National Park Service
Confinement and Ethnicity
An Overview of World War II Japanese American Relocation Sites
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WACC Project Number: MANZ 1944 B.
Type of Project: Overview/survey.
Project Team: Jeff Burton, Mary Farrell, Dick and Flo Lord.
Field Work Dates: Intermittently 1994-1999.
Person Days in Field: ~80.
Project Location: Western United States.
Project Scope: Field review of 35 sites associated with Japanese American internment during WW II.
National Register Status: Seven of the visited sites are listed on the National Register (Granada 5/18/94; Heart Mtn. 12/19/85; Manzanar 7/39/79; Minidoka 7/10/79; Rohwer 7/30/74; Topaz 1/2/74; and Moab 5/2/94).
Collections Accession Information: MANZ Acc. No. 00014, WACC Acc. No. 01252, WACC Photograph Acc. No. 94:17.

This report is number 74 in a continuing series, Publications in Anthropology, published by the Western Archaeological and Conservation Center, 1415 North Sixth Avenue, Tucson, Arizona 85705.

Reprinted with minor corrections July 2000

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Last Updated: 20-Feb-2004