The Use of the National Forests



ACT OF JUNE 11, 1906.

Secretary of Agriculture may list agricultural land, for settlement.

Metes and bounds.

The Secretary of Agriculture may, in his discretion, and he is hereby authorized, upon application or otherwise to examine and ascertain as to the location and extent of lands within permanent or temporary forest reserves, except the following counties in the State of California: Inyo, Tulare, Kern, San Luis Obispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura, Los Angeles, San Bernardino, Orange, Riverside, and San Diego, which are chiefly valuable for agriculture, and which, in his opinion, may be occupied for agricultural purposes without injury to the forest reserves, and which are not needed for public purposes, and may list and describe the same by metes and bounds, or otherwise, and file the lists and descriptions with the Secretary of the Interior, with the request that the said lands be opened to entry in accordance with the provisions of the homestead laws and this act.

Secretary of the Interior shall open such lands to settlement.


Preference rights of settlement and entry.

Surveys by metes and bounds.

Posting notices.

Secretary may survey by metes and bounds.

Entries may not be commuted.

Upon the filing of any such list or description the Secretary of the Interior shall declare the said lands open to homestead settlement and entry in tracts not exceeding one hundred and sixty acres in area and not exceeding one mile in length at the expiration of sixty days from the filing of the list in the land office of the district within which the lands are located, during which period the said list or description shall be prominently posted in the land office and advertised for a period of not less than four weeks in one newspaper of general circulation published in the county in which the lands are situated: Provided, That any settler actually occupying and in good faith claiming such lands for agricultural purposes prior to January first, nineteen hundred and six, and who shall not have abandoned the same, and the person, if qualified to make a homestead entry, upon whose application the land proposed to be entered was examined and listed, shall, each in the order named, have a preference right of settlement and entry: Provided further, That any entryman desiring to obtain patent to any lands described by metes and bounds entered by him under the provisions of this act shall, within five years of the date of making settlement, file, with the required proof of residence and cultivation, a plat and field notes of the lands entered, made by or under the direction of the United States surveyor-general, showing accurately the boundaries of such lands, which shall be distinctly marked by monuments on the ground, and by posting a copy of such plat, together with a notice of the time and place of offering proof, in a conspicuous place on the land embraced in such plat during the period prescribed by law for the publication of his notice of intention to offer proof, and that a copy of such plat and field notes shall also be kept posted in the office of the register of the land office for the land district in which such lands are situated for a like period; and further, that any agricultural lands within forest reserves may, at the discretion of the Secretary, be surveyed by metes and bounds, and that no lands entered under the provisions of this act shall be patented under the commutation provisions of the homestead laws, but settlers, upon final proof, shall have credit for the period of their actual residence upon the lands covered by their entries.

Additional homestead right given to actual settlers prior to January 1, 1906.

SEC. 2. That settlers upon lands chiefly valuable for agriculture within forest reserves on January first, nineteen hundred and six, who have already exercised or lost their homestead privilege, but are otherwise competent to enter lands under the homestead laws, are hereby granted an additional homestead right of entry for the purposes of this act only, and such settlers must otherwise comply with the provisions of the homestead law, and in addition thereto must pay two dollars and fifty cents per acre for lands entered under the provisions of this section, such payment to be made at the time of making final proof on such lands.

Quartz and lode mining laws.

Restriction on water rights.

SEC. 3. That all entries under this act in the Black Hills Forest Reserve shall be subject to the quartz or lode mining laws of the United States, and the laws and regulations permitting the location, appropriation and use of the waters within the said forest reserves for mining, irrigation, and other purposes; and no titles acquired to agricultural land in said Black Hills Forest Reserve under this act shall vest in the patentee any riparian rights to any stream or streams of flowing water within said reserve; and that such limitation of title shall be expressed in the patents for the lands covered by such entries.

Lawrence and Pennington counties excepted.

Actual settlers prior to January 1, 1906, excepted.

SEC. 4. That no homestead settlements or entries shall be allowed in that portion of the Black Hills Forest Reserve in Lawrence and Pennington counties, in South Dakota, except to persons occupying lands therein prior to January first, nineteen hundred and six, and the provisions of this act shall apply to the said counties in said reserve only so far as is necessary to give and perfect title of such settlers or occupants to lands chiefly valuable for agriculture therein occupied or claimed by them prior to the said date, and all homestead entries under this act in said counties in said reserve shall be described by metes and bounds survey.

Settlement before opening is trespass.

SEC. 5. That nothing herein contained shall be held to authorize any future settlement on any lands within forest reserves until such lands have been lag opened to settlement as provided in this act, or to in any way impair the legal rights of any bona fide homestead settler who has or shall establish residence upon public lands prior to their inclusion within a forest reserve.


APRIL 1, 1907.

State or Territory. Forest. Date of latest
Area. Total.

Arizona BaboquivariNov. 5, 1906126,720 9,463,725
Black MesaJune 30, 19062,030,240
ChiricahuaNov. 5, 1906287,520
Grand Canyon1Aug. 8, 19062,257,920
HuachucaNov. 6, 1906314,125
Mount GrahamJuly 22, 1902*140,880
Pinal MoutainsMar. 20, 190545,760
PrescottOct. 21, 1899423,680
San Francisco MountainsApr. 12, 19021,975,310
Santa CatalinaJuly 2, 1902155,520
Santa RitaApr. 11, 1902387,300
TontoOct. 3, 19051,115,200
TumacacoriNov. 7, 1906203,550
California Diamond MountainOct. 15, 1906641,237 21,849,171
KlamathMay 6, 19051,896,313
Lassen PeakJune 2, 1905897,115
ModocNov. 29, 1904288,218
MontereyJune 25, 1906335,195
PinnaclesJuly 18, 190614,108
PlumasMar. 27, 1905579,520
San BernardinoFeb. 25, 1893*737,120
San GabrielDec. 20, 1892*555,395
San JacintoFeb. 14, 19071,751,439
San Luis ObispoJune 25, 1906363,350
Santa BarbaraOct. 3, 19061,982,100
ShastaSept. 24, 19061,523,770
SierraJuly 25, 1905†5,049,934
StanislausSept. 7, 19061,296,800
Stony CreekFeb. 6, 1907883,405
Tahoe2Sept. 17, 19061,394,772
Trabuco CanyonJan. 30, 1899109,920
TrinityApr. 26, 19051,243,042
Warner MountainsNov. 29, 1904306,518
1Game preserve created in the Grand Canyon National Forest by proclamation November 28, 1906.
2Total of Tahoe in California and Nevada = 1,453,887 acres.
*Minor modification by Executive order since date listed.
†Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed.
Colorado Battlement MesaJune 5, 1905797,720 15,748,772
CochetopahJune 23, 19051,133,330
FruitaFeb. 24, 19067,680
GunnisonMay 12, 1905901,270
Holy CrossMar. 1, 19071,061,280
La SalJan. 25, 190629,502
Las Animas2Mar, 1, 1907196,140
LeadvilleMay 12, 19051,219,947
Medicine Bow3Mar, 2, 19071,346,155
MontezumaMar. 2, 19071,612,146
OurayFeb. 2, 1907273,175
Park RangeMar. 1, 19071,133,686
Pikes PeakMay 12, 19051,681,667
San IsabelJune 12, 1905321,227
San JuanMar. 2, 19072,203,918
UncompahgreMar. 1, 1907619,428
Wet MountainsJune 12, 1905239,621
White RiverMay 21, 1904970,880
Idaho Bear River4May 28, 1906415,360 20,336,427
Big Hole5Mar. 1, 1907394,140
Bitter Root6May 22, 19053,860,960
Cabinet7Mar. 2, 1907494,560
Caribou8Jan. 15, 1907733,000
CassiaJune 12, 1905326,160
Coeur d'AleneNov. 6, 19062,331,280
Henrys LakeMay 23, 1905798,720
Kootenai9Nov. 5, 1906165,242
LemhiNov. 5, 19061,344,800
PalouseMar. 2, 1907194,404
PayetteJune 3, 19051,460,960
Port NeufMar. 2, 190799,508
PocatelloSept. 5, 190349,920
Priest River10Mar. 2, 1907815,100
Raft River11Nov. 5, 1906293,044
Salmon RiverNov. 5, 19061,879,680
SawtoothNov. 6, 19063,340,160
WeiserMar. 2, 19071,126,429
Yellowstone12Mar. 2, 1907303,000
Kansas Garden CityJuly 25, 190597,280 97,280
1Total of La Sal in Colorado and Utah = 158,462 acres.
2Total of Las Animals in Colorado and New Mexico = 196,620 acres.
3Total of Medicine Bow in Colorado and Wyoming = 1,929,519 acres.
4Total of Bear River in Idaho and Utah = 683,280 acres.
5Total of Big Hole in Idaho and Montana = 1,917,100 acres.
6Total of Bitter Root in Idaho and Montana = 4,552,880 acres.
7Total of Cabinet in Idaho and Montana = 2,060,960 acres.
8Total of Caribou in Idaho and Wyoming = 740,740 acres.
9Total of Kootenai in Idaho and Montana = 1,052,602 acres.
10Total of Priest River in Idaho and Washington = 1,221,620 acres.
11Total of Raft River in Idaho and Utah = 410,247 acres.
12Total of Yellowstone in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming = 8,317,880 acres.
Montana Big BeltMar. 1, 1907641,460 20,528,263
Big Hole1Mar. 1, 19071,612,960
Bitter Root2May 22, 1905691,920
Cabinet3Mar, 2, 19071,566,400
Crazy MountainsAug. 10, 1906234,760
ElkhornMay 12, 1905186,240
EkalakaNov. 5, 190633,808
GallatinMar. 7, 1906888,660
HelenaApr. 12, 1906782,160
Hell GateSept. 14, 19061,582,400
Highwood MountainsDec. 12, 190345,080
Kootenai4Nov. 5, 1906887,360
Lewis and ClarkMar. 2, 19075,541,180
Little BeltFeb. 15, 19071,053,160
LoloNov. 6, 19061,211,680
Long PineSept. 24, 1906111,445
Little RockiesMar. 2, 190731,000
MadisonOct. 3, 1905958,800
MissoulaNov. 6, 1906194,430
OtterMar. 2, 1907590,720
Pryor MountainsNov. 6, 1906204,320
Snowy MountainsNov. 5, 1906126,080
Yellowstone5Mar. 2, 19071,352,240
Nebraska Dismal RiverApr. 16, 190285,123 556,072
Nebraska NiobraraApr. 16, 1902123,779
North PlatteMar. 10, 1906347,170
Nevada CharlestonNov. 5, 1906149,165 1,391,999
IndependenceNov. 5, 1906135,019
Ruby MountainsMay 3, 1906423,660
Tahoe6Sept. 17, 190659,115
ToiyabeMar. 1, 1907625,040
New Mexico Big BurrosFeb. 6, 1907155,340 7,007,644
GallinasNov. 5, 190638,212
GilaJuly 21, 19052,823,900
JemezNov. 7, 19061,460,245
LincolnJune 25, 1906545,256
Las Animas7Mar. 1, 1907480
MagdalenaNov. 5, 1906146,240
ManzanoNov. 6, 1906459,726
Mount TaylorOct. 5, 1906110,525
Pecos RiverMay 27, 1898*430,880
PeloncilloNov. 5, 1906178,977
San MateoNov. 5, 1906424,663
TaosNov. 7, 1906233,200
1Total of Big Hole in Idaho and Montana = 1,917,100 acres.
2Total of Bitter Root in Idaho and Montana = 4,552,880 acres.
3Total of Cabinet in Idaho and Montana = 2,060,960 acres.
4Total of Kootenai in Idaho and Montana = 1,052,602 acres.
5Total of Yellowstone in Idaho, Montana, and Wyoming = 8,317,880 acres.
6Total of Tahoe in Nevada and California = 1,453,887 acres.
7Total of Las Animas in New Mexico and Colorado = 196,620 acres.
*Minor modification by Executive order since date listed.
Oklahoma Wichita1May 29, 190660,800 60,800
Oregon AshlandMar. 2, 1907172,800 16,463,535
Blue MountainsMar. 2, 19073,603,920
Bull RunJune 17, 1892142,080
CascadeMar. 2, 19075,886,840
CoquilleMar. 2, 1907148,317
FremontSept. 17, 19061,235,720
Goose LakeAug. 21, 1906630,000
HeppnerJuly 18, 1906292,176
ImnahaMar. 1, 19071,750,240
SiskiyouMar. 1, 19071,132,582
TillamookMar. 2, 1907175,518
UmpquaMar. 2, 1907798,400
Wenaha2Mar. 1, 1907494,942
South Dakota Black Hills3*Sept 19, 1898†1,163,160 1,263,720
Cave HillsMar. 5, 190423,360
Short PineJuly 22, 190519,040
Slim ButtesMar. 5, 190458,160
Utah AquariusOct. 24, 1903639,000 7,119,472
Bear River4May 28, 1906267,920
BeaverJan. 24, 1906261,593
DixieSept. 25, 1905465,920
FillmoreMay 19, 1906399,600
Fish LakeJan. 22, 1906288,800
GlenwoodFeb. 6, 1907173,896
GrantsvilleMay 7, 190468,960
La Sal5Jan. 25, 1906128,960
MantiJan. 18, 1906777,920
MonticelloFeb. 6, 1907214,270
PaysonJuly 21, 1905167,280
Raft River6Nov. 5, 1906117,203
Salt LakeMay 26, 190495,440
SevierJan. 17, 1906710,920
Uinta7Oct. 6, 19062,187,550
VernonApr. 24, 190668,800
WasatchAug. 16, 190685,440
Washington ColvilleMar. 1, 1907869,520 12,065,500
OlympicMar. 2, 19071,594,560
Priest River8Mar. 2, 1907406,520
RainierMar. 2, 19072,565,760
WashingtonMar. 2, 19076,310,740
Wenaha2Mar. 1, 1907318,400
1Game preserve created in the Wichita National Forest by proclamation June 2, 1905.
2Total of Wenaha in Oregon and Washington = 813,342 acres.
3Total of Black Hills in South Dakota and Wyoming = 1,209,600 acres.
4Total of Bear River in Utah and Idaho = 683,280 acres.
5Total of La Sal in Utah and Colorado = 158,462 acres.
6of Raft River in Utah and Idaho = 410,247 acres.
7Total of Uinta in Utah and Wyoming = 2,192,146 acres.
8Total of Priest River in Washington and Idaho = 1,221,620 acres.
† Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed.
Wyoming Bear LodgeMar. 1, 1907136,784 9,020,475
Big HornDec. 23, 19041,151,680
Black Hills1*Sept 19, 1898†46,440
Caribou2Jan. 15, 19077,740
Crow CreekOct. 10, 1900*56,320
Medicine Bow3Mar. 2, 1907583,364
Sierra MadreNov. 5, 1906370,911
Uinta4Oct. 6, 19064,596
Yellowstone5 Mar. 2, 19076,662,640
Total of 150 National Forests in the United States 142,972,855
Alaska AfognakDec. 24, 1892403,640 4,909,880
Alexander ArchipelagoAug. 20, 1902 4,506,240
Porto Rico LuquilloJan. 17, 190365,950 65,950
Grand total of 153 National Forests 147,948,685
1Total of Black Hills in Wyoming and South Dakota = 1,209,600 acres.
2Total of Caribou inn Wyoming and Idaho = 740,740 acres.
3Total of Medicine Bow in Wyoming and Colorado = 1,929,519 acres.
4Total of Uinta in Wyoming and Utah = 2,192,146 acres.
5Total of Yellowstone in Wyoming, Montana, and Idaho = 8,317,880 acres.
*Minor modification by Executive order since date listed.
†Minor modification by act of Congress since date listed.

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Last Updated: 02-Apr-2008