National Park Service
Confinement and Ethnicity
An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites
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As would be expected with a project taking nearly six years to complete, the authors are indebted to many. Three of the authors (Mary, Dick, and Flo) volunteered hundreds of hours of their time. Funding for the senior author was provided by Manzanar National Historic Site. The support, encouragement, and patience of park superintendent Ross Hopkins is gratefully acknowledged. George Teague supervised the project. AutoCAD maps were drafted by Ron Beckwith. Uncredited photographs in the report were taken by the authors. Translations were furnished by Shoko Fujita-Ehrlich and a volunteer. Mary Blackburn, Roger Daniels, Susumu Toyoda, and Sue Wells pointed out some egregious errors in earlier printings. The authors would also like to thank the following persons and institutions for their help:

Joe Allman
Jane Beckwith
Birt Bedeau
Tink Borum
James Bryant
Daniel Burton
Irene Cohen
John Collins
Phyllisa Eisentraut
John Ellington
Terry Hendricks
Gerald Gates
Jane Goldstein
Rosalie Gould
Elizabeth Greathouse
Farrell Hatch
Gary Hathaway
Dale Heckendorn
Taro Hirama
John Hopper
Mas Inoshita
Kent Just
Erik Kreusch
Jim Kubota
Signa Larralde
Frank Makamura
Nathan Mayo
Jim McDonald
Lynne McDonald
Jim McKie
Angela Nava
Joe Norikane
Tom Pittman
Garth Portillo
Nicole Ramos
Mary Robertson
Roger Roper
Ann King Smith
Kenji Taguma
James West
Archaeological Research Services
Arizona Chapter of the Japanese American
Citizens League
Arizona Daily Star
Bancroft Library
Coronado National Forest
Crystal City Town Hall
Eastern California Museum
Franklin D. Roosevelt Library
Great Basin Museum
Heart Mountain Memorial Foundation
Kenedy Chamber of Commerce
Klamath National Wildlife Refuge
Lordsburg Information Center
Los Angeles County Fairplex
Los Angeles Times
Mack Alford Correctional Center
Manzanar Advisory Commission
Mayer Public Library
Museum of Northern Arizona
North Dakota State Historical Society
Prescott National Forest
Prescott Public Library
Puyallup Fair
Santa Anita Racetrack
Seattle Times
Sharlott Hall Museum
Topaz Museum Foundation
Trans-Sierran Archaeological Research
UCLA Special Collections
Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge
Twin Falls Chamber of Commerce
United States National Archives
University of Arizona Special Collections
Yuba County Library

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Last Updated: 20-Feb-2004