Washington Monument
A History
Appendix D:
List of Memorial Stones With Inscriptions
1. Maine
2. Delaware. "First to Adopt Will Be the Last to Desert the Constitution. 1849."
3. Arkansas.
4. Little Falls Quarry, District of Columbia. Presented by Timothy O'Neale.
5. Presented by the Franklin Fire Company of Washington, D.C. Instituted A.D. 1827.
"We strive to save."
6. Presented by the National Greys of Washington, D.C.
7. Presented by George Watterston, Secretary, Washington National Monument
Society, as a testimonial of His Gratitude and Veneration, A.D. 1849.
1. Nashville, Tennessee.
2. The State of Louisiana. "Ever faithful to the Constitution and the Union."
3. Alabama. A Union of Equality as Adjusted by the Constitution.
4. Presented by the German Benevolent Society of the City of Washington, D.C.
Instituted October 3, 1836, Incorporated July 27, 1842. "As a Memento of the
Veneration of Its Members for the 'Father of His Country'."
5. Association of Journeymen Stone Cutters of Philadelphia, July 9, 1850.
"United We Stand."
6. Presented by the Columbia Typographical Society. Instituted January, 1815. "As
a Memento of the Veneration of Its Members for the 'Father of His Country'."
1. Indiana. Knows No North, No South, Nothing but the Union.
2. State of Georgia. The Union As It Was. The Constitution As It Is.
3. Illinois. State Sovereignty, National Union.
4. Presented by Washington Naval Lodge, No. 4, Ancient York Masons.
J. Noles, C. W. Davis, Committee.
5. Grand Lodge of Masons, District of Columbia. Our Brother George
6. Washington Light Infantry, Washington, D.C. Organized, September 12, 1836.
Presented October 19, 1850.
1. South Carolina
2. New Hampshire
3. Florida. (Nothing can be deciphered.)
4. Westmoreland County, Virginia. The Birth Place of Washington.
5. I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows
of the State of New Jersey to the Memory of Washington, The Father
of His Country. We Command You to Visit the Sick, Relievfe the Distressed,
Bury the Dead, and Educate the Orphans. F. L. T. February 22nd, 1851.
6. Presented by Anacostia Tribe, No. 3, I. O. R. M., D. C., on the 3d
Sun of the 3 x 7 Suns Worm Moon G. S. 5610.
1. 1776, New Jersey.
2. Massachusetts. "Ence Petit Placidam Sub Libertate Quietem."
3. Connecticut. "Qui Transtulit, Sustinct."
4. Grand Division S. T. North Carolina. "Love, purity, fidelity."
5. "God and Our Native Land." United Sons of America Instituted 1845.
Pennsylvania. "Usque ad Mortem." "Lente Caute Firme."
6. Presented by the Grand Divisions, Sons of Temperance, State
of Virginia, 1850. Hand in Hand, Union.
1. Virginia Who Gave Washington to America Gives this Granite
for His Monument.
2. The City of Washington to Its Founder.
3. Maryland. The Memorial of Her Regard for the Father of His
Country and of her Cordial, Habitual and Immovable Attachment
to the American Union. "Crescire et Multiplicamini."
4. By the Invincible Fire Co., No. 5, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1850.
The Memory of Washington.
5. R. W. Grand Lodge of the I. O. O. F., Indiana. In God
We Trust, Constitutional Libery, F. L. T., The Earth for Its
Domain and Eternity for Its Duration.
6. To George Washington by the Maryland Pilgrims Association.
Organized Balto. 1847.
1. The Tribute of Missouri to the Memory of Washington
and a Pledge of Her Fidelity to the Union of the States.
2. The State of Ohio. The Memory of Washington and the
Union of the States. "Sunte Perpetua."
3. The State of Mississippi to the Father of His Country,
A. D. 1850.
4. Little Rock, Arkansas.
5. The Odd Fellows of Ohio to the Memory of Washington,
"Honor, Veritatis, et Benevolentiae Pretium Permanebit."
6. From the Mechanics of Raleigh, N. C.
1. Wisconsin. Admitted May 29, 1848.
2. North Carolina. Declaration of Independence. Mecklenburg, May,
1775. "Constitution."
3. "Hope." Rhode Island.
4. Contributed by the Grand Lodge, I. O. O. F., of Virginia.
A. D. 1851.
5. From the Home of Knox by Citizens of Thomaston, Maine.
6. To the Father of His Country. Presented by the Independent
Order of the United Brothers of the State of Maryland, A. D. 1851.
1. Nov. 12, 1852. From the Postmasters and Assitant
Postmasters of The State of Indiana. Dedicated to the
Washington Monument, Washington. "May His Principles Be
Distributed Broadcast Over The Land," etc.
2. Iowa. Her Affections, Like The Rivers of Her Borders,
Flow to an Inseparable Union.
3. The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the State
of New York. Nelson Randall, Grand Master. William H.
Milnor, Exra S. Barnum, Finlay M. King, Committee.
4. By the Grand Lodge of Kentucy To The Memory of
Washington, The Christian Mason.
5. Peter Force.
6. In Token Respect for Washington As a Free Mason.
By the Grand Lodge of Ohio.
1. From the City of Frederick, Md.
2. California. Youngest Sister of the Union Brings Her
Golden Tribute to the Memory of Its Father.
3. City of Roxbury, Mass. The Birth Place of Gen.
Joseph Warren.
4. S. of T. R. I.
5. I. O. of O. F. Philomathean Lodge, No. 10; Mount
Airy Lodge No. 235; Walker Lodge No. 306; Mount Horeb
Encampment No. 18, Germantown, Penna. MDCCI.
6. Patmos Lodge No. 20, Masons. Ellicott Mills, Md.,
Feb. 22, 1852.
1. I. O. O. F., Massachusetts.
2. American Whig Society, College of New Jersey, Princeton. A
Tribute to Washington.
3. Corporation of the City of New York, 1852.
4. American Institute of the City of New York. Incorporated
For the Purpose of Encouraging and Promoting Domestic
Industry in Agriculture, Commerce, Manufacture, and the Arts.
5. Union Society, Hillsborough, North Carolina.
6. From the Grand Division, Sons of Temperance, State of
Connecticut. A Tribute to the Memory of Washington.
"Love, Purity, Fidelity."
7. From the Alumni of Washington College, at Lexington,
Virginia. The Only College Endowed by the Father of
His Country.
8. Oakland College, Mississippi, 1851.
9. By the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of Maryland. Benj. O. Howard, M. W. P. G. M.; Chas. H.
Ohr, M. D. M. W. G. M.; Enoch S. Courtney, R. W. S. G. W;
Jno. W. Ball, R. W. J. G. W.; Jos. Robinson, R. W. G. S.;
Samson Cariss, R. W. G. T.; Chas. Gilman, M. W. P. G. M.;
Thos. H. Hicks, R. W. D. G. M.; J. N. McJilton, D. D. W. G. C.;
Chas. B. Purnell, W. G. M. Com. to procure this stone;
Chas. H. Ohr, M. D.; J. N. McJilton, D. D.; Alex, Gaddess;
D. A. Piper, R. W. P. S. G. W.; Wm. Bayley, 1850.
10. Washington Lodge No. 21, of the City of New York.
Instituted A. L. 5800.
11. Durham, New Hampshire.
12. Mount Lebanon Lodge No. 226, A. Y. M., of Lebanon,
Pennsylvania, Present This Block of Native Marble As a
Testimony of Their Veneration and Respect for the
Character and Services of George Washington, A. L.
5851, A. D. 1851.
1. Pennsylvania. From D. O. Hitner's Quarry,
Montgomery County, F. Derr, Norristown.
2. Grand Lodge of Alabama. A. L. D. VDCCCXXI. Alabama
Marble. Presented by the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge
of Ancient Free and Accepted Masons of the State of
Alabama to the National Monument Society, Dec. 6th,
A. L. 5849.
3. Anno 1850. By the City of Baltimore. May Heaven
To This Union Continue Its Beneficence; May Brotherly
Affection With be Perpetual; May The Free Constitution
Which is the Work of Our Ancestors be Sacredly
Maintained and its Administration be Stamped With
Wisdom and With Virtue.
4. "Prosunt Omnibus." Grand Lodge of Georgia. Founded
A. D. 1785. "Fratrem Meminisse," 1852. Georgia Marble.
5. New York. Presented by Marsterton and Smith, Morgan's
Marble, Westchester County.
6. Masonic Grand Lodge of Ill. 1853.
7. From Fort Greene, Battle Ground of Long Island.
A Tribute From the Fort Greene Guard of Broklyn, 1854.
8. From Otter's Summit, Virginia's Loftiest Peak, to
Crown a Monument to Virginia's Noblest Son.
9. Company I, 4th Regiment Infantry, U. S. A. 1st March,
10. From Walter Gwynn, D. S. Walton, E. Lorraine,
Wash'n Gill, John C. McRae, J. M. Harris, W. G. Turpin,
Engineers 2d Division James River and Kana Canal.
The Government took over the completion of the erection
of the Monument at this level.
1. Our Tribute. Lafayette Lodge No. 6 F. A. M., New
York City, Sept. 1, A. L. 5853. A. D. 1853.
2. Warren, R. L. Hope.
3. Presented by Athenian Lodge 268, I. O. of O. F. of Troy,
N. Y.
4. Newark, N. J.
5. New York: "Excelsior."
6. Presented by Eureka Lodge 177, I. O. O. F., City of New York.
1. Washington Lodge of F. and A. M., Roxbury, Mass.
2. New Bedford, Mass. 1851.
3. Charlestown. The Bunker Hill Battle Ground.
4. Salem, Massachusetts.
5. Sieut Patribus Sit Deus Nobis. Givitatis Regimine
Donaata A. D. 1822. Bostonia, Condita. A. D. 1630.
6. Vermont. "Freedom and Unity."
1. I. O. of O. F. A Tribute of Veneration of Gratitude from
the Subordinate Lodges of the I. O. of O. F. of the City and
County of Philadelphia, State of Pennsylvania, in Commemoration
of the Devoted Patriotism, the Exalted Virtue and the Illustrious
Deeds of Him Whose Memory is an Adamantine Link in the National
2. The Surest Safeguard of the Liberty of Our Country is Total
Abstinence from all that Intoxicates. Sons of Temperance of
3. Grand Lodge of Penna, A. Y. M., "Ad Majorem Supremi Architecti
Gloriam." Holiness to the Lord. From the Keystone State A. D.
1851. A. L. 5851.
4. Declaration of Independence, Philadelphia, July 4th, 1776.
Corporation of the City of Philadelphia.
5. "Liberty, Independence, Virtue." Pennsylvania. Founded
(1681.) By Deeds of Peace.
1. Presented by the Governor and Commune of the Islands
of Paros and Naxos, Grecian Archipelago, Aug. 13th, 1855.
2. Turkey.
3. Bremen.
4. Brazil, 1878.
5. Siam.
6. Greece.
7. To the Memory of Washington. The Free Swiss Confederation.
1. West Virginia. "Tuum Nos Sumus Mommentum."
2. Richmond, Virginia.
3. Presented by St. John's Lodge No. 36, F. A.. A. M.,
Richmond, Va.
4. Presented by the G. L. of the U. S. 1852. We command
you to visit the sick, relieve the distressed, bury the dead,
and educate the orphan. Grand Lodge of the United States
of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows.
5. Grand Lodge of Maryland I. O. O. F. "Friendship, Love
and Truth."
6. By the Grand Lodge of Ancient, Free and Accepted Masons
of Virginia. Lo! She gave to this Republic the Chief Corner
Stone. Aug. 4, A. L. 5754.
7. From the Templars of Honor and Temperance. Organized Dec.
5th, 1845. "Truth, Love, Purity, and Fidelity." Our Pledge:
"We will not make, buy, sell or use as a beverage any
spirituous or malt liquors, wine, cider, of any other
alcholic liquor, and will disconntenance their manufacture,
traffic and use, and this pledge we will maintain unto the
end of life." Supreme Council of the Templars of Honor and
Temperance. 1856.
1. Kansas. Kansas Territory. Organized May 30, 1851.
State Admitted January 29, 1861.
2. The Grand Lodge of Ancient Free Masons of the State of
Arkansas. "Ad gloriam fratris nostri et patris patriae."
3. The Grand Lodge of the State of Mississippi to Their W.
Brother George Washington.
4. I. O. O. F. Grand Lodge of Mississippi.
5. Presented by the Grand Division on behalf of the Sons of
Temperance of Illinois, January 1st, 1855. Grand Division,
State of Illinois, S. of T. Inst. Jan. 8, 1847. "Love,
Purity, and Fidelity."
6. Grand Division of Ohio, Sons of Temperance, "Love, Purity,
and Fidelity."
7. Michigan. An emblem of her trust in the Union.
8. Grand Lodge of Iowa, A. F. and A. M. 1876.
1. Cherokee Nation, 1850.
2. State of Oregon. The Union.
3. Montana. "Oro y Plata."
4. Minnesota.
5. Holiness to the Lord. Deseret. (Utah.)
6. Tribute of Wyoming Territory. To the Memory of Him Who
by Universal Consent Was Chief Among the Founders of the
7. Japanese Memorial Stone.
8. Chinese Memorial Stone.
9. Nebraska Tribute. "Equality Before the Law."
10. All for our Country. Nevada, 1881.
11. Utah.
1. Tennessee. "The Federal Union, it must be Preserved."
2. Presented by the Grand Lodge of the State of Florida.
3. From Hawkins County, Tennessee.
4. Georgia Convention, 1850. "Wisdom, Justice, Moderation."
5. Under the Auspices of Heaven and the precepts of Washington,
Kentucky, will be the last to give up the Union. "United We
Stand, Divided We fall." M. Pruden, 1851.
6. The Grand Lodge of I. O. O. F. of Kentucky. "In Union There
is Strength."
1. Presented by the United American Mechanics, Penna.
2. Presented by the Association of the Oldest Inhabitants of
the District of Columbia, July 4th, 1870.
3. Wales. Fy Laith, Fy Ngwlad, Fy nghenedl. Cymry am byth.
4. From Braddock's Field
5. From the Battle Ground, Long Island, 1776. Kings County,
N. Y. 1853.
6. Presented by Tuscarora Tribe No. 5. To Pater Patriae 7th
Sun, Hunting Moon Grand Sun 5615. Improved Order Red Men D. C.
7. The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in the
United States of America in Session in Washington City. May, 1852.
8. American Medical Association. Instituted MDCCCXLVII.
Vincit Amor Patriae.
1. The Young Men's Mercantile Library Assoication of Cincinnati.
Organized A. D. 1805. A. D. 1853. 2,400 members. Proud to Honor
Washington Contributes its Humble Quota to the Swelling Tide of
National Gratitude. Ohio--First Born of the Ordinance of '87.
Every pulsation of the heart beats high, beats strong, for
liberty and the Union.
2. A Tribute from the Teachers of the Buffalo Public Schools.
3. From the Ladies of Lowell, Mass.
4. Presented to the Washington National Monument by the Proprietors
of the Cincinnati Commercial. J. W. S. Browne and L. G.
Curtis, 1850.
5. The Citizens of Stockton, San Joaquin Co., California. A Tribute
of Respect to the Father of Our Country, George Washington, 1859.
6. From the Citizens of the United States of America, Residing
in Foo Chow Foo, China, Feb. 22, 1857.
7. Engine Companies: Philadelphia, Weccacoe, Good Will, Decatur,
United States, Fellowship of Germantown, Good Intent, Globe,
Fair Mount, Southwark, Mechanic, Western.
Hose Companies: Indpendence, Pennsylvania, Lafayette, Marion, Shuykill,
Good Will, Western Moyamensing, Franklin, Weccacoe, Kensington,
Shifter, Fair Mount, Ringgold.
Hook and ladder Companies: Empire, Relief.
8. Presented by the Fire Department of Philadelphia, 1854.
9. Engine Companies: Hibernia, Northern Liberty, Vigilant,
Delaware, Harmony, Reliance, Assistance, America, Diligent, Kensington,
Franklin, Washington of Frankford, Humane, Washington, Friendship,
Columbia, Hope.
Hose Companies: Philadelphia, Good Intent, Resolution Humane,
Perseverance, Neptune, Hope Columbia, Southwark, Washington,
Phoenix, Diligent, United States, Niagara, Northern Liberty,
America, William Penn, Robert Morris.
10. Wilmington, North Carolina. Thalin Association.
1. Cincinnati Company. Our War is With the Elements. Roveb.
2. By the Pupils of the Public Schools of the City of Baltimore.
3. Washington Erina Guard, Newark, New Jersey.
4. From the Sabbath School Children of the Methodist E.
Church in the City and Districts of Philadelphia. 4th July,
1853. A Preached Gospel. A Free Press. Washington.
We revere his memory. "Search the Scriptures." Suffer
little children to come unto me and forbid them not for of
such is the Kingdom of God.--Luke XVII, 16 V. Train up a
child in the way he should go, and when he is old, he will
not depart from it.--Prov. XXII, 6, 5.
5. Fire Department of the City of New York. Incorporated
20th March, 1798.
6. The Memory of the Just is Blessed.--Prov. 10:7. Presented
by the Children of the Sunday Schools of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, in the City of New York, Feb. 22, 1855.
7. The Sons of New England in Canada to Washington.
1. From the Jefferson Society of the University of Virginia
to the National Washington Monument. Jan. 7, 1860.
2. From the Home of Stark. By the Ladies of Manchester, N.H.
3. Presented by the Employees of R. Norris & Son.
Locomotive Works, Philadelphia. Feb. 22, 1856.
4. Continental Guard of New Orleans, La. To the Washington
Monument, 22d February. 1856 (follow 163 names). Continental
Guard, Organized February 22, 1855.
5. From the Cliosophie Society, Nassau Hall, N. J. To the
Memory of Washington. Instituted A. D. 1705.
6. From the Alexandrian Library in Egypt. Brought to this
country by G. G. Baker.
1. "All that Live must Die." A Tribute of Respect from the
Ladies and Gentlemen of the Dramatic Profession of America, 1853.
2. From Jefferson Medical Colege of Philadelphia. By the Class of
3. From the Citizens of Alexandria, Va. The Decendents of the
Friends and Neighbors of Washington, 1851.
4. Hibernian Society of Baltimore. Hugh Jenkins, Pres.; Jacob
G. Davis, 1st V. P.; William Gwynn, 2d V. P.; J. H. O'Donovan,
Dr. D. O'Donnell, Physicians. Daniel J. Foley, Treasurer;
Chas. M. Dougherty, Secretary; Timothy Kelly, John McColgan,
Edward Boyle, Chas. Pendergast, Robert Barry, James Kernan,
Peter A. Kelly, Will Browne, James Mullen, Managers. Michael
Roche, P. A. Kelly, J. Mullen, Committee. "Memor et Fidelis."
5. To Washington, An Humble Tribute from Two Disciples of
6. First Regiment of Light Infantry, Mass. Vol. Militia,
Boston, 1853.
7. Honesdale, Wayne County, Pennsylvania, 1853.
8. To the Father of His Country. The Addison Literary Society
of the Western Military Institute, Drennon, Kentucky. "Non
nobis solum, sed patriae et amicis."
1. Oklahoma, 1907.
2. Colorado, 1876.
3. Texas, 1845.
1. South Dakota, 1889.
1. State of Washington.
1. Arizona.
1. Top of Statue on Capitol.
(The stone bearing this inscription is at the same level as
the top of the statue on the United States Capitol.)
2. New Mexico. "Crescit Eundo." Dec. 2, 1927.
1. North Dakota. Great Seal of State of North Dakota. October
1, 1889. "Liberty And Union Now and Forever One And Inseparable."
April 20, 1926.
1. Hawaii.
1. Idaho. 1928.
1. Carthage.
190 Stones
Last Updated: 18-Nov-2003