum, W. W.

1956 September 4. F - Inspection, Six Rivers - Baxter, E. L. Transmittal letter to SRNF Supervisor. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Baxter, E. L. (Regional Office, Fire)

1956 August 28. F - Inspection, Six Rivers - Baxter, E. L. Memorandum to M. M. Nelson. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Beattie, Byron B. (Regional Office Personnel Management)

1947 February 12. O - Plans - Organization - Six Rivers. Memo to R. L. Deering, Operation.

Beeson, R. W. (Regional Office, Lands)

1955 October 5. L - Inspection, Six Rivers, R[ecreation] & L[ands]. 6/13-16). Memorandum to M. M. Barnum, Assistant Regional Forester. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Branch, W. (Regional Office, Division of State & Private Forestry)

1950 December 18. P - Inspection - General and D - Inspection - Six Rivers GII, Kern & Cronemiller, 1949. From State and Private Forestry to Operation. (Accession No. 95-61A245, Locn. 1232998-1232999, Box 2.)

1956 October 3. P - Inspection - Six Rivers - Baxter, e. l.. Office Memorandum to the RO Division of Fire Control. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Brandeberry, J. K.

1946 September 25. O - Inspection - General (Trinity); O - Organization - General. Report to R. L. Deering, Assistant Regional Forester.

Byrne, J. J. (Assistant Regional Forest for Engineering)

1952 October 27, E - Inspection - Functional - Six Rivers 6/16-20/52. Office Memorandum to Regional Forester. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Coons, Harold S. (R-5 Forester)

1947 S - Plans - Timber Management - Six Rivers (Requa Working Circle). Memorandum to the files regarding his July 2 discussion with Duncan Dunning regarding logging methods and strategies in the NRPU. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Cronemiller, F. P. (RO inspector)

1950 January 6. D - Inspection - G.I. l. - Six Rivers - Inspection - Kern & Cronemiller, 1949. Confidential memorandum to the Regional Forester. Cronemiller noted that many opinions and recommendations made in the report may not be Regional or National Forest policy, therefore, the report should be confidential. Transmittal for G.I.I. report to the Regional Forester regarding the GII conducted September 12 to October 10, 1949. Attached report is 48 pages plus photos. (Accession No. 95-61A245, Locn. 1232998-1232999, Box 2.)

Deering, R L.

1946 March 8. O - Organization - General. Cover letter to S. B. Show for March 6 "Memorandum of Understanding Subject to Approval of the Chief." MOU initialed by F. V. Horton, R-6; R. L. Deering, R-5; F. J. J., R-5; and H. Phelps, R-6.

Fischer, William F. (Six Rivers Forest Supervisor)

1947 February 6. O - Organization, General. Memorandum to Regional Forester.

1948 July 30. S - Plans - Timber Management - Six Rivers. Memorandum to Regional Forester regarding completion of preliminary timber management plans and policy statements for the nine working circles and request for early review and approval. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Fisher, B. O. and E. R. Lepley (Regional Office officials)

1955 May 12 and June 28. O - Inspection - General - Six Rivers 5/2-13/1955. Office Memorandum to Chief, Division of Operations. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Ferrare, George D.

1948 June 15. S - Plans - Timber Management - Policy Statement. Preliminary Timber Management Policy Statement, Six Rivers National Forest, Region 5. (Acc. No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Hallin, Vern

1954 April 29. S - Plans - Timber Management/Timber Surveys. Response to Regional Forester's memo of March 29. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

1955 March 8. S - Plans - Six Rivers - Timber Management. Handwritten note to Bob Howden regarding Six Rivers' allowable annual cuts by working circle. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Hallin, W. E. (Forester at the California Forest and Range Experiment Station)

1950 July 17. Memorandum of Trip in Coast Range Douglas Fir, June 25 To June 30, 1950. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Hornton, F. V.

1946 April 15. O - Organization, Gasquet District. To Forest Supervisor, Siskiyou.

Hutchinson, W. I.

1946 October 25. I - Information, Press Releases. To Division of I & E, R-6.

James, George S. (Klamath Forest Supervisor; later, in RO Information and Education)

1946 August 29. O - Organization - General. Response to Deering's memo of August 28.

1957 May 2. I - Inspection - G.F.I. - Six Rivers - April 22-26, 1957. Letter from the office of the Regional Forester to Forest Supervisor, SRNF. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Jarvi, S. E. (RO fire official)

1952 August 8. F - Inspection - Six Rivers - July 9-17, 1952. Memorandum to M. M. Nelson. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Kellner, Karl (SRNF Administrative Assistant)

c. 1957 Six Rivers Administrative Services Work Load Study. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

McArdle, Richard E. (Chief, Forest Service)

1953 April 8. S - Plans - R-5, Six Rivers - Timber Management. Letter to Honorable Hubert B. Scudder, House of Representatives regarding Humboldt Bay harbor improvements. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Payne, Burnette H. (Assistant Regional Forester for Timber Management)

1953 January 27. S - Plans - Six Rivers - Timber Management, NRPU Unit, Memo regarding inability of the Forest, thus far, to market the allowable cut for the NRPU. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

1954 January 20. S - Inspection - Six Rivers (G.F.I. in connection with GII). Office Memorandum to Regional Forester. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

June 10. S - Plans - Timber Management - Six Rivers - (NRPU). Rough Draft report to the files. (Acc. No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

1955 October 21. Plans - Timber Management - Six Rivers. Problem Areas on Six Rivers National Forest, Memorandum to Accompany Map. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Payne, B. H. and E. H. Juntunen

1954 March 4. D - Inspection - Six Rivers. General Integrating Inspection Report, May and June 1953. (Second GII report done on the Six Rivers.) (Acc. No. 95-63A123, Locn. 761159, Box 1.)

Regional Forester (RF)

1950 January 27. D - Inspection - G.I.I., Six Rivers. Confidential - Personal letter to the Six Rivers Forest Supervisor, William Fischer, transmitting the GII report conducted by Cronemiller and Kern from September 12 to October 10, 1949.

Show, Stuart B.

1946 March 11. O - Organization - General. Transmittal letter to Chief regarding Inter-Regional boundary adjustment between R-6 and R-5.

March 20. O - Organization - General. Typescript of telegram to C. B. Morse.

Smith, Anthony W.

1952 November 25. Letter to Don Johnston, President of the American Forestry Association. Apparently responding to am article in the AFA's journal by Selwyn J. Sharp. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

Spinney, Wes (SRNF Forest Supervisor)

1954 September 15. E - Inspection - Functional, Six Rivers. Memo to Regional Forester. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

October 6. O - Supervision - General. Memo to All Forest Officers. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

1955 August 19. K - Inspection - General (GFI, Six Rivers), February 21-25, 1955. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

1956 January 16. Record of Cut - Sawtimber, Six Rivers, Form 122-R-5. (Accession No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

January 18. O - Inspection - Six Rivers 5/2-13/55. Report to Regional Forester. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

USDA, Forest Service

n.d. (Probably 1955.) Inspection Records, Six Rivers. (Acc. No. 95-63A744, Loc. 409132, box 1.)

1951 October 29. Summary of Estimated Operable Volume, National Forest Timber and Allowable Annual Cut by Working Circle. (Acc. No. 95-62C524, Locn. 48485, Box 9.)

1957 July 1. California Sawmills, 1956, List of sawmills active or idle but operable in 1956 [report spans 1946 through July 1958]. S - Statistics - Sawmills. California Forest and Range Experiment Station, Division of Forest Economics. (Acc. No. 95-62A523, locn. 29247, box 2.)

Watts, Lyle F. (R-6 Regional Forester; Chief Forester, 1943-1952)

1942 November 30. D - Supervision - General. Letter to S. B. Show, (R-5 Regional Forester).

1946 April 1. O - Organization - General. Letter to Region 6 Forester Andrews.

Watts, Lyle F.

October 14. K - Personnel - R-5, Classification; O - Organization - R-5, General; LF - Boundaries, R-5, Redwood Forest. Letter (signed by C. M. Granger) to Region 5 Forester S. B. Show.

West, John H. (SRNF Forest Engineer)

1956 January 12. E - Equipment Management - General. Report to Forest Supervisor, SRNF. (Inspection Records - Six Rivers 1952-1957, Acc. No. 95-63A744, Locn. 409132, Box 1.)

Williams, William S.

1952 November 3. O - Inspection - General - Six Rivers, 9/22-23. Memorandum to Chief of Operation. (Acc. No. 95-61A-116, Locn. 10035, Box 4.)

Williams, William S. and J. C. Kern (Regional Office, Operation)

1952 November 12. O - Inspection, Six Rivers Functional Operation, 11/5-10. Memorandum to Chief, Division of Operation. (Acc. No. 95-61A-116, Locn. 10035, Box 4.)

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Last Updated: 14-Dec-2009