Proceedings of the National Park Conference Held at the Yellowstone National Park
September 11 and 12, 1911
Persons attending the conference
Evening session, September 11
Introductory remarks by Hon. Walter L. Fisher, Secretary of the Interior
Remarks by Mr. Louis W. Hill, president of the Great Northern Railway Co.
Remarks by Mr. Thomas Cooper, assistant to the president, Northern Pacific Railway
Transportation and its relation to national parks, by O. W. Lehmer, superintendent and traffic manager, Yosemite Valley Railroad
Remarks by Mr. Charles S. Fee, passenger traffic manager, Southern Pacific Co.
Remarks by Mr. A. G. Wells, general manager coastlines, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System
Remarks by Mr. F. F. Harvey, Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Railway System
Remarks by Mr. L. C. Gilman, assistant to the president, Great Northern Railway Co.
Remarks by Mr. J. Horace McFarland, president of the American Civic Association
Transportation in the Yellowstone National Park, by F. J. Haynes, president of the Monida & Yellowstone Stage Co., read by James R. Hickey, vice president
Morning session, September 12
Permanent camps: Their care and sanitation in Yellowstone National Park, by A. W. Miles, president of the Wylie Permanent Camping Co.
Remarks by Mr. R. E. L. Smith, representing Messrs. Shaw & Powell
Remarks by Mr. R. C. Bryant
Remarks by Mr. J. P. Ternes, president of the Tacoma Carriage & Baggage Transfer Co.
Remarks by Mr. Foster Curry
Remarks by Mr. George Uhler, Supervising Inspector General of the Steamboat-Inspection Service
Remarks by Mr. Eugene S. Bruce, expert lumberman, Forest Service
Remarks by Mr. H. S. Graves, Forester, Forest Service
Afternoon session, September 12
Insect damage to standing timber in the national parks, by A. D. Hopkins, expert in charge of forest insect investigations, Bureau of Entomology, United States Department of Agriculture
The administration of national monuments, by Frank Bond, chief clerk, General Land Office
Architecture and engineering: Its relation to isolated Government improvements, by E. M. Sunderland
Publicity in its relation to national parks, by L. F. Schmeckebier, clerk in charge of publications, Department of the Interior
Park administration, by R. B. Marshall, chief geographer, United States Geological Survey
Bathhouses on the Hot Springs, Ark., Reservation: Their problems from the standpoint of practical administration, by W. G. Maurice
Remarks by Mr. William T. S. Curtis
General inspection work relating to national parks, by E. B. Linnen, inspector, Department of the Interior
Evening session, September 12
Road and trail construction in the national parks, by E. A. Keys, inspector, Department of the Interior
General inspection work as a part of park administration, by J. H. Norris, inspector, Department of the Interior
National park administration, by Maj. William W. Forsyth, acting superintendent, Yosemite National Park
Remarks by Lieut. Col. L. M. Brett, acting superintendent, Yellowstone National Park
The past, present, and future of Hot Springs, Ark., by H. H. Myers, superintendent of the Hot Springs Reservation
A national park in the formative stage, by W. R. Logan, superintendent, Glacier National Park
Road and trail construction, wagon and automobile transportation hotels, and tent camps in the Mount Rainier National Park, by Edward S. Hall, superintendent of the Mount Rainier National Park
The Mesa Verde National Park: Its past, present, and future, by Richard Wright, acting superintendent, Mesa Verde National Park
Papers prepared for the conference
The medical side of the Hot Springs Reservation, by Maj. Harry M Hallock, medical director
Construction work in the Yosemite National Park, by D. A. Sherfey, resident engineer
The Sequoia and General Grant National Parks, by Walter Fry, ranger
General park administration, by Maj. James B. Hughes, acting superintendent, Sequoia and General Grant National Parks
The Sullys Hill National Park, N. Dak., by C. M. Ziebach, acting superintendent
Crater Lake National Park, by W. F. Arant, superintendent
Platt National Park, by W. J. French, superintendent
Index (omitted from the online edition)
Last Updated: 03-Mar-2009