Georgia troops on parade before the Pulaski Monument in Savannah.
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Weekly, 1861.
"Don't Tread on Me"
When Abraham Lincoln won the national presidential
election on November 6, 1860, relations between North and South, already
dangerously strained, reached the breaking point. Lincoln, candidate of
the Republican Party, was supported also by a radical element in the
North and West that was demanding the abolition of slavery. Reaction in
the South to the result of the election was immediate. Southern
secessionists stirred the people of their section with fiery speeches
and sought to withdraw their States from the Union. Southern
conservatives tried to find a way out of political chaos by compromise,
but their task was hopeless. A whole generation had failed to discover a
successful plan by which the two sections of the country could live at
peace. The struggle had now gone beyond the bounds of a political
campaign; two divergent cultures stood face to face on the threshold of
With remarkable clarity of vision Gov. Joseph E.
Brown of Georgia began to put his State in a condition of defense many
months in advance of hostilities. The State volunteer military forces
were re-organized and strengthened, and many new volunteer companies
were formed. On his recommendation the legislature appropriated a
million dollars for State defense, authorized the acceptance of 10,000
troops, and provided for a convention on January 16, 1861, to determine
the future course of Georgia.
Meanwhile, Governor Brown continued to rush
preparations for defense. He obtained from the War Department sample
sets of U. S. Army infantry and cavalry equipment, which he
proposed to manufacture in Georgia. The Secretary of War also
described, on request, the type of rifled cannons and projectiles which
the War Department had found superior. Orders for cannon and arms were
placed in Northern States, and a bonus of $10,000 was offered by the
State to anyone setting up a cannon factory in Georgia which could make
3 guns a week and could cast a 10-inch columbiad.
In the midst of these preparations came the
announcement that South Carolina had seceded from the Union on December
20. The news of this action was received in Georgia with demonstrations
of wild excitement. In Savannah, people wearing secession cockades made
of palmetto leaves erected a platform in one of the principal squares on
which they placed a large picture of a rattlesnake with the inscription,
"Don't Tread on Me." On the evening of December 26, companies of militia
and citizens marched with torch lights and transparencies through the
streets of Savannah in honor of South Carolina, and houses all over the
community were brilliantly illuminated. Simultaneously an event was
taking place in Charleston, S. C., that was to have an almost immediate
effect on the course of action in Georgia, and, in fact, on the destiny
of the entire South.

Gov. Joseph E. Brown, who ordered the seizure of Fort Pulaski.
From Avery's History of Georgia.

Col. Alexander R. Lawton, who seized Fort Pulaski.
Courtesy the late Mrs. A. R. Lawton, Sr.
On that same evening, Maj. Robert Anderson, in
command of the United States troops stationed in Charleston Harbor,
moved his small garrison from an insecure position at Fort Moultrie on
Sullivan's Island, to Fort Sumter, a strong fortification in the middle
of the harbor. This unexpected move enraged not only the people of
Charleston, but of all the slave-holding States. President James
Buchanan, it was understood, had assured the Government of South
Carolina that no change in the status of the United States forces at
Charleston would be made until the difficulties between the State and
Federal Governments had been settled. Major Anderson, however, fearing
that an attack was imminent, evacuated Fort Moultrie with great secrecy,
spiked the cannons and burned most of the gun carriages.
The news of the occupation of Fort Sumter, which
reached Savannah by telegraph early Thursday morning, December 27,
stunned the people, it is said, like "an electric shock." Groups of
angry citizens gathered on the streets to discuss the news and to give
vent to their feelings. "There is but one sentiment on the question,"
announced the Savannah Republican, "and that is of indignation
and resistance . . . We might have been quieted by a milder course, but
there are none of us so degraded as to submit to being whipped into
Federal forces in possession of Fort Sumter had
Charleston Harbor blocked. The same danger, it was argued at a meeting
of civil and military leaders, threatened the Georgia seaport, for, if
it was the policy of the United States to provoke a war, the Federal
Government, in furtherance of that policy, would occupy and hold all
forts commanding the harbors of the Southern States. For their own
safety, therefore, the people of Savannah determined to seize Fort
Pulaski before the Federal Government had time to send a garrison to
defend it.
Military men in Savannah realized the gravity of
taking so serious a step toward revolution as, no doubt, did thoughtful
civilians, but the popular spirit of the mob had been stirred to the
point of spontaneous action. On the night of December 31, the
Savannah Republican received a copy of an ominous telegram to
Alexander H. Stephens from United States Senator Robert Toombs, of
Georgia. In this telegram Toombs warned the State of Georgia that a
policy of coercion had been adopted by the Administration, that Joseph
Holt, a bitter foe of the South, had been made Secretary of War, that
the abolitionists were defiant, and that, in consequence, Fort Pulaski
was in danger. The time had come for action.
Early next morning, Col. Alexander R. Lawton, in
command of the 1st Volunteer Regiment of Georgia, telegraphed Governor
Brown requesting him to come to Savannah at once. The Governor
arrived about 9 p. in., and, after several meetings with
leading citizens and military men, ordered the State militia to seize
Fort Pulaski.
As there were no Federal troops garrisoned at Fort
Pulaski, no difficulty was anticipated in seizing it, but the task of
preparing an expedition in 24 hours for the purpose of occupying
the stronghold was not a small matter. Arms, ammunition, and equipment
had to be provided, commissary supplies purchased, and a steamboat for
the transportation of men and baggage to Cockspur Island had to be
secured. Detachments of 50 men each from the Savannah Volunteer
Guards and the Oglethorpe Light Infantry and 34 men from the Chatham
Artillery were selected to make the expedition. Each man was instructed
to carry with him a knapsack containing a change of clothing, iron
spoon, knife, fork, tin cup, clothesbrush, shoebrush, box of blacking,
and a comb and brush.

Early next morning, January 3, 1861, the troops
assembled in a pouring rain and marched through streets lined with
cheering citizens to the wharf at the foot of West Broad Street, where
they embarked on the U. S. Government sidewheel steamboat, Ida,
for the journey down the river. In personal command was Colonel Lawton.
This small expeditionary force is said to have carried enough baggage to
have served a division later in the war. Every soldier had a trunk,
a cot, and a roll of bedding, while to every 3 or 4
men there was a huge mess chest large enough for the cooking outfit of a
full regiment. Aboard also was the battery of the Chatham Artillery,
which consisted of two 12-pounder howitzers and four 6-pounder field
guns, all bronze.
At noon, the Savannah troops reached Cockspur Island
and marched into Fort Pulaski with drums beating and colors flying.
Colonel Lawton took formal possession of the fortification and the flag
of Georgia was raised above the ramparts and saluted. No resistance was
encountered. As the troops marched out on the parade ground of the fort,
clouds which had obscured the sky for nearly a week broke away and the
sun shone brightly. This was taken as a good omen. Georgia was now in
possession of the strong fortification at the mouth of the Savannah
River. The Governor's orders were to hold it against all persons and to
abandon it only under new orders from him or under compulsion by an
overpowering hostile force.