Sketch of Cockspur Island by Lt. Robert E. Lee, 1830.
The New
Fort on Cockspur
The United States can be proud of her victories in
the War of 1812, but there were also defeats. It was fortunate that
while England was fighting on this side of the Atlantic, her principal
forces were engaged in a death struggle with Napoleon on the continent
of Europe. American defenses were deplorably weak. On thousands of
miles of coastline there was scarcely a fort to oppose the enemy.
British troops pillaged and burned the city of Washington and laid waste
to many sections along the Middle Atlantic States. This humiliating
and tragic lesson soon aroused public opinion to demand strong measures
for protection.
After the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, which terminated
the war with Britain, President James Madison urged Congress to
appropriate funds to complete all forts then under construction and to
extend the system of fortifications in order that the United States
might at all times be prepared to prevent or repel the danger of foreign
The task of developing entirely new and adequate
fortifications along the far-flung Atlantic and Gulf coasts was one
which required the direction of a military expert with special
engineering abilities. The Government's search for a person peculiarly
fitted for this position resulted in securing the services of the
distinguished French fortification and military engineer, Gen. Simon
Bernard, who was then seeking employment in the United States.

Diamondback terrapin. Sketch by Robert E. Lee, Cockspur island,
1831. Courtesy F. B. Screven.
A graduate of the Ècole Polytechnique in Paris,
Bernard had served with distinction in many of the campaigns of
Napoleon. He displayed such outstanding abilities in fortification and
engineering tactics that he soon acquired an enviable reputation. In
1815, after the Battle of Waterloo, he came to the United States at the
suggestion of Joseph Bonaparte, bearing high recommendations to
government officials from Lafayette and Albert Gallatin. With the
consent of Congress, which had authorized the employment of a "skillful
assistant," President Madison commissioned Bernard in the Corps of
Engineers with the rank of brigadier general by brevet. Early in
December 1816, by direct order of the President, General Bernard, Col.
William McRee, and Col. Joseph G. Totten formed a new "Board of
Engineers," the duties of which were to devise a system of seacoast
defense for the entire country.
President Monroe, who succeeded Madison, was even
more energetic than his predecessor in promoting the construction of new
defenses. During his administration fortification policies were
established, surveys were completed, and funds were provided to start
Cockspur Island was chosen as the site for a new fort
in March 1821, when the river approaches to Savannah were surveyed by
Capt. John Le Conte under the personal supervision of Bernard, but
construction on Cockspur was not begun until 1829. Plans approved by
Bernard in 1827 proved to be unsuitable and a revised plan was prepared
in 1831. The fort, as originally designed, was a massive 2-story
structure mounting 3 tiers of guns. The deep mud of Cockspur, however,
offered no foundation for so great a weight. In revising the plans, it
was necessary to reduce the height of the walls and to provide heavy
wooden piles and grillage to support the brick masonry.
Maj. Samuel Babcock, of the Corps of Engineers, was
placed in charge of construction in December 1828, and work got under
way early in the following year. Difficulty was encountered almost
immediately in establishing title to the island, ownership of which was
divided between private interests and the State of Georgia. In colonial
days, from 4 to 20 acres on Cockspur Point had been reserved by the
Crown for public use, and after the Revolution title to the Crown land
became vested in the State. The two earlier forts, George and Greene,
had been erected within this special reserve. The western portion of
Cockspur, embracing approximately 150 acres, was granted in 1759
by George II to Jonathan Bryan, Esq., from whom it passed, through
several hands, to the heirs of Edward Telfair, Governor of Georgia. On
March 15, 1830, the Telfair interests were purchased by the United
States for $5,000, and 15 years later the State of Georgia ceded the
public lands on Cockspur Point to the Federal Government.

Brig. Gen. Joseph K. F. Mansfield, builder of
Fort Pulaski. From The Photographic History of the Civil
Late in 1829, Robert E. Lee, newly graduated from the
United States Military Academy at West Point, was appointed to duty
under Babcock. It was his first military assignment, Young Lee
had the title of "acting assistant commissary of subsistence," but,
because of his superior officer's ill health, he actually ran the job
for more than a year until Babcock was succeeded by Lt. Joseph K. F.
Mansfield. Lee began the system of drainage and dikes for the island. He
made numerous surveys and located the permanent site for the fort. To
Mansfield, however, who served on Cockspur from 1831 to 1845, belongs
chief credit for construction. His great engineering ability, combined
with a passionate devotion to duty, enabled him to overcome almost
insurmountable difficulties to complete the fort.
In 1833, the new fort was named Pulaski in honor of
the Polish hero, Count Casimir Pulaski, who fought in the American
Revolution and was mortally wounded at the Battle of Savannah on October
9, 1779. While rallying French and American forces in an attack on a
strong British redoubt, Pulaski was struck in the thigh by a grape shot.
He died 2 days later, and, according to tradition, was buried at sea
near the mouth of the Savannah River.
Work progressed at Fort Pulaski more or less
continuously from 1829 to 1847, the year in which construction was
essentially completed. It was an enormous project. Bricks were bought in
lots of from 1 to 7 million, and it is probable that as many as
25,000,000 were put into the structure. Lumber, lime, lead, iron, and many
other supplies were bought in proportionately large quantities. The
rose-brown bricks, of which the walls are largely built, were
manufactured at the old Hermitage Plantation 2 miles west of Savannah.
The much harder, rose-red bricks in the embrasures, arches, and the
walls facing the parade ground were purchased in Baltimore, Md., and
Alexandria, Va. The granite was quarried in New York State and the brown
sandstone in the valley of the Connecticut River. Negro slaves, rented
from the owners of neighboring rice plantations, performed many of the
hard labor jobs, while skilled masons and carpenters were recruited not
only in Savannah but were also brought down each fall from Northern

Savannah, 1837. Tempera painting by F.
Cerveau. Courtesy Georgia Historical Society.
Throughout the long years of Mansfield's service on
Cockspur Island there were many frustrating delays. There were
summers in which all work had to stop because of the danger from malaria,
yellow fever, typhoid, and dysentery. There were periods when Congress
failed to appropriate funds. At least once, Mansfield continued to build
on credita bold expedient, which no Government servant today
would dare to follow. There were also destructive hurricanes and bone
chilling winter gales. By the end of his tour of duty Mansfield was
thoroughly discouraged, but through his determined perseverance he has
left an enduring monument.
Nearly a million dollars had been spent on Fort
Pulaski by the end of 1860, but in one respect it was not yet finished.
Its armament was to include 146 guns, but only 20 guns had been mounted.
Nor had the fort yet been garrisoned. At the end of 1860, its entire
complement included a caretaker and an ordnance sergeant. For three
decades, however, the project on Cockspur Island had served as a
training ground for the Corps of Engineers, and with the exception of
Major Babcock, who died in 1831, every engineer officer employed on the
construction of the fort finally achieved the distinction of becoming a
general in either the Confederate or the Union armies.

Fort Pulaski plan (top) and drawbridge plan (below).
Courtesy National Archives.