Geological History of the Yellowstone National Park 1912
United States Railroad Administration National Park Booklet 1919
Manual for Motorists 1920 ( HTML)
Manual for Railroad Tourists 1920 ( HTML)
Fossil Forests of the Yellowstone National Park 1921
Geysers of the Yellowstone National Park 1921
Maw's Vacation: The Story of a Human Being in the Yellowstone Emerson Hough 1921
The Discovery of Yellowstone Park 1870 Nathaniel Pitt Langford 1923
Trees and Flowers of Yellowstone National Park Frank E.A. Thone 1923
Geological History of the Yellowstone National Park 1928
Geysers of the Yellowstone National Park 1929
Foolish Questions: Yellowstone National Park Jack Chaney 1931
Trailside Notes: No. 1 Mammoth to Old Faithful 1935
Plants of Yellowstone National Park 1936
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The Ninety Day Wonder H.T. Lystrup 1938
Trailside Notes: No. 2 Old Faithful to Yellowstone Lake and Fishing Bridge Museum 1939
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Chemical Features of Yellowstone Irwin B. Douglass 1939
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Yellowstone Through the Ages Arthur D. Howard 1941
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The Story of Yellowstone Geysers Clyde Max Bauer 1942
Fur Traders and Trappers of the Old West 1947
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Haynes Guide: Yellowstone National Park Jack Ellis Haynes 1947
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Yellowstone Geysers Clyde Max Bauer 1947
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Yellowstone: Its Underworld C. Max Bauer 1948
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The Story of Man in Yellowstone Merrill D. Beal 1949
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Birds of Yellowstone National Park 1952
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Yellowstone Fishes 1953, 2nd ed.
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Wild Animals of Yellowstone National Park 1954
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Reptiles and Amphibians of Yellowstone National Park 1955
Yellowstone's Bannock Indian Trails 1956
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The Story of Man in Yellowstone 1956 rev. ed.
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The Plants of Yellowstone National Park 1956 rev. ed.
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The Story of Old Faithful 1957
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Yellowstone Stage Holdups Jack Ellis Haynes 1959
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The Plainsmen of the Yellowstone: A History of the Yellowstone Basin Mark H. Brown 1961
Colter's Hell & Jackson's Hole 1962
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The Night The Mountain Fell: The Story of the Montana-Yellowstone Earthquake Edmund Christopherson 1962
Chief Joseph's People and Their War 1964
Yellowstone Back Country 1964
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Shavings Off The Stick: True Stories of Yellowstone Park Told by a Veteran Ranger H.T. Lystrup 1969
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Shavings Off the Stick: True Stories of Animals, People and Places in Yellowstone National Park H.T. Lystrup 1969
Yellowstone Fish and Fishing 1970
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The Tetons and the Yellowstone Ansel Adams and Nancy Newhall 1970
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Life in the Geyser Basins 1971
Studies of Geyers and Hot Springs along the Firehole River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 1964, reprint 1971
Yellowstone Wildlife 1972
"The place where Hell bubbled up": A history of the first national park" 1972
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The Discovery of Yellowstone Park Nathaniel Pitt Langford 1972
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The Discovery of Yellowstone Park Nathaniel Pitt Langford 1972
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Yellowstone: A Century of the Wilderness Idea Ann and Myron Sutton 1972
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Exploring Yellowstone Ruth Kirk 1972
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Hiking the Yellowstone Backcountry Orville E. Bach, Jr. 1973
Yellowstone National Park: Its Exploration and Establishment 1974
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Yellowstone: The First National Park Ruth Kirk 1974
Field Key to the Flora of Yellowstone National Park Don G. Despain 1975
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Earthquake! Yellowstone's Living Geology 1960, reprint 1976
Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of the Yellowstone National Park 1976
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National Parkways: A Photographic and Comprehensive Guide to Yellowstone National Park Michael D. Yandell 1976
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The Yellowstone Story: A History of Our First National Park (Volume One) Aubrey L. Haines 1977
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The Yellowstone Story: A History of Our First National Park (Volume Two) Aubrey L. Haines 1977
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Large Mammals of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Karen Craighead 1978
Studies of Geyers and Hot Springs along the Firehole River, Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming 1964, reprint 1978
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Old Yellowstone Days Paul Schullery, ed. 1979
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Handbook #108 Petrified forests of Yellowstone 1980
The Bannock Indian Trail 1964, 1980 reprint
Ferdinand Vandiveer Hayden and the Founding of the Yellowstone National Park 1980
Winter Comes to Yellowstone Stanley G. Canter Date Unknown
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The Bears of Yellowstone Paul Schullery 1980
Yellowstone Trails: A Hiking Guide 1978, rev. 1981 & 1984
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Yellowstone Explorer's Guide Carl Schreier 1983
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The Geologic Story of Yellowstone National Park 1976, reprint 1984
Yellowstone: A Century of the Wilderness Idea Ann and Myron Sutton 1981
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Day Hiking Yellowstone Tom Carter 1985
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Wildlife in Transition: Man and Nature on Yellowstone's Northern Range Don Despain, Douglas Houston, Mary Meagher and Paul Schullery 1986
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Playing God in Yellowstone: The Destruction of America's First National Park Alston Chase 1986
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The Yellowstone National Park John Muir 1986
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A Field Guide to Yellowstone's Geysers, Hot Springs and Fumaroles Carl Schreier 1987
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The Lakes of Yellowstone: A Guide for Hiking, Fishing & Exploring Steve Pierce 1987
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Indians of Yellowstone Park Joel C. Janetski 1987
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The Story of Old Faithful 1988 rev. ed.
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Yellowstone Place Names Lee H Whittlesey 1988
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Mountain Time: Man Meets Wilderness in Yellowstone Paul Schullery 1988
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Yellowstone: A Wilderness Besieged Richard A. Bartlett 1989
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Nature's Yellowstone Richard A. Bartlett 1989
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Yankee Jim's National Park Toll Road and the Yellowstone Trail Doris Whithorn April 1989
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Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks and the Middle Rocky Mountains J. David Love 1989
Birds of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks c1990
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My Yellowstone Years Donald C. Stewart 1989
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Yellowstone Country: The Enduring Wonder Seymour L. Fishbein 1989
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Yellowstone-Grand Teton Road Guide Jeremy Schmidt and Steven Fuller 1990
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Yellowstone Vegetation: Consequences of Environment and History in a Natural Setting Don G. Despain 1990
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The Yellowstone Primer: Land and Resource Management in the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem John A. Baden and Donald Leal, eds. 1990
Road Guide for the Four-Season Road from Gardiner to Cooke City through Yellowstone National Park Date Unknown
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Yellowstone In Pictures: The Continuing Story Sandra C. and George B. Robinson 1991
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Yellowstone Bear Tales Paul Schullery 1991
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Yellowstone Bear Tales Paul Schullery 1991
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Guardians of Yellowstone: An Intimate Look at the Challenges of Protecting America's Foremost Wilderness Park Don R. Sholly w/Steven M. Newman 1991
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The Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem: Redefining America's Wilderness Heritage Robert R. Keiter and Mark S. Boyce, eds. 1991
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The Geysers of Yellowstone T. Scott Bryan 1991
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Yellowstone Trails: A Hiking Guide Mark C. Marschall 1992
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The Bears of Yellowstone Paul Schullery 1992
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Yellowstone Ecology: A Road Guide Sharon Eversman and Mary Carr 1992
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Yellowstone: A Visitor's Companion George Wuerthner 1992
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Wildflowers of Grand Teton and Yellowstone National Parks Richard J. Shaw 1992
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Last Refuge: The Environmental Showdown in Yellowstone and the American West Jim Robbins 1993
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Fire in Paradise: The Yellowstone Fires and the Politics of Environmentalism Micah Morrison 1993
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John Colter: His Years in the Rockies Burton Harris 1993
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Greater Yellowstone's Future Tim W. Clark and Steven C. Minta 1994
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For Everything There Is A Season Frank C. Craighead, Jr. 1994
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A Grizzly Death in Yellowstone Cal Glover 1994
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Walking Down The Wild: A Journey Through the Yellowstone Rockies Gary Ferguson 1995
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Yellowstone's Ski Pioneers: Peril and Heroism on the Winter Trail Paul Schullery 1995
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Yellowstone: Land of Fire and Ice Gretel Ehrlich 1995
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The Grizzly Bears of Yellowstone: Their Ecology in the Yellowstone Ecosystem, 1959-1992 John J. Craighead, Jay S. Sumner and John A. Mitchell 1995
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The Geysers of Yellowstone T. Scott Bryan 1995
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Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Lee H. Whittlesey 1995
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Yellowstone: 125 Years of America's Best Idea Michael Milstein 1996
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The Wolves of Yellowstone Michael K. Phillips and Douglas W. Smith 1996
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Discovering Yellowstone Wolves: Watcher's Guide James C. Halfpenny and Diann Thompson 1996
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The Yellowstone Wolves: The First Year Gary Ferguson 1996
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The Yellowstone Wolf: A Guide & Sourcebook Paul Schullery, ed. 1996
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Yellowstone Place Names: Mirrors of History Aubrey L. Haines 1996
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Interpreting the Landscape: Recent and Ongoing Geology of Grand Teton & Yellowstone National Parks John M. Good and Kenneth Pierce 1996
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A Yellowstone Album: A Photographic Celebration of the First National Park Marsha Karle, ed. c1997
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Day Hikes in Yellowstone National Park: 25 Favorite Hikes Robert Stone 1997
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Yellowstone: The Official Guide to Touring America's First National Park 1997
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The Return of the Wolf to Yellowstone Thomas McNamee 1997
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Searching for Yellowstone: Ecology and Wonder in the Last Wilderness Paul Schullery 1997
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Yellowstone and the Biology of Time: Photographs Across a Century Mary Meagher and Douglas B. Houston 1998
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Yellowstone Fishes: Ecology, History, and Angling in the Park John D. Varley and Paul Schullery 1998
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The Yellowstone, Forever! The fascinating story of our first national park David M. Delo 1998
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Yellowstone and the Great West: Journals, Letters, and Images from the 1871 Hayden Expedition Marlene Deahl Merrill, ed. 1999
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Carnivores in Ecosystems: The Yellowstone Experience Tim W. Clark, A. Peyton Curlee, Steven C. Minta and Peter M. Kareiva, eds. 1999
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Yellowstone Branch of the Union Pacific: Route of the Yellowstone Special Thornton Waite 1999
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Montana: The Magazine of Western History Special Yellowstone and Western Images Issue Charles E. Rankin, ed. 1999
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Preserving Yellowstone's Natural Conditions: Science and the Perception of Nature James A. Pritchard 1999
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Yellowstone: The Creation and Selling of an American Landscape, 1870-1903 Chris J. Magoc 1999
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Wildlife Watcher's Guide: Yellowstone-Grand Teton National Parks Todd Wilkinson 1999
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Large Mammals of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Karen Craighead 1999
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Windows Into the Earth: The Geologic Story of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Robert B. Smith and Lee J. Siegel 2000
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A Ranger's Guide to Yellowstone Day Hikes Roger Anderson and Carol Shively Anderson 2000
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On the Road to Yellowstone: The Yellowstone Trail and American Highways 1900-1930 Harold A. Meeks 2000
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The Guide to Yellowstone Waterfalls and Their Discovery Paul Rubinstein, Lee H. Whittlesey and Mike Stevens 2000
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Handbook #150 2001
Accessibility in Yellowstone Date Unknown
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Small Mammals of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Don Streubel 2002
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Wildlife of Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks M. Douglas Scott and Suvi A. Scott 2002
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The Place Where Hell Bubbled Up: A History of the First National Park David A. Clary 2002
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Drawn to Yellowstone: Artists in America's First National Park Peter H. Hassrick 2002
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Selling Yellowstone: Capitalism and the Construction of Nature Mark Daniel Barringer 2002
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Hawks Rest: A Season in the Remote Heart of Yellowstone Gary Ferguson 2003
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Myth and History in the Creation of Yellowstone National Park Paul Schullery and Lee Whittlesey 2003
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A Ride to the Infernal Regions: Yellowstone's First Tourists Calvin C. Clawson 2003
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A Yellowstone Reader: The National Park in Folklore, Popular Fiction, and Verse Richard L. Saunders, ed. 2003
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Old Faithful Inn: Crown Jewel of National Park Lodges Karen Wildung Reinhart and Jeff Henry 2004
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Yellowstone and Grand Teton National Parks Road Guide Jeremy Schmidt and Steven Fuller 2004
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Scorched Earth: How the Fires of Yellowstone Changed America Rocky Barker 2005
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To Save the Wild Bison: Life on the Edge in Yellowstone Mary Ann Franke 2005
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Tracing the Spirit of Yellowstone: Recollections of Thirty-One Years As A Seasonal Ranger Orville E. Bach, Jr. 2005
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Do (Not) Feed the Bears: The Fitful History of Wildlife and Tourists in Yellowstone Alice Wondrak Biel 2006
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Yellowstone Ghose Stories Shellie Larios 2006
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Storytelling in Yellowstone: Horse and Buggy Tour Guides Lee H. Whittlesey 2007
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The Ranger's Guide to Yellowstone Susan and Phil Frank 2008
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Ho! For Wonderland: Travelers' Accounts of Yellowstone, 1872-1914 Lee H. Whittlesey and Elizabeth A. Watry, eds. 2009
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Yellowstone and the Snowmobile: Locking Horns over National Park Use Michael J. Yochim 2009
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Yellowstone Autumn: A Season of Discovery in a Wondrous Land W.D. Wetherell 2009
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Knowing Yellowstone: Science in America's First National Park Jerry Johnson, ed. 2010
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Yellowstone: The Story Behind the Scenery Roger Anderson and Carol Shively Anderson 2010
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Yellowstone Moose Droppings William J. Lewis 2011
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Fort Yellowstone: Images of America Elizabeth A. Watry and Lee H. Whittlesey 2012
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Yellowstone Bears In the Wild James C. Halfpenny 2012
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Benchmark Hunting in Yellowstone National Park Thomas P. Bohannan 2012
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Living Colors: Microbes of Yellowstone National Park 2013
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Yellowstone: The Official Guide to Touring America's First National Park 2013
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Five Old Men of Yellowstone: The Rise of Interpretation in the First National Park Stephen G. Biddulph 2013
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Protecting Yellowstone: Science and the Politics of National Park Management Michael J. Yochim 2013
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Yellowstone Mileposts Thomas P. Bohannan 2014
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Death in Yellowstone: Accidents and Foolhardiness in the First National Park Lee H. Whittlesey 2014
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Yellowstone Ranger Jerry Mernin 2016
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Yellowstone: A Journey Through America's Wild Heart David Quammen 2016
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A Week in Yellowstone's Thorofare: A Journey Through the Remotest Place Michael J. Yochim 2016
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Canyon Village in Yellowstone: The Model for Mission 66 Lesley M. Gilmore 2017
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Before Yellowstone: Native American Archaeology in the National Park Douglas H. MacDonald 2018
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Essential Yellowstone: A Landscape of Memory and Wonder Michael J. Yochim 2019
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Yellowstone Trail and Backcountry Field Guide Thomas P. Bohannan 2019
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A Ranger's Pocket Guide to Yellowstone National Park R.D. Nullmeyer 2019
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Wild Rescues: A Paramedic's Extreme Adventures in Yosemite, Yellowstone, and Grand Teton Kevin Grange 2021
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Yellowstone: The History, Ecology and Future of America's First National Park Janin Hunt and Nicole Sheehan 2021
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Yellowstone National Park: The First 150 Years Jeff Henry 2022
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Saving Yellowstone: Exploration and Preservation in Reconstruction America Megan Kate Nelson 2022
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“Off with the Crack of a Whip!”: Stagecoaching through Yellowstone, and the Origins of Tourism in the Interior of the American West (Vol. I: 1878-1891) Lee H. Whittlesey 2022
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A Place Called Yellowstone: The Epic History of the World's First National Park Randall K. Wilson 2024