Selected Papers From The 1983 And 1984 George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conferences
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Vincennes, Indiana 47591

July 19, 1985

Dear Reader:

Vincennes University is proud to host the George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference in cooperation with the George Rogers Clark National Historical Park. The conference is an attempt to bring together people interested in history and to provide a forum for the presentation of papers about the history of the frontier period. Much professional effort has been expended in preparing the papers and they deserve to be circulated widely through this publication.

Vincennes University has a tradition of supporting research and the interpretation of history. V.U. was founded in 1801, chartered in 1806, and has the reputation of being the "oldest college west of the Alleghenies and north of the Ohio." It is because of the historical nature of this college (which was founded on the American frontier) that a strong dedication to activities such as the George Rogers Clark Trans-Appalachian Frontier History Conference has been maintained. As an active participant, the University personnel have assisted with the conference and the subsequent publishing of the papers which were presented.

It is our hope that this annual meeting will continue to grow in importance and attract a substantial number of participants. The papers which are in this publication are representative of the work of scholars who have studied and presented information and theories of historical events. It is through the study of the past that an understanding of the present . . . and preparation for the future - . . are achieved.

History is revered at Vincennes University, and the tradition of scholarly research is being continued through the publication of the conference papers.


Phillip M. Summers

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