Looking At History:
Indiana's Hoosier National Forest Region, 1600 to 1950


If you are interested in learning more about the topics we have covered in this narrative, the end notes and illustration credits list a number of works which can be consulted for further reading. Of the books we have cited, we strongly recommend James H. Madison's The Indiana Way: A State History, published in 1986 by Indiana University Press and the Indiana Historical Society. This book is very readable, as well as being a thorough treatment of the history of our state.

For in-depth treatment of particular topics, we suggest consulting the Indiana Magazine of History. The material from this journal is indexed (in separately published general indexes for the years 1905-1979, and in a yearly index published in the December issue, since 1979), and it is widely carried in university and public libraries. The journal contains reviews of historical books, as well as annotated topical articles, so it is a good place to learn about other sources. We should mention that members of the Indiana Historical Society receive with their memberships a subscription to the Indiana Magazine of History, as well as the popular magazine Traces of Midwestern History, which contains shorter, beautifully illustrated articles on a wide variety of topics.

One recent Indiana Historical Society publication introduces the public to a variety of historical places and structures. This is Indiana: A New Historical Guide, by Robert M. Taylor, Jr., Errol Wayne Stevens, Mary Ann Ponder, and Paul Brockman, published in 1989. Tours 7, 11, and 12 in this book are located in the Hoosier National Forest region.

Another series of publications concerns historic buildings. Of the counties in our region, Jackson, Monroe, and Perry have interim survey reports listing architectural/historic properties that have been documented for the Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory. For copies of these publications you may contact the Historic Landmarks Foundation of Indiana or check with the local library. If you would like to know more about the Inventory or its status in a particular county, contact the Indiana Department of Natural Resources, Division of Historic Preservation and Archaeology.

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Last Updated: 21-Nov-2008