Historic Resource Study
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Manuscript Materials

Denver. United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Denver Service Center. "Whiskeytown," by Judge Albert F. Ross. 1963 MS located in H14 files, Historic Preservation Team.

Redding. Shasta County Courthouse. Probate Office Records. Recorder of Deeds Office Records.

______. ______. Sacramento. California State Library. California Census of 1852, vol. 9. Copied by the Genealogical Records Commission, Daughters of the American Revolution of California, 1935.

San Francisco. California Historical Society (CaH). "The Early Inns of California, Shasta County," by R. H. Cross. March 1, 1941 MS.

Washington, D.C. U.S. Census Office, 7th Census, 1850. Original Schedules, Schedule 2. Population. National Archives Microfilm Publication, M432.

Difficult to use as names are not divided into Townships in local areas.

______. ____. 8th Census, 1860. Original Census Schedules, Schedule 2. Population. National Archives Microfilm Publication, M653.

No Whiskeytown or Tower House Townships and thus not a convenient guide to the local communities.

Whiskeytown, California. Whiskeytown National Recreation Area. "A Brief Historical Sketch of Whiskeytown Area," by Clarence Coates. 1974 MS.

____. ____. "Mineral Report for Placer and Quartz Mining Claims Located in Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, California," by Alvin H. Lense. 1973 MS.

Books, Articles, and Reports

"An Ascent of Mount Shasta in 1861," from the journal of Richard G. Stanwood, California Historical Society Quarterly 6, no. 1 (March 1927):69-76.

Areas Administered by the National Park Service and Related Properties as of January 1, 1972. Washington, D.C. U.S. Government Printing Office, 1972.

Averill, Charles V., "Gold Deposits of the Redding-Weaverville Quadrangles." California Journal of Mines and Geology Quarterly Chapter of State Mineralogist's Report 29, nos. 1 and 2 January and April 1933):3-73.

____. "Gold Dredging in Shasta Siskiyou and Trinity Counties." California Journal of Mines and Geology Quarterly Chapter Of State Mineralogist's Report XXXIV 34, no. 2 April 1938:96-126.

____. "Mineral Resources of Shasta County" Thirty-Fifth Report of the State Mineralogist. Sacramento: State Printing Office April 1939): 108-191.

Averill Charles, V., and Norman, L. A. Jr. "Counties of California, Mineral Production and Significant Mining Activities of 1949." California Journal of Mines and Geology 47, no. 2 (April 1951):271-464.

Bancroft, Hubert Howe. Index to Chronicles of the Builders of the Commonwealth, 7 vols. San Francisco: The History Company, Publishers, 1892.

____. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 6: History of California, 1848-1859. San Francisco: The History Company, Publishers, 1888.

____. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, vol. 7: History of California, 1860-1890. San Francisco: The History Company, Publishers, 1890.

Boggs, Mae Helen Bacon. My Playhouse Was A Concord Coach. Oakland: Howell-North Press, 1942.

Excellent compilation of nineteenth-century newspaper articles on Shasta County.

Borthwick, J.D. Three Years in California. Oakland: Biobooks, 1948.

Brewer, William Henry. Up and Down California in 1860-64, The Journal of William Henry Brewer, Professor of Agriculture in the Sheffield Scientific School from 1864-1903. Edited by Francis P. Farquhar. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930.

Brower, M.P. "Whiskey Creek Bridge." The Guardian, 13, no. 10 (October 1961):5-7.

Brown, G. Chester. "Shasta County." Report XIV of the State Mineralogist, Part IV Mines and Mineral Resources of Portions of California Chapters of the State Mineralogist's Report Biennial Period 1913-14. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1916.

Burgess, Carl, and Glassock, G. B. A Golden Highway, Scenes of History's Greatest Gold Rush Yesterday and Today. Indianapolis: The Bobbs Merrill Company, 1934.

The [California] State Register and Year Book of Facts: For the Year 1859. San Francisco: Henry G. Lanley and Samuel A. Morison, 1859.

Camden, Charles. The Autobiography of Charles Camden: Being a Synopsis of Main Occurrences in His Life From August, Eighteen Hundred and Thirty-Four Up To Nineteen Hundred. San Francisco: Published by the Author's family, 1916.

Campbell, Ian. Fifty-Sixth Report of the State Mineralogist. Sacramento: California Division of Mines, 1961.

____. Fifty-Seventh Report of the State Mineralogist. Sacramento: California Division of Mines, 1961.

Caughey, John W., ed. Six Months in the Gold Mines, From A Journal of Three Years' Residence in Upper and Lower California 1847-8-9, by E. Gould Buffuin. Philadelphia, 1850; reprint ed., The Ward Ritchie Press, 1959.

Chase, Don M. Pioneers, Sketches of Pioneer Days in Shasta, Tehama, and Siskiyou Counties with Emphasis on the Beginning of Religious Organizations. Redding: By the Author, 1945.

Clay, Neil. Whiskeytown Relocation Project," The Guardian 11, no. 12 (December 1959):4-6.

Coy, Owen C. Guide to the County Archives of California. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 19197

Cronise, Titus Fey. The Natural Wealth of California . . . A Detailed Description of Each County . . . . New York: H. H. Bancroft & Company, 1868.

Crawford, J. J. Twelfth Report of the State Mineralogist For The Two Years Ending September 15, 1894. Sacramento: A. J. Johnston, 1894.

____. Thirteenth Report of the State Mineralogist For The Two Years Ending September 15, 1896. Sacramento: A. J. Johnston, 1896.

Descriptive Circular of Shasta County, California. Redding: Shasta County Immigration Association, 1885.

Dittmar, M. E. "Northern California Resources." In California Mines and Minerals, compiled by Edward H. Benjamin. San Francisco: California Miners' Association, 1899.

Doolittle, J. E. Gold Dredging in California. California State Mining Bureau Bulletin no. 36. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1908.

Du Bois, P. C.; Anderson, F. M.; Tibbits, J. H.; and Tweedy, G. A. The Copper Resources of California. California State Mining Bureau Bulletin no. 23. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1902.

Easton, Edna Behrens. "Charles Camden and the Camden Toll Road." The Covered Wagon, 1960. Redding: Shasta County Historical Society, 1960.

Engineering and Mining Journal.

Ferguson, Henry G. "Gold Lodes of the Weaverville Quadrangle, California," United States Geology Survey Bulletin No. 540, Part I (1914): 22-79.

Frank, B. F., and Chappell, H. W. The History and Business Directory of Shasta County 1881. Redding: Redding Independent Book and Job Printing House, 1881.

General List of Citizens of the United States, Resident in the County of Shasta and Registered in the Great Register of Said County July 1867, September 1872 and September 1873. Shasta: Shasta Courier, 1867, 187.

Giles, Rosena. Shasta County, California, A History. Oakland: Biobooks, 1949.

Great Register of the County of Shasta For the Year 1879. Shasta: W. L. Carter, Printer, 1879.

Greever, William S. The Bonanza West: The Story of Western Mining Rushes 1848-1900. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1963.

Hammond, John Hays. "Mining of Gold Ores in California." Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist For the Year Ending December 1, 1890. Sacramento: State Office, J. D. Young, Printer, 1890.

Hanks, Henry G. Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, Part 1, For the Year Ending June 1, 1886. Sacramento: J. J. Ayers, 1886.

Hansen, Harry, ed. California: A Guide to the Golden State. New York: Hastings House, 1967.

Hittel, John S. Mining in the Pacific States of North America. San Francisco: H. H. Bancroft & Company, 1861.

Hodgson, William G. "Shasta County," Eleventh Report of the State Mineralogist For Two Years Ending September 15, 1892. Sacramento: A. J. Johnston, 1893.

Huguenin, E. Redding Field Division." A Review of Mining in California During 1919 with Notes on the Outlook for 1920 Labor Conditions, Needs of the Industry, California State Mining Bureau Preliminary Report No. 6 January 1920:6-13.

Index to Precinct Registers of Shasta County, California; 1910, 1918, 1930, 1940, 1950. Redding: Searchlight Printers, 1910, 1918, 1930, 1940, 1950.

Irelan, William, Jr. Sixth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist, Part II. Sacramento: J. J. Ayers, 1886.

. Eighth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist For the Year Ending October 1, 1888. Sacramento: J. D. Young, 1888.

. Ninth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist For the Year Ending December 1, 1889. Sacramento: State Office, J. D. Young, 1890.

Laizure, C. McK. "Redding Field Division, Shasta County." Report XVII of the State Mineralogist Mining in California During 1920. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1921.

Lamson, J. Round Cape Horn. Voyage of the Passenger Ship James W. Paige, From Maine to California in the Year 1852. Bangor: Press of O. F. and W. H. Knowles, 1878.

Logan, C. A. "Sacramento Field Division, Notes on Mining During the Year 1923." Chapter of Report XX of the State Mineralogist Covering Mining in California and Activities of the State Mining Bureau 20, no. 1 (January 1924):1-23.

_____. "Sacramento Field Division, Shasta County." Chapter of Report XXII Mining in California and the Activities of the State Mining Bureau 22, no. 2 (April 1926):121-216.

Lydon, Philip A., and O'Brien, J. C. Mines and Mineral Resources of Shasta County, California County Report 6, 1974. Sacramento: Division of Mines and Geology, State of California, 1974.

Marryat, Frank. Mountains and Molehills, or Recollections of A Burnt Journal. 1855; reprint ed. unabridged, Philadelphia: J. B. Lippincott Company, 1962.

McGregor, Alexander. "Shasta County," Tenth Annual Report of the State Mineralogist For the Year Ending December 1, 1890. Sacramento: California State Printing Office, 1890.

McIlhany, Edward Washington. Recollections of a '49er. Kansas City, Missouri: Hailman Printing Company, 1908.

Mining and Scientific Press. Selected volumes.

O'Brien, J. C. "Current and Recent Mining Activities in the Redding District." California Journal of Mines and Geology 44, no. 4 (October 1948):335-78.

Oakshott, Gordon B. Fifty-Fifth Report of the State Mineralogist. San Francisco: California Division of Mines, 1959.

Paul, Rodman Wilson. California Gold, The Beginning of Mining in The Far West. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1947.

____. Mining Frontiers of the Far West 1848-1880. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1963.

Pen Pictures From the Garden of the World, Memorial and Bibliographical History of Northern California. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1891.

Peterson, Edward. In the Shadow of the Mountain, A Short History of Shasta County, California. Published by the Author, 1965.

Preston, E. B. California Gold Mill Practices. California State Mining Bureau Bulletin no. 6. San Francisco, 1895.

Raymond, Rossiter W. Statistics of Mines and Mining in the States and Territories West of the Rocky Mountains For the Year 1872 Being The Fifth Annual Report. Washington: U.S. Government Printing Office, 1873.

Register of Mines and Minerals, Shasta County, California. San Francisco: California State Mining Bureau, 1902.

Rensch, H. E. and E. G., and Hoover, Mildred Booke. Historic Spots in California Valley and Sierra Counties. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1933.

Royce, Sara. A Frontier Lady Recollections of the Gold Rush and Early California by Sara Royce. Edited by Ralph Henry Gabriel. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1932.

Shasta's Resources. Redding: Published by Authority of the Supervisors of Shasta County, 1905.

Shinn, Charles Howard. Mining Camps: A Study in American Frontier Government. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885; reprint ed., New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1948.

Stillman, J. D. B. The Gold Rush Letters of J. D. B. Stillman. Palo Alto: Lewis Osborne, 1967.

Storms, W. H. Methods of Mine Timbering. California State Mining Bureau Bulletin no. 2. San Francisco, 1894.

Symons, Henry H. Mineral Production and Directory of Mineral Producers for 1930. California State Mining Bureau Bulletin no. 105. San Francisco: August 1931.

Symons, Henry H., and Davis, Henelon F. "California Mineral Commodities in 1955 and 1954." California Journal of Mines and Geology 54, no. 1 (January 1958):67-205.

Toogood, Anna Coxe, and Henderson, David G. Historic Structure Report, Tower House Historic District, Historical and Architectural Data, Whiskeytown National Recreation Area, California. Denver: National Park Service, Denver Service Center, 1973.

Tucker, W. Burling. "Redding Field Division, Review of Mining During 1922." Monthly Chapter of Report XIX of the State Mineralogist Covering Mining in California and the Activities of the State Mining Bureau 19, no. 1 January 1923):7-12, and 19, no. 2 (February 1923):56-59.

Wheat, Carl I. The Maps of the California Gold Region 1848-1857. San Francisco: The Grabhorn Press, 1942.

Winthrop, Oscar O. Via Western Express and Stagecoach. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1945.

Woods, Daniel B. Sixteen Months At the Gold Diggings. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851.

Yale, Charles G. "The Mineral Industry of California," in California Mines and Minerals, compiled by Edward H. Benjamin. San Francisco: California Miners' Association, 1899.

Young, Otis E. Western Mining: An Informal Account of Precious-Metals Prospecting, Placering, Lode Mining, and Milling on the American Frontier From Spanish Times to 1893. Norman: University of Oklahoma Press, 1970.


San Francisco Alta California

Anderson Valley News

[Redding] Courier Free Press

Redding Record-Searchlight

Sacramento Placer Times

Sacramento Transcript

Sacramento Union

Shasta Courier

Shasta Herald

Shasta Republican

Weekly Free Press

Weekly Shasta Courier


Averill, Charles V. "Map of Shasta County Showing Locations of Principal Mineral Deposits." Accompanying report of mineral resources of Shasta County in California Journal of Mines and Geology 35, no. 2 (April 1939).

____. "Gold Mines," in California Journal of Mines and Geology 29, nos. 1 and 2 (January and April 1933).

Baker, Geo. H. "Map of the Mining Region of California. 1855." Published by Barber and Baker, Sacramento, Fishbourne's Lithog., San Francisco, California. Entered according to act of Congress in the year 1854. Reproduced in Wheat, The Maps of the California Gold Region 1848-57.

Board of Supervisors, Shasta County. "Official Map Shasta County, California." Approved by the Board of Supervisors February Term 1862. Lith Britton & Co., San Francisco. California Historical Society, San Francisco.

Gibbs, Drayton. "Map of the States of California and Nevada." San Francisco: Warren Holt, 1875. Reproduced in Wheat, The Maps of the California Gold Region 1848-57.

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Last Updated: 11-Dec-2009