History of Tahoe National Forest: 1840-1940
A Cultural Resources Overview History

Research Locations

1. Study Area Sources:

Tahoe National Forest Headquarters — records related to timber, range, and recreation management and uses; diaries of ex-forest service personnel; photographs; cultural resource site forms; forest maps; land status maps; historical atlases.

County Historical Society libraries — assessment records, historic maps; biographical files; local historical publications, business records; newspaper clippings; manuscripts; county government publications; photographs; directories; pioneer reminscences.

2. Davis-Sacramento Sources:

Government Documents Section, California State Library — as a regional federal documents depository it receives all federal publications relevant to California; also contains a complete collection of state publications.

California History Room, California State Library — newspaper holdings for most study area publications; U. S. manuscript census returns, 1850-1900 for population; 1850-1880 for manufacturing and agriculture; information index on topics and people in California history; published works on California history; maps; photographs; rare books; manuscripts; tourist and emigrant guides.

U. S. Bureau of Land Management — mining and land patent records; survey notes; historic maps.

State Office of Historic Preservation — National Register of Historic Places site nomination forms.

Peter J. Shields Library, UC Davis — published works on California history; periodicals; maps.

Physical Sciences Library, UC Davis — United States Geologic Survey and California State Minerologist annual reports.

3. Bay Area Sources:

Bancroft Library — published works and rare books on California history; manuscripts; business records; maps; doctoral dissertations and masters theses; historic maps; Bancroft Scraps; newspapers; emigrant guides; gazeteers and atlases; oral interview tapes; photographs.

School of Forestry Library, UC Berkeley — forest industry publications, early California forestry bibliography; logging histories; state and federal publications relating to forestry history.

California Historical Society Library — biographical information; photographs; business records; manuscripts; published literature on California history.

Society of California Pioneers — specializes in information on individuals and families who came to California before 1852; photographs and biographical information.

Main Library, UC Berkeley — dissertations and theses on California history and geography.

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Last Updated: 06-Aug-2010