Golden Spike
Cultural Landscape Report
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The Golden Spike National Historic Site is comprised of three distinct areas, Promontory Summit or the "headquarters" area, which includes the "Last Spike Site," and the two predominately linear segments of park land that extend east and west from the site, referred to as the West Slope and the East Slope. Promontory Summit serves as the center for visitor services and interpretation and for park service administration, and maintenance. Areas to the east and west sides of the Last Spike Site are used principally for interpretive purposes. The following discussion of the existing conditions of Golden Spike NHS is organized by landscape characteristics, in most cases with a separate discussion for each of the three areas identified above. Figures 22 through 24 illustrate the existing conditions of the summit and of the west and east slopes respectively.

Figure 22. Existing conditions: Last Spike Site/Headquarters Area. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

Figure 22. Key
Description and Identification (If Known)
Historic Features (contributing to landscape significance)
1Historic trash area — Possibly the remains of the Peterson Ranch
2,3,4Railroad track beds
5Historic trash area
6Abandoned road or road-like feature
7,8Historic trash area
9Depression & historic trash area
10Cellar & small pit
11Matrimony Vine (Lycium barbarum) cluster with scattered bricks on the surface. This may be the remains of the Section House.
15Historic trash area
16Shallow depression
20Shallow depression
21,22Small circular pits
23Matrimony Vine (Lycium barbarum) cluster with shallow depression in the center. This may be the remains of the "tie houses" — the Southern Pacific houses for workers.
24Site of Promontory school house (second and third school houses)
25Abandoned path or feature resulting from ground disturbing removal of the 3rd schoolhouse.
26,27Site of ranch buildings, cistern (Floyd/Larson Place)
29*Mound of cinders
30Site of Houghton Store & associated structures — now appears as Matrimony Vine (Lycium barbarum) clusters, cistern & cellar
31Historic box elder (Acer negundo) trees
32Site of "Blue House." This is the remains of the wind mill foundation and location of the well. Semicircular berm around well is recent and done to protect the well from water runoff. Blue house site is actually under the road, and associated Matrimony Vine appears north, around the modern parking lot. This was the Houghton home.
33Large circular depression once used for feeding cattle. Its original function is unknown.
34Hansen cistern
35Building debris
36Hansen Ranch remains and features
37Depression — Hansen Ranch remains
38Golden Currant (Ribes aureum)
39Round house foundations (based upon LeFevre's 1973 test excavations)
40General site of post — 1910 burial (railroad worker) — site located in 1978 by Mayme Lower, whose family tended the grave as long as she lived in Promontory Station.
41The third Promontory school house. (Private ownership; not in original location — moved when NPS acquired lands.)
42General site of 5 historic graves once tended by Whitaker family before locations were obliterated by NPS — area pointed out by Arnold Whitaker in 2000.
43Current location of Commemorative Obelisk (moved to this site in 1980)
44, 45Abandoned ranch roads
46NPS two-track service road on alignment of historic road system through Promontory Station
47Original location of Commemorative Obelisk
48Snodgrass complex, including windmill, matrimony vine clusters, building remains
Modern Features (non-contributing to landscape significance)
60Visitor center/administrative offices/interpretive complex/parking
61Service road to residence and maintenance facilities
62Ranger residence
63Maintenance facility
64Engine house
65NPS "bone yard" storage facility
66Reconstructed telegraph poles
67NPS well
68NPS earthen protective screen (berm) for maintenance yard
69NPS septic system
70NPS entrance sign
71Engine yard
72Maintenance yard
73NPS fire hydrant
75NPS water tank
Modern Removed Features (non contributing to landscape significance)
100Remains of NPS gravel path to now-removed picnic area underneath Box Elder tree.
101Second location of Commemorative Obelisk — Moved to this site in 1968 and moved to current location in 1980.
102Abandoned county road
1031969 NPS erroneous reconstruction of UP siding
* Number 28 does not exist (feature associated with old highway through the area was removed and its location obliterated).

Figure 23. Existing Conditions: West Slope. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

Figure 24. Existing Conditions: East Slope. (click on image for an enlargement in a new window)

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Last Updated: 27-Jul-2003