Cole Digges House
Historic Structures Report
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Drawing 1: View west/southwest along Main Street, from Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper, November 1, 1879, p. 141. A corner of the small frame house just right (southeast) of the Charles Cox House is shown, with its roof apparently deteriorated. The Digges House chimneys have been rebuilt, and the facade looks much as it does now, with a large window to the right of the front door and two smaller ones to the left. The front right door (southwest corner of southeast wall) appears to have a glazed leaf, and there is a picket fence or rail apparently enclosing exterior steps to the cellar.

Drawing 2: Similar view from south, from Frank Leslie's illustrated Newspaper, October 1, 1881. The Digges House is in the approximate center. This appears to show a small shed-roofed porch at the left front. On the right is the dilapidated Cox House.

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Last Updated: 19-Jan-2005