PROCEEDINGS OF THE NATIONAL PARK CONFERENCE HELP AT YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK SEPTEMBER 11 AND 12, 1911. INTRODUCTION. On September 11 and 12 there was held in the Yellowstone National Park the first conference of departmental officials and other persons interested in the development and administration of the national parks. There were present at this conference the superintendents of the various parks, the principal Washington officers of the Department of the Interior who handle national park matters, and representatives of the concessioners, of the transportation companies tributary to the parks, and of independent organizations that have been interested in the problems of park administration. All persons holding concessions in the national parks were invited to be present and all of the railroads tributary to the parks were invited to send representatives. Every important interest connected with the parks both on the side of the Government and on the side of the concessioners and railroads was adequately represented. The purpose of the conference was to consider all the questions that arise in the administration of these reservations in order that the department might be able to make such changes in the regulations and to foster such development as might be for the best interest of the public. It should be distinctly understood that the views herein expressed are those of the individuals presenting them, and that the department gives no official sanction to the facts stated or to the recommendations made.
W. F. Arant, superintendent Crater Lake National Park, Klamath Falls, Oreg. C. J. Blanchard, statistician, United States Reclamation Service, Washington, D. C. W. M. Boland, ranger, Wind Cave National Park, Hot Springs, S. Dak. Frank Bond, chief clerk, General Land Office, Washington, D. C. Lieut. Col. L. M. Brett, acting superintendent Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Eugene S. Bruce, expert lumberman, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. Josef Brunner, assistant, Bureau of Entomology, Columbia Falls, Mont. R. C. Bryant, Bryant camps, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. H. E. Burke, assistant, Bureau of Entomology, Yreka, Cal. D. E. Burley, general passenger agent Oregon Short Line Railroad, Salt Lake City, Utah. J. B. Callahan, Finance Division, office of the Secretary, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. H. W. Child, president Yellowstone Park Hotel Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. Thomas Cooper, assistant to the president Northern Pacific Railway, St. Paul, Minn. Foster Curry, representative of Yosemite Park concessioner, Yosemite, Cal. William T. S. Curtis, representative of Hot Springs concessioners, Washington, D. C. Dr. Charles Dake, president Federal Registration Board, Hot Springs, Ark. W. D. Edmonston, assistant, Bureau of Entomology, Baker, Oreg. Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic manager Southern Pacific Co., San Francisco, Cal. W. L. Fisher, Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D. C. Maj. William W. Forsyth, acting superintendent Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, Cal. Gerrit Fort, passenger traffic manager Oregon Short Line Railroad, Omaha, Nebr. W. J. French, superintendent Platt National Park, Sulphur, Okla. Walter Fry, ranger, Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Three Rivers, Cal. L. C. Gilman, assistant to the president Great Northern Railway Co., St. Paul, Minn. H. S. Graves, Forester, Forest Service, Washington, D. C. E. S. Hall, superintendent Mount Rainier National Park, Ashford, Wash. Maj. Harry M. Hallock, medical director, Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark. J. M. Hannaford, second vice president Northern Pacific Railway, St. Paul, Minn. F. F. Harvey, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, Chicago, Ill. L. T. Hay, manager, Arlington Hotel Co., Hot Springs, Ark. F. J. Haynes, president Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. H. H. Hays, general agent, Wylie Permanent Camping Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. R. D. Heinl, correspondent, Leslie's Weekly, Washington, D. C. W. J. Henderson, concessioner, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. James R. Hickey, vice president Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. L. W. Hill, president Great Northern Railway Co., St. Paul, Minn. A. D. Hopkins, expert in charge forest insect investigations, Bureau of Entomology, Washington, D. C. Maj. James B. Hughes, acting superintendent Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, Three Rivers, Cal. W. E. Kelly, office of chief clerk, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. E. A. Keys, inspector, Department of the Interior, Spokane, Wash. H. E. Klamer, concessioner, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. O. W. Lehmer, superintendent and traffic manager, Yosemite Valley Railroad, Merced, Cal. W. R. Logan, superintendent Glacier National Park, Belton, Mont. E. B. Linnen, inspector, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. Alexander Lyall, concessioner, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. R. B. Marshall, chief geographer, Geological Survey, Washington, D. C. W. G. Maurice, Maurice Bath House, Hot Springs, Ark. H. F. McCabe, Interior Department, Washington, D. C. J. Horace McFarland, president American Civic Association, Harrisburg, Pa. A. W. Miles, president Wylie Permanent Camping Co., Yellowstone Park, Wyo. H. H. Myers, superintendent Hot Springs Reservation, Hot Springs, Ark. J. H. Norris, inspector, Interior Department, Washington, D. C. Allen C. Orrick, representing Palace Bath House, Hot Springs, Ark. G. A. Pryor, concessioner, Yellowstone National Park, Yellowstone Park, Wyo. L. F. Schmeckebier, clerk in charge of publications, Interior Department, Washington D. C. W. M. Sell, concessioner, Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, Cal. D. A. Sherfey, resident engineer, Yosemite National Park, Yosemite, Cal. S. E. Shoemaker, ranger, Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos, Colo. Hoke Smith, Great Northern Railway, St. Paul, Minn. R. E. L. Smith, representing Shaw & Powell, Yellowstone National Park concessioners, Washington, D. C. W. G. Steel, president Crater Lake Co., Crater Lake, Oreg. E. M. Sunderland architect, Ouray Building, Washington, D. C. J. P. Ternes, president Tacoma Carriage & Baggage Transfer Co., Tacoma, Wash. C. A. Thompson, Assistant Secretary of the Interior, Washington, D. C. C. S. Ucker, chief clerk, Department of the Interior, Washington, D. C. George Uhler, supervising inspector general, Steamboat-Inspection Service, Department of Commerce and Labor, Washington, D. C. A. G. Wells, general manager Coast Lines, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System, Los Angeles, Cal. Richard Wright, acting superintendent Mesa Verde National Park, Mancos, Colo. C. M. Ziebach, acting superintendent Sullys Hill National Park, Fort Totten, N. Dak.
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