Washington Monument
A History
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Appendix E:


Marshal of the day.—Lieut. Gen. Philip H. Sheridan, U. S. Army.

Chief of staff.—Bvt. Brig. Gen. Albert Ordway, U. S. Volunteers.

Personal aids-de-camp.—Lieut. Col. W. J. Volkmar, U. S. Army; Mr. Linden Kent.

Aids-de-camp.—Lieut. Col. M. V. Sheridan, U. S. Army; Lieut. Col. James Gregory, U. S. Army; Capt. S. E. Blunt, U. S. Army; Mr. Walker Blaine; Mr. Sevellon A. Brown; Capt. Francis V. Greene, U. S. Army; Col. H. L. Cranford, U. S. Volunteers; Medical Director J. M. Browne, U. S. Navy; Mr. H. Grafton Dulaney; Lieut. T. B. M. Mason, U. S. Navy; Col. Amos Webster, U. S. Volunteers; Mr. Edward McCauley; Lieut. W. H. Emory, jr., U. S. Navy; Capt. S. S. Burdett, U. S. Volunteers; Maj. Green Clay Goodloe, U. S. Marine Corps; Mr. R. J. Dangerfield; Bvt. Maj. Clayton McMichael, U. S. Volunteers; Bvt. Maj. John B. Fassit, U. S. Volunteers Bvt. Lieut. Col. J. P. Nicholson, U. S. Volunteers; Mr. Mills Dean; Bvt. Lieut. Col. George Truesdell, U. S. Volunteers; Capt. I. N. Burritt, U. S. Volunteers: Bvt. Col. Archibald Hopkins, U. S. Volunteers; Capt. John M. Carson, U. S. Volunteers.

Honorary staff, representing States and Territories—Alabama, Mr. John H. Morgan; Arkansas, Gen. James C. Tappan; California, Mr. Thomas C. Quantrell; Colorado, Maj. J. V. W. Vandenburgh; Connecticut, Gen. C. P. Graham; Delaware, Gen. J. Parke Postles; Florida, Col. Wallace S. Jones; Georgia, Col. Clifford W. Anderson; Illinois, Gen. Green B. Raum; Indiana, Col. R. W. McBride; Iowa, Col. William P. Hepburn; Kansas, Gen. C. W. Blair; Kentucky, Col. J. B. Castleman; Louisiana, Col. Charles A. Larendon; Maine, Gen. John M. Brown; Maryland, Col. E. L. Rodgers; Massachusetts, Mr. A. A. Hayes; Michigan, Col. H. M. Duffield; Minnesota, Col. C. W. Johnson; Mississippi, Col. J. M. McCaskill; Missouri, Hon. J. W. Stone; Nebraska, Col. L. W. Colby; Nevada, Hon. John H. Kinkead; New Hampshire, Gen. J. N. Patterson; New Jersey, Col. S. Meredith Dickinson; New York, Maj. Alexander H. Davis; North Carolina, Mr. Fred Stith; Ohio, Col. C. A. Layton; Oregon, Mr. E. D. Appleton; Pennsylvania, Col. P. L. Goddard; Rhode Island, Col. F. M. Bates; South Carolina, Col. J. A. Simmons; Tennessee, Gen. A. B. Upshur; Texas, Col. J. E. Labatt; Vermont, Gen. William Wells; Virginia, Maj. L. Blackford; West Virginia, Col. Robert White; Wisconsin, Gen. J. C. Starkweather; Arizona, Hon. J. W. Eddy; Dakota, Col. William Thompson; Idaho, Maj. William Hyndman; Montana, Hon. Martin Maginnis; New Mexico, Hon. F. A Manzanares; Utah, Mr. Humphreys McMaster; Washington, Hon. C. S. Voorhees; Wyoming, Hon. M. E. Post.

Escort to the marshal of the day.—The First Troop Philadelphia City Cavalry, organized in 1774, Capt. E. Burd Grubb, commanding.


Marshal.—Bvt. Maj. Gen. R. B. Ayers, U. S. Army.

Staff.—Bvt. Lieut. Col. George Mitchell, U. S. Army; First Lieut. Sebree Smith, U. S. Army; First Lieut. Medorem Crawford, U. S. Army; First Lieut. H. R. Lemly, U. S. Army; Second Lieut. M. C. Richards, U. S. Army; Second Lieut. W. Walke, U. S. Army; Second Lieut. H. L. Hawthorne, U. S. Army; Mr. L. H. McDonald, Mr. W. J. Johnson, Mr. Arthur D. Addison.

Battalion of Second U. S. Artillery, Lieut. Col. L. Loomis L. Langdon.

Battalion of U. S. Artillery, Bvt. Lieut. Col. L. L. Livingston.

Light Battery A, Second U. S. Artillery, Capt. Frank B. Hamilton.

Battalion U. S. Marine Corps, Capt. John H. Higbee.

The Ancient and Honorable Artillery Company of Massachusetts (organized in 1638); commander, Angustus Whittemore; first lieutenant, Lieut. Col. E. B. Blasland; second lieutenant. Lieut. G. H. Gibson; adjutant, First Lieut. J. P. Frost; preceded by the Salem Cadet Band.

The Governor's Foot Guard, of Hartford, Conn. (organized in 1771), Maj. John C. Kinney; Capt. J. C. Pratt; Lieuts. T. C. Naedele, J. Robert Dwyer, and F. C. Clark.

The German Fusiliers, of Charleston, S. C. (organized in 1775), Capt. Henry Schachte; First Lieut. Henry B. Schroder; Second Lieut. H. Fischer.

Richmond Light Infantry Blues, of Richmond (organized in 1793), Capt. Sol. Cutchins

Washington Light Infantry Corps, of the District of Columbia, Lieut. Col. William G. Moore.

Union Veteran Corps (Old Guard), of the District of Columbia, Capt. S. E. Thomasson.

Washington Continentals, of the District of Columbia, Capt. George E. Timms.

Emmet Guard, of the District of Columbia, Capt. W. H. Murphy.

Washington Rifle Corps, of the District of Columbia, Capt. George F. Hammar.

Butler Zonaves, of the District of Columbia, Capt. Charles B. Fisher.

Washington Cadet Corps, of the District Columbia, Maj. C. A. Fleetwood.

Capital City Guard, of the District of Columbia, Capt. Thomas S. Kelly.

Capitol City Guards, of the District of Columbia, Capt. W. P. Gray.

National Rifles, of the District of Columbia, Lieut. J. O. Manson, accompanied by the National Rifle Cadets, Lieutenant Domer.

Lawrence Light Guard, Company E, Fifth Regiment Infantry, Massachusetts Volunteer Militia, Capt. J. E. Clarke.

Detroit Light Infantry, of Michigan, First. Lieut. George W. Corns.

Alexandria Light Infantry, of Virginia, Capt. G. A. Mushback.

Washington High School Cadets, of the District of Columbia, Maj. Frederick Sohon.

Corcoran Cadet Corps, of the District of Columbia, Capt. E. C. Edwards.

St. John's Academy Cadet Corps, of Alexandria, Va., Maj. William L. Pierce.


Marshal.—Maj. Gen. Fitzhugh Lee, of Virginia.

Staff.—Col. Thomas Smith; Maj. J. Courtland H. Smith; Mr. Henry Dangerfield; Mr. Bernard P. Green; Dr. Arthur Snowden; Col. Frederick A. Windsor; Maj S. A. Robertson; Mr. Barbour Thompson; Mr. Eppa Hunton, jr.; Mr. W. L. Smoot; Mr. J. G. Beckham.

This division was headed by carriages, containing the invited guests, viz: The Congressional Commission, the orators and chaplains of the day, the Washington National Monument Society, members and ex-members of the Joint Commission for the Completion of the Monument, the engineer of the Monument, his assistants, and detail of workmen, the President of the United States, members of the Cabinet, President and Vice—President-elect of the United States, ex-Presidents of the United States, Judges of the Supreme Court and other Federal courts, the Diplomatic Corps, the governors of States, accompanied by their respective staffs, the Senate, the House of Representatives, officers of the Army and Navy, the Society of the Cincinnati.

The Masonic fraternity followed marsheled by Harrison Dingman, marshal of the Grand Lodge of the District of Columbia, who had as his aids L. D. Wine, Will A. Short, J. C. Dulin, T. G. Lockerman, Charles G. Smith, and H. A. Johnston. The organizations in line were:

Grand Commandery, Knights Templars, of Maryland.
Grand Commandery, Knights Templars, of Virginia.
Grand Encampment of United States, Knights Templars.
Royal Arch Masons of the District of Columbia.
Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the District of Columbia.
General Grand Royal Arch Chapter of the United States.
Master Masons of the District of Columbia.
Alexandria Washington Lodge, No. 22, Alexandria, Va.
Washington Lodge, No. 3, Baltimore, Md.
Saint John's Lodge, No. 1, New York City.
Fredericksburg Lodge, No. 4, Fredericksburg, Va.
Dupont Lodge, of Dupont Mills, Delaware.

Delegations from the Grand Lodges of Free and Accepted Masons of West Virginia, Michigan, Illinois, Delaware, Dakota, New Hampshire, Texas, California, Maryland, New York, Virginia, North Carolina, Pennsylvania, and Massachusetts.

The Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the District of Columbia, M. W. Grand Master Myron M. Parker.


Marshal.—Bvt. Brig. Gen. W. W. Dudley, U. S. Volunteers.

Staff—Gen. William Birney; Lieut. Col. F. G. Butterfield; Lieut. Col. G. C. Kniffin; Lieut. Col. E. C. Ford; Surg. T. B. Hood; Maj. E. W. Clark; Capt. J. B. Tanner; Capt. Fred. Mack.

Union Veteran Corps (First Company), Capt. M. A. Dillon, acting as escort to the Grand Army of the Republic.

George Washington Post, No. 103, G. A. R. of New York, Gen. M. T. McMahon. commander.

Grand Army of the Republic, Department of the Potomac, N. M. Brooks, commander; John Cameron, assistant adjutant-general
John A. Rawlins Post, No. 1, H. E. Weaver, commander.
Kit Carson Post, No. 2, Marcus L. Hopkins, commander.
Lincoln Post, No. 3, H. H. Smith, commander.
O. P. Morton Post, No. 4, Charles H. Shoater, commander.
George G. Meade Post. No. 5, John B. Dowd, commander.
John F. Reynolds Post, No. 6, S. E. Faunce, commander.
James A. Garfield Post, No. 7, J. H. Jochum, commander.
Burnside Post, No. 8, C. H. Ingram, commander.
Charles Sumner Post, No. 9, George M. Arnold, commander.
Farragut Post, No. 10, W. T. Van Dooren, commander.

The Valley Forge Memorial Association.

The Association of the Boston Light Guard, of Massachusetts (composed of members who participated in laying the corner stone of the Monument).

The Independent Order of Rechabites, George W. Shoemaker, District Chief Ruler (participated in laying the corner stone of the Monument).

The Journeymen Stonecutters' Association (composed of men who cut the stone for the Monument).

German associations, under Mr. A. I E. L. Keese, marshal, comprising; Association of Eighth Battalion, District of Columbia Volunteers; German Veterans of Washington; German Maennerchor; German Democratic Association.

Brotherhood of Carpenters, Union No. 1, of Washington, D. C.
Brotherhood of Carpenters, Union No. 29, of Baltimore, Md.
President's Mounted Guards, Maj. George A. Armes.
Virginia Club (mounted), Capt. W. A. Dinwiddie.
Maryland Club (mounted), Capt. B. W. Summey.
Washington Club (mounted) Capt. Thomas E. Hunter.
Georgetown Club (mounted), Capt. A. Fox.
Fire Department of the District of Columbia, Chief Engineer
Martin Cronin, with their steam fire engines and apparatus.

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Last Updated: 18-Nov-2003